Chronos Chronicles

December 1997 Part Two

Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 15:51:03 -0800
Subject: Real Chakra Pictures???: another killer keelynet link


Just in case not everyone is going to get to go surfing my links, here is another single one that I find encouraging enough to refrain from jumping up and down ranting "It's about g*dd*mn time" and hold my breath hoping they're not fakes.

Maybe were getting closer to the benefits of Theosophy for the average consumer, and, ironically, having linked up all this free energy stuff on my pages, I'm starting to think of things like the benefits of industry standards, not a million inventors all hotdogging it to the point of being weenies, they're way Past the point of progress and still going... and I'm getting a headache.

Has anyone ever thought of technology that you can manage yourself when you're old and senile? I might trade all the "Zero-Point Energy" stuff in the world for dynamo-generator combos that work like how little pushes make someone on a swing go so high, non-rotary dynamo cores or solar generators based on radiometers.

'Course I did happen to think that *ancient* ladder of siphons trick could be built to drive hydrodams in articifical places, not blocking rivers... but I'd hate to put anyone up to that much work!

Failing that, you know me, still tempted to make the new age stuff out of sticks, the old way. I'm obviously just a frustrated mad scientist wannabe. blabbing away.

So, does anyone really know how to drive a paradigm shift?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 23:34:25 -0800
Subject: Random Thoughts (long and pointless)


Zeus, more going on in the digest that I can possibly answer!

Just floating in a most peculiar way out here.

So I think back, my first ambition with the miraculous magic was to see someone come up with holographic regeneration where you could cut down a tree, "poof" a new one on the trunk, and go on until the world's need for paper was satiatied, and hopefully have zero environmental detriment even with those guys who cling tenaciously to tree cutting like it were some damned religion.

Maybe having a biological crisis as a good time to be smart works for Heissenberg, but um... still, hopefully I'm not dumb, it seems right on the tip of my tongue how you would say what you would see about this tree miracle in terms of Tom Beardon's ideas about free energy, ie gauge theory, phase conjugation, and all of that headachy stuff about potentials.

If I understand Tom right on this, which I doubt, we'd be saying that you can re-materialize this because in his terms, there's nothing lost. Okay so why they don't rematerialize on their own? I blame it on non-linear stuff when ghosts don't automatically do this.

But that's the thing, right? is getting the energy blueprint to react as if a mixed up dispersed bunch of matter in its vicinity is it's own. We might be talking feild radius too (ooh, someone is getting ready to draw the circle and...)

So the phase conjugation only concerns the patterning of new matter, the whole of what is to come out of the compost pile as a source of the matter is all at once defined as a potential or what, and... on Star Trek they'd use the anyon beam, I know nothing if these in fact would clear the atomic memory of the previous potential (you notice I'm doing this without all that recent crap on Quantum Teleportation?) to allow for the *obligation* of the matter of the new replica, ie coupling to the auric blueprint of the previous.

It's as if maybe there was something brilliant, clear, simple, and yet unsaid? about the scalar potential thingie that will stumble out of one's mouth by being used in a sentence with "matter waves" that would leave the conceptuality of such magic clearly defined in contemporary terms, conceptually, laying the groundwork for the technical formulary and hands-on stuff. I even feel like I can leave those quantum-non demolition articles in Scientific American that no Quantum Gurus seems to have heard of right out of it.

After all, quantum mech might try to go from effects of an observer to the qualities of the observer, and of course this implies that the real reason this magic doesn't happen already is because all those of skeptical observers out there whereupon the word "quantum democracy" will just have been coined and even a vast number of the mentally challenged will require enlightement before anything works right around here... and um, um, uh... It'd get pretty crazy with quantum republicans running around, and besides, after all, Republicans are Fermions and Democrats are Bosons, which makes the Libertarians Anyons and...

…um, Plato probably covered this in his "Republic"…

On the other hand some of the big Radionics guns have been saying that for decades now... all that troubles with their pendulums because of skeptics in the room and closed resonant cavities and stuff.

I AM digressing aren't I? Wish I'd said anything here, just terribly terribly lost, that's all... sigh. Just a poor old eccentric b*st*rd with no holidays to do something for but p*ss and moan.


Well anyway, you might have heard it first here, if not let me know where you did, someday I might get on some Arcane list where you're supposed to give *scholarly* references...

I'm waiting until they design a detector to tell if someone's really chanelling or not, for one thing. Even the Gurudas stuff has a bibliography like it all comes from doing one's homework is all.

And I can't resist plugging that NDE where the guy had a shaman medicine vision about his illness, and only had the mental tools to recieve it as a Christian experience, missing a medical breakthrough and condemned to evangelizing this oversight as a Born-again minister... still looking for my videotape does anyone know if this is Ronald Reagan (not the president). or who it is that went to hell, saw flesh- eating demons beneath a *tres-alchemique* triangle, and then some phosphorescent person lifted him out of it?

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 00:32:34 -0800
Subject: A Besom's Revenge…


Oh, yay. Put besom on a search engine and got a lovely thing supposed to be by high school kids that the besom is "purely Ph*ll*c, a d*ld*, a "rod in a bush" and all of this. Okay, so I like safesex smut best too, but, personally I find it a little long and cumbersome and prefer the featherduster or the knobby comb handle, or hell, the peppergrinder on Fridays.

And they wouldn't let us talk like that in school where I went. Is this not degeneracy, I ask?
,br> So now I'm p*ss*d.

So once upon a time, I thought, gee where's Tutankahmen's Replicator to fly around on his Nebris with him? and subsequently dunce-channeled the teaching that A BROOMSTICK IS A WAND, it can double as a materialization tool, and Besom would "reverberate" with "Be-same" or "Bi-same", into a replica or two the same, whatever.

Besides some its features that fufill transportation, the impeccable channeled truth was that it is the assymetry of the object allowed a flow that had the original objects' data and all, or would be like a Thryseus. Not to mention tesla coils and countermagnetic amplifiers and all that could occur in the bindings in various ways...

But yeah, if you find cause to bring Charge-Parity- Time symmetry theory to real world scales as you affix it to some of the Bearden stuff: Phase conjugation, Gauge theory, Potential... that walks close enough to being explicable to merit legitimacy in the "real world". IMHO, anyway... and almost close enought to run right out and do it, except for me who am having no idea what it doing. Like an athame disspating charge (or houseleek's pointy leaves so as to ward off lightning) the taper allows flow in some sense close to, maybe, tapping these scalar vector potentials or whatever.

Can the coils on these govern the values necessary for wave or particle phase-conjugation?

Truly the landcape of life according to Bearden, if one can grasp that stuff, seems particularly magical...?

This week's theory of Chroni's inertia is a youth misspent in rock bands; woah, you fixed that amp, dude? no way you're toasted! um like, ok, You plug it in then, cool? I mean, we've electrocuted four singers this week, dude... I donwanna mess with it.

Speaking of toasted, did I generously give away the brutally obvious idea about non-rotary dynamos, like a screen in the middle between the stator's magnetic poles that lets the flux thru, and then as a meagerly brief pulse is fed thru it, the feild in the mesh swells and pinches off the flux... at present I aim to limit my experiments in this area to leg-fondling women in nylons... and here come the physicists now to tell me I can't do that either.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"If I ever get out of here, thought of givin' it all away, to a registered charity..." Band on the Run, McCartney and Wings

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 01:01:02 -0800
Subject: My Latest Fad, In Ancient Terms...


Last one, honest unless aliens give me a brain transplant...

Hi me again the Chronic insomniac lonely and bored and trying to stay constructive. I swear, someday I'll connect with my spirit again and get back in to fun part of the magic, and turn science back into magic... I'm still looking for the ancient allegory for phase-conjugate... um, phase conjugate mirror, Medusa? She got turned to solid state!

I was picturing these scalar waves with photons coupling and uncoupling and it was like the snakes in Greek mythology, um, Tiresias was one who saw them, right? And the dead were raised, too, in that one... hmmm... yeah, that'll be an ambulance one day, a saucer flies out and "whfft" yer scraped off th' pavement and up and about...

Next I'll try to tell you this is in the bracket of "Gaze ye lepers" which meaning, "interact with the photon, ye insular and isolated particles you". Just another scalar interfermoter, a caduceus without a pine cone...

As always, don't try this at home, we are warned... Remember, more witches are killed by their own wands every year than there are teabags in China. Okay, avert your eyes then just to be safe. And none of that funny quantum stuff...

Still picking broomsplinters out of intimate places...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 18:14:49 -0800
Subject: On Palingenics...


Not ready to put this on my Palingenics web page yet (hurry and be our 300th customer) but in case a truck runs me over...

I generally understand Palingenics as something like the salts being like I am told elements often are is composites of different isotopes, could fufill the criteria for tapping the zero-point energy set forth by Moray King.

I also generally take it that the transition from an apparition of ashes to the accumulation of biological matter, being implied in literature to be caused by the addition of blood, is to mean the iron in it may be devoted to magnetism, and there is something about the combination of the scalar diode value of the ash alkali, and the magnetic value that starts the biological hologram acquiring matter remotely.

However, I read again in W.B. Crow, "A Fascinating History of Witchcraft, Magic and Occultism" pg 207, that the point of calcination is oxidization.

Somehow, I am happening to think what if this process were more of the nature of the properties of what Beardon discusses in regards to scalar, namely a degenerate semi-conductor? Or would these regards be interchangable?

Maybe my usual notion that the blue reaction still could have entailed a sacred plant pigment, and that an oxizer or combustible and a stong anti-oxidant might have to conservatively manifest "as something else", might be more accurate as saying that "potential" is in some way effectively emphasized or enabled in this process by there being "nothing else for such a mutually neutralizing mixture of agents to be, thus engaging the scalar potential."

Of course, this hasn't been applied to the pigments in Tutankamens nebris, even if it insinuates the relatively greater likelihood that it had a field as a windsheild and anti-collision. Kinda like Keely's craft.

Another thing I thought as I read some of the KeelyNet posts so far including some from the boss himself, and at least I feel alot less weird telling those stories about water you magically roll up in a ball and it floats around and can be set to home in on a destination. Even if I insist in involves a Magic Hoop most often, which I say for some unknown possibly intuitive/ traditional /intellectual reason. "Spherical" is sort of the magic word...

Really I have no idea, I think, but I haven't found a list where anyone will initiate these threads to hash it out, just writing it for posterity and FWIW...

Almost intelligent life,

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:


Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 23:22:42 -0800
Subject: Still More Suspiciously Pagan Science


Fed "Tom Bearden" into HotBot and went down the list. Don't know how to get to it but it's one of Keelynet's saved BBS pages, and they're talking about a dish of wet fine sand in a porous container in some salt or seawater might be a degenerate semiconductor, there's also a "cold fusion" model featuring this.

I dunno this is starting to sound kind of pagan... sorta ritualistic maybe...? Sounds like something attendants of Artemis and Posiedon migt do... all the way up to the shipwrecked sailor part:

"Make your own ball lightning signal flares! Visible from miles away in any weather! Simple, easy to follow instructions use only sand seawater and clamshells. Complete details, 50 Drachma. Dispatch to: Chronos Apollonios, first house down the drainage ditch from the great Ephesian temple, knock before entering.

Something like that...

That or a wet bowl of my own ashes. We may have Von Reichenbach and graveyard dust on this yet? Was trying to say maybe naturally occuring silicon dioxide might do this. I think.

Must be easy to be resurrected from the sea, what with dying in a giant salt battery like that! Put that scalar vector potenial in your pipe and phase conjugate it.

Now chanting, "Glaukos, Pharmakos", Urania instructs Chronos to shoot off his fool mouth that maybe some important scalar models look suspiciously like poppy heads. Maybe.

'Tis a thought?...

Chronos Apollonios // Chronos Apollonios' "Home On Olympus" Web Page:



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