Chronos Chronicles

October 1997 Part Nine

Friday, October 31, 1997 10:59 AM
SIlly Little Godess Story pt. 2

Hades told Artemis he would look for her rabbit, and as he waked around with her, pretending to look under this and behind that, he kept her engaged in wise conversation. This surprised Artemis, for she had never considered that he was capable of such; she had imagined his mind was dull and empty, and full of shadows like the realm he inhabited. Immortals rarely think of the God of the Dead, for they have little business with him, and she had scarcely had occasion to think otherwise.

So she quickly discovered that they had a great deal in common, and he spent a great deal of their discourse upon the proposition that the workings of death were a wise business "If there were no death, my dear", he said, "what would become of creatures like the one you are looking for?"

"Why", she said, "I suppose they would breed and breed and..."

"And the would cover the earth! There would be Chaos!" Pluto said, and then he impressed her with the mathematics of this, for while Pluto had numbered, and she could name every creature that he had claimed, Artemis confessed to him that she had no idea how many animal she had felled, nor how many kindsof animals she had felled, although she did have her animals who were living counted (Some say that the vapors in Hades had by now begun to dull her senses or she would have been able to perform this arithmatic herself.)

And when Pluto complained how put out he felt about his miserable reputation- it seemed that every creature possessed of language had himcast as the right hand man of Chaos- of which, Pluto spat, 'Bah! If I Didn't do my tasks, That's when Choas would be served!" This struck a chord with Artemis, who, as a huntress, had often been accused of cruelty for hunting for sport, by probably the very ones who would complain she had abandon her post were they tofind themselves up to their necks in the very same creatures were she Not doing so!

Artemis was rather warmed by this, and when Pluto noticed this, because se was smiling, he paused. "I don't seem to be able to find your rabbit", he admitted, "but there are many creatures fit for the table around here all the time. Why don't I fetch one of them, and you can join me for dinner? I'm sure we have much to talk about!"

Since she had already sampled Pluto's criticism of his father, Chronos, and his brother, Posiedon, she was eager to have the chance to continue That conversation and to do a through job of it. She was most intrigued that this God she though would be so dull and dark of mind, when he criticized psoiedon and Chronos, had criticisms that were not only sharp, concise and well-considered, and correct, but they were identical to her own! This was most intriguing indeed that this family had produced someone with Pluto's presence of mind!

(to be continued...I snip 'em 'fore the system does.) Peace!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Friday, October 31, 1997 11:19 AM
Silly Little Goddess Story pt. 3

And so Artemis consented to dine with Pluto, and as she was quick to credit her decision to his intellegence, he modestly explained that Hades has the perfect realm in which to cultivate wisdom, close to heart of the Mother earth, and there were no distractions in the dark and gloom of his realm; he announced that he considered himself contemplative, but not intellegent, and this impressed Artemis all the more, what with bragging Chronos an Hercules, who fancied it the greatest of achievements simply to divest themselves of their urine, and Posiedon insinuating that since all creatures came from the sea, He not only should be lord of the sea creatures, but all the creatures of the land as well!

"And then he had the nerve to put a cold fish at my feet so as to call me one!", whined Artemis. "Why, I'd have put a blowfish at his feet if it hadn't been so imprudent to continue that spat!" Pluto smiled at this appropros--"We get far too little so appropriate around here", he said.

Then he selected a large sheep which had freshly come to his realm, floating on the Phlegeton, and postioned it on a spit to raost, whcih in the flaming realm, took no time, and he carried it onto a table in front of his throne, and relieved the spit of its burden onto a great plate. Then he poured glasses of wine from a large Goats horn, made from water from the river Lethe, and from grapes which were tithed to him by Dionysos and his lot. Artemis was curious as to how such a debt had come about.

"Can you think of a drunken reveller who could prance off the edge of his own mortality as he daisy chains behind Dionysos through the woods? What, with cliffs, and rivers and bumps and dark and sharp branches and brambles and wild animals and mere excitement than mortals can bear! He gives me one grape in ten, and I give him back nine drunks in ten!"

Artemis was even more taken with his oratory of prudence and generosity, that she forgot her own prudence; she bothered not to count how many cups of wine she had had, now did she ever bother to ask more of the details of the wine making, for the waters of the river Lethe are the waters of Forgetfullness and oblivion, that discourages lost souls of rememberance of life when in the underworld, and of the underworld when in life!

(to be continued some more, before Webtv drinks of *this Lethe* again...)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Friday, October 31, 1997 12:12 PM
Silly Little Goddess Story pt. 4

This was of course Pluto's favored means of seducing women, that they should drink of this wine of forgetfullness and awake knowing nothing but him and his realm, and thereby remain. (Indeed, Hades' is not a realm where women-or anyone- volunteer to go, and of course it is obvious this is why Pluto abducted Persephone outright into his dark unspeakable domain. In spite of wise words, Pluto was not in the habit of exercising decorum.

It should be understood that Pluto was not as truly lacking in character as it may sound, but Pluto is of course by now of a long habit of resorting to such methods. And of course this is the irony of our story!- Artemis is by no means ordinary for one things, and she was sincerely taken with him, and his realm. Indeed it was a realm where above all places one could concentrate on one's wisdom. If Pluto had asked her to remain there, sober, she might well have consented!

But Pluto was so accustomed to having women ply their wiles his way, and put on a charade of fancy, in hopes of makng some sordid bargain to be freed, by now this was the last thing he could imagine, that Artemis was truly very fond of him.

When the wine of forgetfulness took hold, these feelings were the first things that were forgotten! And when she awoke tied by the wrists and ankles to four pillars, thus she was by no means of the disposition Pluto had expected!

Some say that while she slept, her dreams travelled along the grapevine, and travelled until they reached Mount Latmos, and this was to first time she saw Endymion naked, sleeping, and fell in love with him; it is said she visited his dreams and woke him whereupon he immediately gave word to Apollo; others think this does not make good sense, and maintain simply that by this time, Apollo had inquired of his sister's whereabouts, and as Gaia had informed him, he became alarmed at learning where she was headed.

At any rate, Pluto scarcely had time to learn what folly he had committed when Apollo fired and arrow straight into the earth, and down it travelled until it burst into the cavernous netherwold, shinging down directly a ray of sun upon the face of Artemis; Pluto recoileed and by the time his eyes had begun to adjust to the light, he realized that the cause was lost, for it would be folly indeed to risk the wrath of the Sun God.. What if Apollo exhausted his quiver but once, there would be a hundred and eight lights to rouse Pluto's charges from the waking sleep induced by the Lethe, and they would find one hundred and eight passages back to the life they knew!

(to be continued...) Peace!
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109 *****

Friday, October 31, 1997 1:17 PM
Silly Little Goddess Story Pt. 5

Chaos it would be, and if not worse, chaos enough that there would be no more crematory fires if the Sun God withheld his services! (And there was no counting on Zeus to make ashes of the departed with his thunderbolts-Zues far too wayward and erratic, in spite of being Artemis' father. If lightning came donw the cooridor Apollo had cut with with his arrows, Gaia only knows- the dead might be roused then and there!

No, Pluto would be chiding himself in the Undeworld until Persephone returned, that was for certain, so he Pluto unbound Artemis a limb at a time,, and stood her on her feet. He looked up at her apologetically and kissed her hand, and then she rose into the air and ascended on the beam of sunlight until she met her brother.

Some say Hercules-Atlas more probably-set a mountain over the passage that none would ever find this way into -or out of- Hades, although it was rumoured henceforth that this was the very way into Hades reserved for mountain goats when they pass on, and that they and only they knew this passage, having had Hermes whispering the way into each of their ears, and he having been told by Gaia.

It is said too that Artemis and Apollo had forgotten this passage, and this incident, because when she arose from the ground she gave Apollo a grateful and sisterly kiss on this lips and there was still a drop of wine there from Hades' infernal cup. Thus, if it is true she met Endymion while she slept in Hades, she met him for the first time, again!- when she is ordinarily know to have, or that he must be the one thing she Did recall...

Some say Endymion was Dionysus and this is how they knew that the dream followed the grapevine to him; some say that the 50 children of Artemis begat by Endymion were the 50 suitors of Penelope returned to life by Pluto as a gesture of reconciliation for Artemis' abduction. Other rumours are that this is when men began to dream after drinking, and some say that the strands of Penelope's web were given to spiders and this began their spinning of webs, and ths is when some began to live undergound. If only all agreed! Yet it is scarcely any wonder they do not!

(end of Silly story. Silly notes forthcoming)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Friday, October 31, 1997 1:39 PM
Silly Little Godess Story, Notes

It is rumoured *up there* in the Aethers that this story was told, and retold here, by Apollo himself, although the latter is whittled down from an epic to a breif dialog and the customary puns and allusions through geographic and proper names have been omitted and replaced by exploratory rhetoric for those moderns who may be now far divorced from the traditional interpretive depth and style.

The allusions to St. Johns Wort have been secreted, but would have read something like, "and you can still today see where Apollo's arrows peirced the earth in the perfoliated petals of St. John's Wort, alluding to the tiny translucent pinholes in them", and in some of the connective associations to goats, as even today St. John's Wort is very commonly called goatweed. This, however may be a transliteration of another, more official or officinal folk name.

(Sheep-boy Chroni reluctantly implies someday someone will find a sweet tasting graveyard medicine, although this is not necessarily a good thing, they might start giving it out for hallo.. oops)

The premise that Hypericum, the Genus of St. John's Wort, correctly conserves afilliation to Apollo through Hyperion, or Hyperion's or Helio's legends contain further allusions in context, remain meritous of further Magickal Researches...

A great deal of the remaining allusions are undisguised and straightforward to thematic analysis.

(Sheep-boy Chroni reluctantly yeilds that there is a missing key alluding to a set of similarities between this myth and characteristics of the lotus, or more appropriately, Water Lily. Faintly, this is asscoaited to the use of values and other abstractions as themes also.)

Still, there is a great deal of this story that remains to be decoded, and the value of the subjectivity of having multiple interpreters of course cannot be understated.

Whatever works... Chroni's Coyote Tongue slightly into cheek notwithstanding. (is the sun in Slurpio is it, I feel like *Jack Secret* or something... but hey, why be personally reponsible for Another two hundred million $ in the Wort trade? Easy there Gorgo! You remember Aspirin, right?, on top of Ibuprofen (Oh, my Kidneys! Yoiks! My Liver! Ouch! And an ulcer too!) Sheesh...

Oh well: Time will tell all, to those who can tell time (?!WHAT?!!?! :-P)

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109


Friday, October 31, 1997 2:20 PM
Leaves in the Wind...


More random, deranged trick-or-treats from my thoughtbox.

Was looking over a list of memory aid herbs from James A. Duke's EthnobotDB ethnobotany database; at this point I'm not sure I see the difference between memory and Far-Memory, and not in the chemistry that much either... Hmmm...

...waiting for some Ecclectic to jump up with an Astrological chart and claim diagrammatically that perfumed toilet paper is a major cause of Alzheimer's... whilst on about the sympathy and antipathy... and would I blame them for trying?...

...the hardest trick in This department is tracking down the Tetraploid strain of Calamus, because there ARE apparently some authoritative persons warning the world that the standard thing can really mess up your organs, and hey, I don't feel That lucky today... anyone know where to find this???... or even what name, ie a cultivar name? it goes by?

...have sown some seed of Rose-Scented (ie the leaves) Bee Balm from vegetatively propogated mail order plants (Companion Plants, Goodwin Creek Nursery) and so far they seem to have this trait, which was a pleasant suprise for something listed "x tetraploid"... wish they'd root in water... I die of envy and await the birth of "Green Geomancy"...

...Salvia involucrata, Rosebud Sage, Does, and just found that Salvia prunelloides cuttings root in water... gave some Rosebud Sage to friends and they wintered it over in zone 5, planted out next to a dryer vent... which is kind of weird since they really don't do that much laundry... Pineapple sage is the only other one I know so far to do this...

...Physostegia (Obedient Plant) also roots in water, and I never had a problem using clear glass bottles, until this one, whose roots in water *very obediently* start photosynthesizing and promptly turn green. Very curious that...

...just blithering I think... should rev up my Militiant Masculinism? (I'm stipping naked and going as a werewolf tonight) See, we men are so oppressed they haven't even got a word for this (ROFL)... Okay, equality. "Vasectomy" is apparently an old word for Dionysian preists materializing with a thryseus (vis cf. vide + ectos), and let's not forget preisties of Uranos and Chronos and the Serpent Goddess once had a snake spit at her, and presumably fired back with her mammaries, putting his venom trypsin out of whack with her tryptophan. (Not recommended by the USDA)..

. ...okay, most of the time, the garden isn't such a strange place as the world of mythology...


Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109 *****

Friday, October 31, 1997 2:52 PM
Hot Potato Pop-Tart


For my next feat of messy, mindless multidisciplinarian mayhem...

ChroniApolloni's Updated Christianity-to-Shamanism Conversion Table
(The following table is Zen-powered, the more *sacred* you try to make it, the more *sacred* it might not be...)
lake of fire....................The stomach
demons........................pathogens} Interchangable
satan............................CO/CO2 } interchangable
angels...........................O*,O+,O2, O3+, peroxide, macrophage superoxide
entombment..................ossification of thyroids
crufixion........................tetany, down to molecular or more upper endocrines
3 long it takes to kick a habit
bloodied doorways......annointed with doorweed
pearly gates....................teeth...........................
god...............................thymus and or ajna........
god 2............................pineal, home of clear white light?
god 3............................ opiate receptor activity
tomb, 2..........................thymus.........................
christ, 2........................phosphorus/ compounds of
virgin 2...........................xxxxxxxxxxxxxx............
virgin 3...........................liver (ruled by Virgo).....
virgin 4...........................white bloodcell..............


Granted this is one of those days when I'm very unsure of this, but I thought, what the hell, because hell seems paradoxically easier to raise than the dead, even today...

Of course, it's far less dubious that the Bible, by way of ideosyncratic references, IS a substantial course in herbal medicine; some relevant anatomy would be the next logical inclusion, would it not?

Alas, I appear to still be leaving it to those more agile than I in this realm to fill in more missing peices; cross-comparison with the same effects in Greek mythology might easily prove of assistance.

Chroni da Coptic Cop...

Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund, c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109

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