Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 12:33:56 -0800
Subject: Seasonal Thoughts...
I've been debating whether to include Forteana links on my web page.
Lotsa frogs falling out of the sky doesn't seem to do it for me quite as
much as some others, and it's pretty simple right, Invisible alien space
craft, invisible terrestrial spacecraft, materialization, teleportation,
or... and many be all from time to time, case closed, IMHO.
On the other hand, the Sun is passing out of Sagittarius and there's
only eight days until Christmas to honor this by talking about Archery,
so I just have to bring up that Native American thing about Arrow Boy
who in the dim and distant past may have been a real truth about
materializing dead game animals by shooting an arrow in the air and it
having materialized a game animal selected by having some part of such
an animal as a holographic specimen/ radionic witness correctly used
with the arrow.
Eight days left to figure out how to materialize Christmas presents by
dropping the empty gift boxes down the Chimmney. er, actually, the tree
set up is supposed to be a replicator, I take it. All the crystal balls
on it are used to read the thoughts of those who anxiously await
presents, and these are relayed to the empty resonant cavities, all done
up with bows as non-inductive transducers or some crazy thing. Rumour
has it that eight tiny raindeer provided the urine salts for the
palingenic part of the process. (no really, the Maya had "deers in
bondage" artwork, along with symbols, shamans have had uses for them,
and so on. And Krishna hugs a lot of deer, sitting there all blue like
the plant foods made of animal urine, or a real success in the
palingenics lab.)
Wait, does this mean that plant food and the palingenic powder are one
in the same? That'd be too easy?
Ah well, there was that account of St. Germain doing his alchemy in a
chimney once.
So you know, I look at all this and think I start to see a picture
forming. But you know, I could see things that aren't there. With huge
black shiny wings and blood drinking teeth several meters long, with
razor sharp, neurotoxin-dripping claws. Several hundered thousand of
them and multiplying like rabbits.
And yes, Santa, whom I'm asking for a simple doccument using Tom
Bearden's approach to explain the scalar gravity whatzit of this arrow
trick so you could conceivably even...gasp...Practice this magic?
Not holding my breath, I'd sooner get a brain from the Wizard of Oz...
So, okay we have this Newtonian thing, and for every reaction there is
an equal and opposite reaction... and like, if you phase conjugate their
wave forms for that cancellation in the Regauging
stuff... Holy Cow, can you really run the replicators off the inertial
dampers? Wow.
It's a good thing it doesn't Rain cows in Forteana, I have as much
misadventure as I need just being dumber than shoeleather.
Chronos of Meander
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 1997 22:49:42 -0800
Subject: Re: I'm BAAACK! {Etc}
Um, I don't quite know if you've seen any of my posts lately? I've
gotten really big on Tom Beardon's "regauging systems/ free energy
Off the top of my head I wish I knew a stocking-stuffer for the world
that would attempt defining any relationship between regauging a system,
and for the moment, anyons, ectoplasm (=Quantum Nitrogen or quantum
matter?), not so much looking at atoms themselves.
Has matter been regauged to make ectoplasm?
By first regauging...? the wave function?
Gasp, has anyone ever phase conjugate healed the decay of a muon just to
get a magickal magnetic feild up and not even known it?
And maybe throwing in coupled neutrino antipair=photon and coupled
photon pair=graviton?
But that's kind of blatant magick, maybe you mean something else?
Questions, questions!
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Sun, 21 Dec 1997 17:56:41 -0800
Subject: Abundant Life Seed Foundation
Some of us pagans can dish out guilt even better than
Nonetheless, in case anybody missed it, here it is again, I just added
this link to my webpage so maybe it shows as being a little more legit.
Don't let this fool you, I give five or ten dollars most often, I think
I gave twenty and got an acknowledgement and a nice free pack of
wildflower seeds. I buy a lot of seeds from them sometimes, BTW.
...Being only a few days until the Chronia, honoring Chronos, god of
reaping, grain, and seeds, and how to cheer the old boy up, taking a
little and making it much. Sounds earth-friendly to me!
Best of Holidays to All!
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 02:06:13 -0800
Subject: Latest Technical Magic Brain Farts
This is what I try to do with science to get a grasp of its relationship
to magic, you could make a list of phenomena crossed as a chart with
science principles and effects, and try to explain each event using each
of the terms.
So I get a hold of an idea and apply it liberally as fast as possible to
everything else. If it gets confusing, it makes up for it in
A paradigm flavored pop-tart it is then, it's Gauge Theory month for the
second month in a row.
So now I think, if the Crystal Skull is a Counter Magnetic Amplifier
device, then it may be "regauging" the images, then its design/materials
can also regauge energy? Sounding suspiciously like those accounts of
luminous gems in secret temples in South American and all that?
Or is it tiny flaws in it acting as a Prigogyne resonator? Is it a
degenerate semiconductor?
(see previous posts) Beardon's giant balls of fire comeing from earth
faults and geological activity may be "re-gauged" into perfect spheres?
Duh, the difference between a feild that has losses and one that doesn't
is self-organization is the idea and Beardon Says non-linear alot.
Off elsewhere, is it that dowsing has this going on? An advanced form of
dowsing has this going on that causes the water to come to the surface
This kind of thing anyway is notable in some allusory interpretations of
early artwork depicting Inca. They did something of this kind perhaps
with wood wand with little curves facing opposite ways looking like the
letter "s" with a long straight skinny center. Probably also ancient
"Spatially regauging" my broom even now...
I mean, since you can regauge the dust bunnies right out the door, it's
Obviously not for housecleaning...
And just when we had it figured out the last twenty ways...
...Pick a phenomena, any phenomena...
In spite of the fact I've been brain dead for hours now.
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 1997 03:28:08 -0800
Subject: Passionflower Pop-Tart or Just Another Herb Tea Hangover?
Now I've gone and done it, just made some passionflower tea for that
worsening and mutable sleep disorder, and I don't know which will happen
first, I'll nod out or go tripping, or nothing (all three are trying to
happen) but I'm just so gosh darn sure that it's a cosmic mystic
intelligence potion that I have decide to dunce-channel my spirit goon
to explain a few things, whether I'd like to or not.
"knowing as we know of Heraclitus' remark on the nature of sympathy,
insinuating that man takes ill because plants have curative properties,
the basis of which relationship can be seen to influence the gemination
and distribution of seed to provide for the Doctorine-Signature of
serendipitous placement or meaningful placement.
The relationship between the person and the plant is like the
relationship between one feild configuration in regauging and another.
The abstraction is this, "THIS in TIME will become THAT" more likely to
mean that the human has a potential to donate matter for the plant.
Partly or totally. As a reciprocal of the inverse as well, you might
Likewise the idea of ancient Greek philosophers that sound most
holographic can be considered this way. This can be htought to govern
the degree that a something which contains, holographically, everything
can be seen to have domant expressions of a more limited number to "be
what is is".
The ideal human state may be one which regauges against loss of human
energy and overcomes the subtle obligations to require food and
medicine, destructive force applied to the body offset by regauging
against it, bodily heat conserved by regauging, and so forth.
Of course Chroni, you postulate that the plains Indians would do such as
reguaging the heat inside a teepee not to leak out, along with possible
radiogeothermics. This is a similar example.
A question might be how many radionics devices may perform the
restorative function in context of "disnecessitating medicine", but you
might also observe the possibility of regauging as a water purification
tool, and what is magickally effective by these rights.
Or that this process might often govern graviton constitution in magical
transportation. Non-linearity is also usable a key criteria here. It
must be obvious that the tenacity of soliton waves might owe to exactly
these considerations as well.
Areas here relating to human potential development have herein been
deliberately unexplored as to what might be obvious implications of the
conceptual algebra, such as the abstraction that founded the discovery
of the modern dynamo."
Of course I don't believe a word of it. By the time we talk about much
more conduction, distribution, propogation or displacement of basic
effect/ energy than is involved in thinking of materializing a replica
of an object appearing in a magic mirror or crystal ball by any direct
projection, I will be even more confused.
Then, a physics cop will tell me that the very ideas of conducting this
non-conductive oriented event will be a contradiction in terms,
whereupon, I will flounder vainly against specs and equations. In spite
of the notion the ancients actually had to do homework I suppose.
Just some toys for the mind I suppose.
Last chance to get an electrically charged Klien bottle as a generator
core, from Chroni, Inc, only $755, not assembled.
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 12:10:16 -0800
Subject: More of That...
Right around the Yule every year I get winsome and misty for I mean
REALLY the big schebang in a nutshell. You know... I'm not getting any
pop-tarts for Christmas, right...
So I was over there on the USA-Tesla list, and they were talking about
the HAARP project and circularly polarized beams and things. Tolja you
should never turn your back on circularly polarized beams. Tam and
Happer do ring a bell I hope?
So I'm checking to see if my foot is in my mouth over adding the
"anti-cyanogenic counter witness" to the ancient replicator list on my
webpage about pop-tarts. I mean attenuated velocity could keep down the
number of bonds between nitrogen and carbon to two.
Might one observe though that the gathering of stalks under the
Ceres-icon of the balance (not just the Egyptians, of course) suggests
collimating, cohering or other techniques where the stalks might
represent a beam?
I am just in the right mood at the minute that the moment's fancy is
that materialization schemes might be looked at as having more elements
to regauge, that is evacuating atoms from the space as well as new ones
coming in? And that circularly polarized beams might have a significant
intrinsic relationship to regauging? (Shouldn't I just hang around
college bars peddling theses statements?)
I have certainly thought the circularly polarized beams would be of
great service to both evacuating and loading an area.)
Or perhaps I am but twisted and confused from a decade of the
frustration of not having enough guts to grow a brain, nor enough brains
to grow some guts, nor enough money to buy pop-tarts?
Perhaps you don't need this evacuation in it because there's no more
"whoof" in it than opening a window.
I definitely think phase conjugation of molecular bonds has big
possibilities, though... the worthiest point here?
Oh well, One of these Yules..."Soon, sometime so long ago"... ("Four
Sticks", Led Zeppelin-4)
Best of possible holidays to everyone, pop-tarts notwithstanding.
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 13:15:35 -0800
Subject: The U.K. National Passiflora Collection - 3Waccess
Most recent addition to my "Passionflowers: Living UFO Designs?" page on
my site. Finally dug it up.
And don't be laughing. A holographic warp drive is a good idea, and they
though of it. Or the feild emitter array is a hologram. Whatever. So
brilliant in fact I've never heard of anyone mention it.
Besides, what length do you not have to go in the name of ecology and
conservation anyway?
Anyway, this sort of defies what was likely the Ancient Tradition of the
Chronia, you are supposed to make and give facsimilies of Ophrys orchids
I think, happy little clowns to cheer you at the darkest days before the
solstice dawns and starts kicking your SAD back a couple paces (Without
effort, is anyone immune?). These are sort of the next best thing I
guess... so...
Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home
On Olympus" Web Page:
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 13:25:28 -0800
Subject: Smiling Flowers (Image: Ophrys tenthredinifera x tyrrhena
OKAY okay, why screw with tradition?
Here's an actual picture of the real McCoy, look at him with little
devily horns on his head, Herme's helmet, an Egyptian uraeus and his
BEEDy LITTle EYES looking at you and smiling his jaw off, and hell, he's
a quadraplegic amputee.
Isn't he CUTE?
No doubt I will send more as I search, maybe.
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