Chronos Chronicles

November 1997 Part One

Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 23:12:24 -0800
Subject: Re: Internet Message

My apologies. Largely we Are apparently talking about two different things, and I cannot say I can bear true witness to some of the things you describe indeed.

We are also apparently largely talking about two differnet groups of people; my experience of fundimentalists predominantly involves people who forego the medical and psychological screening proceedure, Do diagnosis *demonic oppression* for virtually every minor ailment known to man, and so forth. Not that this is beyond their sophistication, nor to say that they never do so, which ideosyncracy is even more troubling.

Further, I have found such persons taking charge in the darkest places, invested much hope, and of course, not surprisingly, was disappointed to say the least.

I don't necessarily have a tremendous amount of faith in either modern medicine or psychology, and obviously the interaction with the Church, or the recogniztion of these avenues isn't going to make me feel much more comfortable here unfortunately.

Still, I Do have much respect and appreciation for persons who will try to look at a bigger picture that way.

Perhaps you missed some of my posts, but my status revolves around the fact that the psychological profession in the process of diagnosis does not technically recogize mental health in such a belief system that involves the supernatural, if I understand this correctly. I was told belief in miracles constituted a symptom, "Magical thinking*.

I am not assured that these two systems are of adequate mutual respect for one another, for many intents and purposes.

As to excommunicating the pope, well, I started off my career as a *joker* on Arcana with a joke about "Get a taste for religion: Eat the pope" and proceeded to whimsically suggest the same for many other groups. Hopefully I've toned it down a bit with this one, actually, but such a thing is quite ludicrous, and I had hoped the whimsy and travesy would be self evident.

... I forgot the :-) again didn't I? (sigh)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 09:55:57 -0800
Subject: Re: Internet Message (long rant)

Hiya Time to revive that Internet Abbreviation, TANF?
(*These are not flames*) :-)

Still have my hands full trying to decide whether a humor foward on another list is funny or not, what with owning a pet being a sure sign that someone is a pagan. Someone responded that it wasn't, since in their neck of the woods, black cats are put to sleep rather than placed for adoption since they are known to be used in demonical rituals. I am trying to think, where to put alot of black cats...

While I'm grinding my little annointed axe, ranting about some of the lovely Christians I've known gets me in the mood for more ranting.

Okay, we're talking about guys that are down there justifying the Winston-Salem Witch Trials: "But purification by fire is necessary"..."It's the only way". And strapping this sh*t on the backs of borderline junkies like some house of cards, that if I or someone has to go tell the people they've *helped* that maybe you could use a little Frankincense to drive out the evil rather than burn people alive, we can expect them to be stone cold dead with a needle hanging out of their arms because some evil person went and disillusioned them. And no one seems to expect it more than those who knowingly and willfully dish out this slanderous preposterous rubbish.

These, and some of my former teachers who were canned for extreme liberties with the highschool chearleaders, up there preaching down their noses with the unmitigated audacity to rant about God-given free will to a captive audience, and more perversely, ranting about iniquities of the flesh to guys who hadn't gotten so fortunate since Before the Cheerleader incident. Ranting about greed to guys who were happy to eat, wear, and sleep in, other people's refuse.

I was attracted there because these are the people on the front of outreach, who were actually in the position of doing something charitable rather than having an ambition to. And sometimes I had to come crawling with my hand out. So I could hear about how I need to have more compassion for God's fellow creatures... well, at least the ones that weren't on the plate every night.

The other kind of Christians I've met are those that are in Church groups largely *because the wife and mother in law* are there, because a tremendous amount of peer pressure is being exerted. (you know, "wanna see your kids again?") These are the fellows who get home from Church on Sunday, sit in the driveway, pound their hand on the dashboard for three hours saying, "That can't be right" before they even get out of the car.

I have devoted an inordinant amount of time to the plight of both kinds, and for a number of years, my very sanity. What began as a preparing and important presentation to reason with these people ended up in probably a full-blown madness ranting sermons to the wall in my spare time and still going some years later; in all fairness, I found the wall more responsive. It was just too easy to rationalize that if I could ever find the magic words here, it would all be worth it. S'funny what you can do with the parable of the mustard seed innit? Slander suit and restraining order might have been more magical...

My small consolation is that in all the time others could hear me "preaching properly* our a window, no one was so offended apparently that they bothered to pick up the phone and have me stopped. Surely I'm deluding myself, but I like to think I was striking a rare chord in the human heart. And think what you may, but preaching beyond the reach of a riot is...well, one of St. Pauls better ideas innit?

Anyway, I apparently haven't been introduced to the *right* Christians...

Just so you know where I'm coming from, then; personally it's a small miracle I even found my way back...

Yeah, sure, this is my problem, and their problems are their problems, and... all depends on your world-view though, dunnit?

By now I'd rather die than endorse or legitimize the kind of people I'm talking about in any way, shape, or form. Sooo... Demons? Revolving heads? I wouldn't have seen any even if I had, really. And the standard diagnostic manuals of any healing profession aren't Bibles. How many stages of Turrette's do you think there may be that Still aren't recognized yet, or how many related ailments, or... or... ?

And it wasn't that long ago that people Were contending with paraphyschological ramifications of mere mortal diseases. There's literature afoot that states outright that certain persons showing physic gifts may not be so gifted as tubercular. No one has ever that I know of, thought, troubled temselves to explore what happens when a pathogen turns one's faculties against one's self, in the instance they were paraphyschological rather than *normal* ones. Not going to recite a history of *demonical doings* that looked a lot diferent after someone isolated the microbe responsible.

I'd just think all the facts aren't in for anyone to read up that much. And was just on another list hearing about how scientists collectively steer away from subjects of the very kind, as they live in the shadow of fear of the Vatican, or at least find that a convenient excuse.

So come to think of it, maybe excommunicating the pope might not be a bad idea, provided it's followed promptly by the excommunication of everyone else in the Church :-)

Respectfully yours, under threat of eternal damnation, show me a bigger gun to my head than that and I'll likely tell you to get That extortion the h*ll away from me too. Now. Oh, yeah, and keep it away from the kids, do you mind? Thanks.

NOT in a patient or tolerant mood today At All, sorry. Bless you and thanks for your patience with me.

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 14:29:21 -0800
Subject: Re: Internet Message

Sorry for biting again (and I'd also like to apologize for apologizing so much :-) I'm glad you know circles of people you can trust; the ones I've dealt with leave alot to be desired as to where they may be getting *energy*, and how they may be using it. And certainly that's an uncomfortable, and cumbersome kettle of fish whether or not Holy power can be used for evil.

As it also is between a creation of infinite possiblities, and that of which Captain Jon-Luc Picard of the Enterprise says, "I refuse to believe the universe is so poorly designed".

Maybe to be more constructive and more toward a common denominator here, I might risk whipping a hypothesis right off the top of my head...

I'm having a hard time believing spinning heads are a hard reality as opposed to illusion. Before I jump into shape shifting on this also, I'm reminded of some of the alleged projection techniques of the Rosicrucians. Only rather than appearing as *Pre-Raphaelite Adonises*, the faculty is not under deliberate control.

If you think about the room spinning from over consumption of alcohol or illness, it's very amazing in it's own way, hard to explain, etc.

So if I said something like the spinning head trick is something like a perceptual feild turned inside and subject to this rotational influence, I might as well experimentally assume a vertigo/ dizziness herb will remain remedial, and the first thing I'd double check here is if traditional sacraments/ fumigants/ purifiers have this effect as well, in which case just walkin' along a' swingin' my incensier might be Holy enough for me.

Something else that might merit consideration is whether or not such an extreme juggling of bioenergetic feilds as these may not be called for in very extreme cases such as those that threaten the heart or the brain with sudden and grave effects.

Either of these of course is linked to a chakra, to the nervous system, the endocrines, and so forth. Bipolarizations could in cases create neutralizing countervortices and so forth; such a rotating head effect is one way they might be bled off, and doing so in a dramatic way rather than such serious troubles and the circumstances that created them continuing in unnoticed.

Of course I'm "looking at the footprint" here more than the foot that made it. Maybe demons, maybe ptomaine. Either way works I hope, but I'd be a solitare at this, and again, I could do without the stigmatization personally. Just makes me think I'm about to be *swum* or something... 

Now, about the vomiting that often accompanies vertigo... er, you get the idea, right? Well, even those horrible people I rant about do tend to call the doctor themselves when the chips come down... I'll spare ya the missionary nurse=nuns sermon, cool? :-)

Anyway, forgive me if I'm Still purveying ignorance here. After all, twenty four hours ago I thought That kinda exorcism only happened in Linda Blair films...

Hope I'm helpful...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 17:47:35 -0800
Subject: Magical Migration

Hello from Digest Mode...

I keep wondering if there's anything I haven't mentioned in a post yet...

Maybe a little too much like that fershlugginer movie Star Gate (oh just go Right Ahead, pick on dead defenseless Egyptians, see if I care...)... if I talk about Magic Mirrors under the *transportation* instead of *communications* category...

But there's that *other* cure for overpopulation, namely habitation of other dimensions.

A lot of indigenous mythologies refer to things which sound suprisingly similar and there are some sort of concurrances, if faint, and so on. One Blatant one is the Philadelphia Experiment I think.

The one I usually think about is in Castaneda where he talks about a long time ago, some sorcerers opened another dimension for mass migration of people. (I notice they didn't just have a mass suicide as their way of *crossing over*, hmmm...)

Some of the things about the Gates of Tiahuanaco may suggest (gotta be in Von Danniken, one of the pillars has a cavity that spins compasses put into it, right? Rather like the Bermuda Triangle and all...) that having an old sorcerer with a weird sense of humor may not be the only way this was done.

Castaneda also mentions the "missing* -- and extra-- time associated with a lot of these occurances... in association with these other dimensions.

I notice alot of people miss this category when talking about, "Yeah, well, if they were such super-geniuses with the secrets of immortality and all that in those days, then where are they now?".

Um, they're there, they're just *unlisted*?

Anyone want to add any comments or additional citations to this all too breif list? Maybe I've just seen inside "Dr. Who" 's Tardis once to often, but I'm a big believer in That kind of Domecile too...

Rumour has it McDonald's will be the first business to actually establish a place of business inside a warp bubble. Hope it collapses and takes that red-nosed putz with it...

Gotta bite something, I just gotta... :-)

Er, now that I really am out of topical fuel, does that mean everyone gets a "ChroniApolloni Internet School of Magical Ranting" diploma now?... Now the bad news concerns it's relationship to your job prospects and the price of a cup of coffee...

Just smoking my Tootsie Rolls...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 18:30:29 -0800
Subject: Sigils


I have a Sigils-Seals-Signs question. Normally I believe in sparing the seals rather than hunting them, and saving the whales and dolphins, too. Er,

Where do these come from? Do people just sit down and do them as they feel right, or dowse or divine them, or wait for their delivery as the flamin' heavens part, or what's the deal?

All I could think of was something like Chladni's patterns of sand from vibrations on metal plates research, and I don't think they get a lot of letters and numbers and things there. Just mandalas.

So I'm thinking that someone may have been using Jagadis C. Bose's kind of ideas about essences recordable as patterns on metals caused by electric currents or whatever; I have seen an amulet in a catalog that has some glyphs that seem referential to Wormwood, and the claims for its properties are quietly strongly concurrent.

I mean, I do believe in magical jewelry as legitimate stuff, and sometimes you just run out of herbs, or merchants you can trust...

Worth a whack too how this would be typically Radionic when in fact is Isn't radionic??? (hey I smell a conspiracy here...yawn)...

Being an ex-musician, I wonder how many herb-vibrations you can overdub on one of those amuletic albums anyway?

And then I get funny questions. I barely comprehend elemental condensers, and here a surface pattern on silver might be a Surfacial Condenser? Woah!

But I'm sure this is like, *Sigils 101* or something and the school is probably very big, innit?...

Well, off to stick magnets in corks and float 'em in a bowl in varying numbers, screwed it up last time but it's supposed to be really cool, they make geometric patterns... Hmmm... and more…


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


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