Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part Ten

Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 12:47:14 -0800
Subject: Out of My Gourd: Squash Signatures... (long, yawn)


Really out here in la-la land, what with the constipation of our list server apparently on-going, I've missed the last three digests for trying to get the unfinished one early...

But I mentioned that gourd or squash or whatever it is...

Okay it's acorn shaped but the broad top caves in a little and the whole thing is scalloped like a clamshell, its stripes not only colored in but *carved* in…

The background is totally yellow and the half toward the pointed end is striped and mottled dark green, the upper half is bloched orange in the grooves.

The dark green is a signature I call Tachychrome, meaning a sign of binding energy which is something I call what binds soul to body and the more present it is, the more the body conforms to the alledged incorruptible perfection of Burr's "Blueprint for Immortality", that is, the auric blueprint. It originated here with Herniawort/ Rupturewort and either its coloring or the strikingly deep coloring of some of its close relatives such as certain Silenes or Saponarias (Soapworts) all in the Carnation family. The mysterious tonifying effect of Herniaria may have a parallel also in the way the strangely darkgreen Mugwort can open abcesses, a feat that seems so far beyond its percievable astringency that saying it corrects differences between the ideal blueprint and the state of the body may not be such a hazardous guess perhaps.

The yellow is apparently sodium, a traditional signature among ecclectics (Richard ALan Miller in "Magical And Ritual Use of Herbs": Blue=Potassium, Red=Iron, Yellow=Sodium; it is also traditional that the yellow should mean liver bile that is yellow, and I presume lipids.

Unfortunately, I have forgotten what orange means. I was never told, I worked it out once, but have lost it since normally orange is a carotene and just sort of serves to symbolize itself, often the eyes, or light, and occasionally magnetism way of calendula and some others having strong associaton with birds, although it has a mineral meaning, a physical meaning (fire or light or oxidation), and these colors are assignable to their chakra or color-psychology values as well, at the same time I presume.

I am taking the structure itself to not only mean the immune system's scavenger cell, the macrophage, but also the Tam-Happer research on attraction/ repulsion in beams of circularly polarized light, and it's possible relevance to macrophage functions such as receptor concerns or its superoxide-burst output.

The orange may serve to mean oxygen; the general idea I get is that the group of agents (macrophage oxidation may require superoxide dismutase to repair if it is firing fairly blindly?--- the carotenes such as color the cucurbits are of course noted antioxidants...) within the group of plants have a *novel* way of helping clear pathogens off receptor sites prior to macrophage firing so that nerve endings are not destroyed in the process... (a possible cause of the noted excess of free calcium ions in *aids dementia*, and others. And possibly in tetany?)

The significance of sodium besides occuring in the nerves is also that sodium vapor was used to initiate the beams in the Tam-Happer experiment.

I can't quite figure out exactly how it is meant the effect in vitro can offset any use or misuse of binding energy that is keeping pathogens on receptor sites without detriment, but this seems generally the idea.

This can go so far as to invoke sulfur because the cucurbit stem is five sided and the removal is like that of garlic, it leaves a pentagonal mark; sulfate radicals are one noted component of macrophage bursts.

There is a lot more depth that can be given this interpretation, I'm sure, and hopefully there's anything more than the last time I went at this... the things are spoiling though and I thought I'd get to it...

(one implication may be that sea creatures whose bodies can withstand preposterous pressure from ocean depths, the Natural inquiry relating to the myths of Glakos and Dardanos, may be using electrolytic/ scalar potentials of the ocian itself against it as the carrier of the force rather than necessarily using force-sheilding…?, likewise, the mythos may be extended to imply this is useful in materialization… )

It's possible too that the extreme appearance of hybridization may refer to real or alleged viral hybridization. Some of the weirder ones I mentioned before Halloween may talk about this And receptor membrane gates at the same time...

There are ten segments in the scalloping by the way... very close to the atomic weight of sodium. If there is any sodium isotope to be expected in vitro, the potential for spectral scalar dioding according to Moray King's free energy schemes may also be present, and Beardon would have some cause to drag Scalar into the AIDS arena. I just think it's very likely to be much older than *soviet psychotronics* whatever it is...

Other interpretations of this set of signs may underscore the importance of human contact, social normalcy, unconditional acceptance, and physical contact in keeping receptor sites occupied with well-bound brain opiates so that pathogens are excluded from receptor sites. I am not aware of the toll on the body to maintain unusual states of coherence like might be related to circularly polarized bilogical signals, but it may be a heavy consumer of ATP, another receptor occupier related to opiates (in the 1940's it was reported that opiate abuse caused increases in the number of c-AMP receptors; withdrawal symptoms might be characterisitic of a shortage of Adenosine phosphates to occupy them (note carefully what was common knowlege Looong before Candance Pert). (note that I implied St. John's Wort may be helpful in treating serious substance abuse if not abused itself…)

My deepest apologies that I'm not a real scientist, and I don't think I'm ever going to be one. Every scrap of technobabble I've ever submitted to Occulthaven may have no value whatsoever other than being a cheap uneducated stab at what science should really look like, and mostly the part about willing to be unhindered by whipers of men in black or some dusty old pact between a dead Descarte and the Church... or passing off any insight as *trance channeled* form so an so...

...I only hope I Do get to be one of those all-knowing wizard alchemists in his laboratory sometime before I die of old age any minute now...

Tell you what, I've been going about the role of Oxidation in Palingenics for years now, and guess what, I didn't even Know that Calcination was supposed to Imply oxidation until W.B. Crow's book informed me that several days ago. So sometimes I surprise myself...

Alas, close, perhaps, but no Pop-tart... Again, I'm very sorry...

...Maybe I'll take it up tomorrow that this cucurbit I've described might also *encode* at the same the secret to the legendary pumpkin that is eaten from, but is whole again in the morning, by Odin! by Pometheus! Maybe I'll just admit, a silly old Squirting Cucumber (Ecballium specie) is still more of a Wise Man and Samaritan than I, no doubt...

Peace! Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 22:55:09 -0800
Subject: Magical Yawning

Hello. (Aren't you sick of seeing that, it's so dispassionate, like "Ouch." or "Help, I'm on fire."):-)

Of all things, I've been having no luck still searching for Celtic sun designs, their history or nada except the one peice of merchandise I mentioned, but viola! of all things, the Discovery Channel's 1997 Holiday catalog has one, pg 36, designed by Welsh artist Jen Delwyth. (except they want too much for it IMHO, but I'm a Capricorn moon, so I think everyone wants too much for everything...)

Haven't seen anything quite so twisted since T. J. See's wave theory of gravity diagrams (oops more Rex Research referral, in fact he was reprinting the whole kit cat and caboodle not just the introductory paper at one time. Come to think of it, last time I tried to comprehend it, it did seem very Ancient Egyptian to me... Although this whole thing could still be clutching at straws, these Muses are so flighty and fickle sometimes...

On the other hand, if you collapse the icon collection for the Celtic stuff, virtually all that is knotwork may be the ouroboros, who is old friends with Thomas Galen Heironymous. (Ouroboros= Heironymous' *Eloptic radiation=b=c=d, etc, etc...)

Now the thing about Heironynmous--well, one thing, is that if you keep one eye on him, and the other on Jagadis Chandra Bose, with his bio-imprinted metals thingies, when Heironymous claims to have grown plants without light by sticking a copper plate on the roof and running wires into his basement to a foil box around a plant (or something very similar, it's been a Looooong time and okay I'm busted, this was in *High Times* magazine back in the dark ages when I was in high school and someone was passing one around math class…)

On clear days it makes me think after its up and running, you can take the collector plate and put it in the dark if you want and it won't matter... and if its Not this way, its Not far from it... and trying to get really technical might only make it better... Though I still have yet to hear of a Kirlian of a potted plant and all that stuff...

Makes me think of four or five more generations of Tesla's lights without apparent source...

Perfect stuff for the pagan trying to eke out a living on five acres of the moon?

Now about those Goddess things, I swear I saw yet another phase transition sign in the pictures at the JBLstatues site... along with some Horned Ones with torcs in Very interesting positions...

Also a lovely Greek peice which comes out and says what Chroni's Goddess *book* do not: Namely, that the initial process of electrolytic water purification can be self-powering and self- sustaining as it splits a little water into hydrogen and oxygen. Duh, they say that on those silver cleaner advertisements, *foaming hydrogen bubbles*. Cold fusion, my carcass...

I also saw last trip *shopping* a tree of life pendant which depicted *phase transition* as one slope in front of another inclining the opposite way, forming a V... if I remember right, the last person I can think of who pulled that one was probably Hildegarde of Bingen herself...


Always a dull moment...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 10:33:58 -0800
Subject: Esoteric Origins of Writing


I bought "Nothing In This Book Is True, But That's Exactly How Things Are" by Bob Frissell some time ago, I know not why... "s funny how New Age stuff seems too far out there even to me... I wish I had not.

But on pp. 75-79 there are details about what Richard ("Martian pyramid video guy") Hoagland referred to, that a single geometric structure can project the entire Hebew Alphabet as shadows at various angles, and it says here, also the Greek. And the Arabic.

Here it is shown to be the spiral of a tube torus inside a Tetrahedron.

The discoverer is Stan Tenen.

It goes on to say that the tube torus, just after gloating to Stan, "Where were You when I created the Heavens and the Earth?", sucked him up into nothingness and he has not been seen since.

Er, okay, so I made up the last paragraph...

But no doubt I will diligently furrowing by brow over *torus* *torah* and *tarot*, to name a few...

I know not why this also...

Do you suppose the actual angle for each written character is related to the the esoteric character of it, in very much the way that certain holoograms may require particular angles to access different values? Of course that might be a little narrow...

Ah, well.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 12:25:01 -0800
Subject: Fasting for the Past? (part 0 of the "Goats Will Eat Anything" series)


I've posted before on this, notwithstanding that memory may entail repetition for some of us hairier apes, so I thought I might do so again and bring up the context a little. Plus I get to integrate a teensy-tiny rant, too.

So anyway, in a survey of the chemistry of Far-Memory aids (sources: Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs; Ted Andrews' book on Past Lives; Guruduas, "Flower Essences" and "The Spiritual Properties of Herbs"; Cabenegrins in *The National Examiner" and *Tetrahedron Letters*) even those such as Andrews has only loosely associated with the phenomenon, as "aids to deeer states of meditation" the chemical moiety or group -CH2OH seems to consistently appear plastered on the molecule somewhere...

(And a good case could probably be built that it may be consistent in the *stamina/ tonic* herbs as well, like the Artemisias and Mullein and... ie, things you would put in your shoe before a long journey... note that Sandalwood may appear amongst the botanical agencies here-- being that the Artemisias are contraindicated in pregnancy, does this mean transdermal use or transdermal use at the accupuncture/ -pressure points at the feet is exceptional to such cautions?)

..this moiety, -CH2OH also appears consistently in a number of Vitamins/ Nutrients. (Amino acids have the group COOH and I think this merits inquiry about their possible conversion at this feature to the CH2OH group... especially since they often appear as neurotransmitters...

Now, I'm happy to rant how some of the tonics seem to act like food or nutrition (hell, even a certain Rastafarian sacrament somehow has a refutable citation for combatting anemia...) on top of the lingering paradox with the status of foods and drugs in America. Maybe understandable in terms of protection of the public from sales claims (maybe...) but the standpoint is of course that something cannot be a food and drug at the same time. Of course it often spoken of what problems to threatens to cause as well. Regardless, the Vitamins were first identified as *essential* because their use Remedied various symptoms, now associated with deficiency, and I don't think normally limited to that…

Obviously it would be debatable at length whether these vitamins are truly what nature intended or what just happened to be on the agenda...

But for now it might be less cumbersome to try to examine some of the logistics here, like assocations of fasting for example with the facilitation of Far Memory, or the association of over-consumption with dampening it...

...including a sort of syndrome where certain biological acts seem very difficult to remember clearly, as if there is a mild state of trance involved, at least in terms of retrospection. Eating is one of these acts...

...False Memory Syndromes seem related too, especially as often as the texts on Far Memory do not guarantee veracity of the experience, but do seem to guarantee significance of the experience.

I'm sure competent science persons could make huge dents in these *mysteries* without scarcely even trying, were it their department or whatever...

...but I'm alot more interested in the perspectives of persons more like those to be found on Occulthaven... and especially because, I think, it seems more amenable to concepts. What might continuity of conciousness throughout numerous incarnations do to qualify these aspects, or even Karma? In such a framework, does the River Lethe, of forgetfulness become an Acetate of Alchemists? Does Sinuichi have the CH2OH feature after its fermented, but above all is this revealed in the ethnography or the etymology? The possiblities seem extensive...

(extrapolating extensively but in reverse, is it nourishing to stand within the pentagram?)

I'd be very happy to hear what others think about making more sense out of this...

In part, I think that somewhere in the Internal way of encountering this information is something that may be dependable above and beyond the many Cleopatras in the world, or Magic Mirrors that may show whatever a person's whims might decree.

(For what it's worth, I think that in the Theosophical texts on This, too, the Theos might have a few too many cards still up their sleeves. After speculating that Nikola Tesla and the Theosophists were acquainted merely because of the caliber of their works, and the natural tendency for luminaries to attract one another (which means all the information that might have come out Leadbeater's psychic microscope Could have come froms Tesla's electron microscopes), I've found some web pages out of running *tesla* in HotBot that dwell on his possible displays of steeping in the same sources as the Theos. Yeah, that and his views on the Inquisition)

This day of Rambling, er, I mean,
Remembrance; day of Saturn...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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