Tuesday, October 28, 1997 6:29 PM
A Smidgeon of Pigeon...
Hi all
Being Artemis, Apollo, and other deities associated with certain birds
are also of the way-finder types...
this would sort of mean that the Hazel would be sacred there just like
that wouldn't it? Just because it points, basically... it, and...
Anyway, *my latest invention* (ROFL) would be some sort of doohickey
that acts as a homing device not in the usual modern sense but one that
actually exerts some dowsing-magnetic-whatever physical tug on an object
so that it's bearer can be gently and hopefully safely guided home if
they are lost.
Sort of like Thor's hammer without the flying stuff...
Like many wonderous oracular gizhickeys of the dim and ever so ancient
past, this would seem to be able to take quite a few things into
consideration, such as that abyss over there and that wild boar over
If given to catoptromantic activity, it would quite likely to be able to
do so quite well... (see Pausanias, a Guide to Greece, shrine of Ceres
at Patrae etc.)... (the Trek term is "fractal particle motion"?)...
Such a gizmo might be based on various ideas of action-at-a-distance;
within the theme of a water goddess, here is my little invocation,
designed to make all sorts of higher powers ignore you after giggling,
but one which for posterity's sake will hopefully commemorate the idea
of the workings...
"As the drop of water,
set in motion,
knows all the ways to the sea
as one
and chooses the best of courses,
so this charm,
in time of need
knows all the ways home
as one already
and chooses the best of courses,
thank thee, Artemis
thank thee, Hermes
thank thee, Daphne,
thank thee, Arethusa"
(add deities as appropriate...)
Maybe going back to the three hazel twigs drove in the wall supposed to
keep the house from burning down can be applied here, giving a new
glimpse of
"Artemis of the Three Ways"? ['s not *Trivia*, just teensy weensy
Not what I was saying earlier apparently about these fire prevention
motifs, but hey, (I can think of lots more ways to do this one, a little
amulet with a genie bird to follow and all of that dusty old Persian
Quantum Gas stuff or whatever the heck it is...so...)
...Why get pigeonholed?
(Personally, I think when I get lost in the woods I eat Gingerbread men
so I remember the way out better, I dunno... I can't remember... 'course
brain has to do something at times like this so I'm wondering if that
old *joke* putting mullein on desert islands (so you'll have shoes for
walking home, ha ha) means it either has water-walking potential, or if
the more obvious course is flying... I mean the leaves tend to rosette
and do so upwards, the more silvery blue ones might especially remind me
of those lotus blossoms that seem to be everwhere in Hindu literature
where someone is hovering around in the air... they also look like
dolphins, but that's maybe more complex to the Cretans, there's this
mural that looks like one of those "world lines of flux" or whatever
they are from Scientific American (I just look at the pictures
honest)...looks like two poles of chi coming out of one pole of mana or
something. I dunno, honest.)
Something for later I guess... that, and cleaning lint from the *navel
of the world* (there are so Many, aren't there?)
PS: The myth of Ixion and his wheel of course has to be about more
aspects of magical transportation on That level doesn't it?-- Not the
penalty I'd like to see imposed on car-makers and advertisers, contrary
to popular belief no doubt :-) :-) ...Anti-collision by his brother
Tantalus and his devotee Eric Dollard at BSRF...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 8:42 PM
The Mask of the Ages: An Adventure in Magical Cosmetology (giggle)
Hi Ya!
Probably repeating myself... the good news is that after the eight time
I did that on *Witche's Milk* I actually bumped into something...
I had this problem with Far-Memory gazing... you're supposed to look in
a mirror with a candle or other weak peripheral lighting and stare at
yourself until you can see your face change into the face you had in a
previous existance. Or into silly putty...Maybe it's being a Moonchild
rising, but all I get this way is that I was a werewolf in many past
So I thought of making a cosmetic that would shape itself into such a
visage. Probably you could throw in those ingreedients for phantom
pains, like in Maria Treben's herbals. And lots of far memory stuff like
lilac and jasmine.
Of course after this I drop of into "and lots of stuff that's really
squishy but not too runny"... I'd go for marshmallows and spin off into
dropsy medicines after that quip in Thisleton-Dyer's book in the
Doctorine of Signatures chapter...
...obviously invoking Aphrodite, Galatea, Urania and a couple others
couldn't hurt (Medusa used plaster I hear, you'd Think a calcium
compound could do this, but the obvious disadvantages)...
Not a recipie I see *a lot* in old magic books...
Anyone have the foggiest clue? Desperate guesses? Serendiptious
Don't know what's with me, maybe it's Halloween, maybe it's Maybelline,
I dunno.
Last call before I plaster myself with pumpkin guts...
Say, maybe I'll just plaster it on that sm*rt-arse old omniscient skull
in that wizard lab don't have, with the candle for a horn... otherwise,
I'm afraid I'd turn into a Lesser Elvis when it dries...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Wednesday, October 29, 1997 12:20 AM
Re: Incubi and Succubi (was: Halloween)
Thanks for that link! They even have Frater Achad's stuff, like
*Hymns to the Star Goddess*! Can you believe I was about to start
posting chapters out of my copy? Oh for joy! A Carpal tunnel respite!
BTW, maybe you're like Zen or something, so like the more you're unsure
of your identity, the more you actually have one going or something?
Of course at the risk of sounding like I'm taking some of the Space
Alien stuff there too seriously, the sex thing is this catagory still
could use illumination in the context of my previous, *tres-shamanique*
post on this perhaps...
I would think that it was/is largely a component of these experiences
pertainent to how the body re-adjusts it's oxygen consumption for both
sex and sleep. (That's either a lot of weight on someone often or a hard
time breathing with your face crammmed in a pillow.) Of course there's
more neurological stuff, but symbolically, that's alot of it outside of
tantric fluid analysis and basic biochemistry methinx.
(...Anyone that tittilated could look up the W. Donner Dencla (sic?
Denckla?) article on DECO, Decreased Consumption of Oxygen hormone, in
Omni magazine many moons ago and try to think where this is going or why
this is so insistent in this particular respect...
...s'only about as cheerful as the Theosophists when they stated flatly
the purpose of death was so that little microscopic bastards would have
some rotting something as their hatchery...(I can say rotting flesh,
right, it's Halloween?)...)
...After all, it would be part of the formation of my disbelief system
that I never got any visits from any specie of these astral courtesans
even when I was ripest for the f, er, plucking...
In closing, once again the curious possible parallels between botanical
banishments for such critters and respiratory and neurological aids.
Quite likely to yeild to *smudging* IMHO...
Now off to the library soon to catch up on mainstream science in the
last six years... after which I'll likely start a nasty *rumour* that
American Science only moves when there's a Presidential Election in the
foreseeable future...
...but then where was there to go after that article in Science News,
"Matter and Antimatter Spin Alike"?
Truly, I was floored...
Dream catchers on "stun"...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 10:27 PM
Mullein Family Magic?
Starting to think Thisleton-Dyer's chapter on the Doctorine of
Signatures (Chap. 14, pp 201-215)
in *The Folklore of Plants* leaves a lot more to be desired than I first
...Though if anyone has a Latin name for "Luck-flower" or
"bullocks-lungwort", DO let me know?...
However, the material on Eyebright continues to intrigue me...
(Eyebright itself is rather intriguing.)
pg 203:
"...Thus to take one illustration, the euphrasia or eye-bright
(Euphrasia officinalis), which was , and is, supposed to be good for the
eye, owing to a black pupil-like spot on its corolla, is noticed by
Milton, who, it may be remembered, represents the archangel as cleaing
the vision of our first parents by its means--
"Then purged with euphrasy and rue
His visual orbs for he had much to see"
Spenser speaks of it in the same strain--
"Yet euphrasie may not be left unsung
That gives dim eyes to wander leagues around"
And Thomson says--
"If she, whom I implore, Urania, deign
With euphrasy to purge away the mist,
which, humid, dim the mirror of the mind"
(end quote from Thisleton-Dyer)
You know, I am lacking context here, but it sounds to me like they are
not just talking about mere mortal vision alone, especially the last
It sounds a little bit like cannabis, even...
(Anyone know who this Thomson is?)
Oddly, such citations for Euphrasia's family of plants, the Figwort (and
Mullein) family, the Scrophulariaceae are not isolated. Joseph Needham
in a list of Chinese elixir plants reports:
Rehmannia glutinosa: see things in dark after eating it eight years.
Wouldn't try this at home, but the chemistry IS likely similar, almost
all Scrophulariaceae plants contain Iridoids, the same group of
chemicals for which Catnips and Germanders and Mullein and so forth may
be considered notable.
Just a drop more uncanny concurrence in the weirdest occult quarters...
Taking a hint, I'm off to fabricate a Neo-Navaho *Eyeball Unravelling*
Okay, seriously?
I'm wondering if that recent post on Navaho *Star-Gazing* divination
wouldn't be adaptable to finding your way home in the dark, or getting
your bearings even if you can't find your way by the stars...
Being a divination, I supposed it's not so limited to ruling out
chanting the name of a star or constellation and having the rays of
light point them out to you...
Sounds crazy, but what is there for the Astronomically-challenged
anyway? Digital telescopes: Point and click your way across the
heavens... Magically divining habitable planets by gazing in a crystal until a tell-tale beam
of light is seen reaching toward one?
I'll go with crazy I think...
Or fuzzy. Fuzzy is good...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Wednesday, October 29, 1997 12:44 AM
St. John's Wort
Last one today, honest, even I sleep...
Someone was asking about St. John's Wort again, I think it was Amber? We
had a thread on this not that long ago it seems like...
...the October/November *Herb Companion* magazine has some interesting
information on it on pg 60. It's gotten to be on newsstands around
I still don't have an opinion, it could be way too trendy. Worse yet,
I've avoided trying it...Of course the only caution I can think of
offhand is that it can cause photosensitization, which maybe isn't
really a big deal in the winter months if it did happen, outside of
maybe a tanning booth or something...
...it'll be interesting what they're saying in five years from now... it
wasn't that long ago that SJW was considered a worthless and noxious
weed. (So it's probably not in as short supply as one might hear)...
...I've been longing to dig up a myth that I wrote with Artemis, Apollo
and Hades. Not only did it suggest antidepressant value for this wort
even before I knew about this, but insinuates some help in regard to
alcoholism, which is maybe something to hit the search engines for now
and again... hopefully there are no hidden cautions that elude me...
...Blah blah blah... :-)
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Thursday, October 30, 1997 9:41 AM
Speaking in Tongues (was: Re...)
Hi ya...
Not to sound impudent, or even disrespectful, but another reason I'd
like to *excommunicate the Pope* has just surfaced here... I shouldn't
say mixing psychology and religion is like mixing Mexican food and beer,
I think that might be generalizing a little, but as much as I can see
that Orthodoxy might be willing to throw ancient foreign tongues into
the Demon Bag just because reincarnation isn't *convenient* within the
structure of ideology in question, I don't know a legitimate excuse to
automatically presume that this isn't the case.
Additionly, I certainly don't know of any necessity to do so.
It's rather concievable that certain neurological difficulties actually
pulling out ancient fluencies cause various stresses that might look
like anything from Turette's (sic?) to spasms and seizures to just plain
old ordinary severe discomfort.
(I wouldn't rule out also some histadelic schizophenia until someone
wholly competent gets down to tackling the question of
histocompatability with akashic record... not unlike the possibility of
someone rejecting an organ from thier headless clone because it hasn't
been living for forty years on nicotine, caffiene, greasy fries and
because the gene expression of RNA may be a little different?)
If these are the cases, I don't know that it would be humane to allow it
to continue beyond the consent of the person in question, but I think
I'd have some resentment of sytematically stigmatizing this.
It's also rather odd that in my limited and usually negative contact
with fundamentalists, the gift of tongues or glossolalia has been
considered a gift from God, or *The Word* as he is also known...
Granted that the system in question, an *as*, could easily be made to
work. My own view of the way banishing herbs affect speech facilities
nerochemically is not at all necessarily disharmonious... It's my
feeling, though, that the *as if* that could also work here as well
somehow better befits the samaritan in that it contains a lot less
...sort of like not presuming the shoplifter was possessed by the demons
of greed, but, um... maybe they were just really hungry-going-on-an-
ulcer and thought they had nowhere else to turn?
(It's also interesting that one of my connections to Christendom is this
*Word* business. My work in Magical Etymology seems to suggest quite
often that language itself is somehow greater than all of us, an
untarnishable power of providence. I don't know where else exactly that
guarantee was given.
I'd hate to think I've had demons helping me with my homework! It would
be worse to find others troubling themselves to think so...)
Just MHO...
(Chroni, preparing to be burned at the stake by stuffing his loincloth
with a remarkable amount of *Plastique* pyrotechnical goods...GRIN)
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
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