Monday, October 27, 1997 12:37 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 1:14 PM
Trick or Rant...
Hee hee.
Delighted to see Mikel's stunning new signature quote; it is perhaps
somewhat of a better explanation of what ails Chroni than dead ancestors
sucking out my electrolytes and aromatic amine neurotransmitters... but,
yeah, Could Be Bad Psychic Weather (groan...)
Somehow in all the doodah about Master Magnets and Muons and thick fog
around the floating lotus and the potentially spatial-inversive fire
jamming Magic Animal Trap/ Babylonian terra cotta Devil Trap and
hazelwood acting magnetic in the dowsing response and all that good
...I have forgotten to mention that Muons already have a reputation with
*Real Scientists* (ooh!)
for causing the magnetization of non-ferro-agnetic metals. (Can wood be
far behind? Or the habits of Chi/ Mana again?)...
...and that it is my speculation that the ancients glibly grasped the
serendipity of a large massive animal that goes "Moo" to symbolize the
force in nature and it's bovine relatives, and that of course *muon* is
like many contemporary science words, curiously ancient as if modern
sci-types were either acting out suppressed past life information, or
making up for their general lack of creativity by copying it all from
ancient manuscripts secreted away by the Vatican or someones...
(Surfacially, the bovines are not animals that you "let inside", ie
indoors although that's a little less than precise...)...
(got any myths with Zeus *doing it* to a cow? Go fish...)
(to be continued before Glitchtv eats it...)
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 1:28 PM
Trick or Rant... Pt 2...
Hello again
Okay, I suspect that by now, General Motors is already plotting to start
a Hazel plantation, being the new pagan auto designs are all based on
this magical wood, and all because some dead Pharaoh left his battery op
broomstick where Howard Carter could find it...
Of course, I've done alot of websearches looking for a link to a nice
photo of the Nebris of Tetankhamen, and usually I get the stuff on the
Pied Bull, the broomstick with a hairy old animal hide like the preists
of Egypt and Greece wore on a shoulder...
Which is an *electrophorus*, bringer of electricity, and isn't worth
underestimating either. Granted I poseess far less an understanding of
this; something like a fyling carpet tied to a stick... and why not,
over ten years ago in Omni magazine we were promised
superconductor-fiber flying carpets, even before they started looking at
the frequency of the electricity and the skin effect instead of the
Of course before every hazel in the forest (why not plant 'em for
---------- (Insert favorite holiday) gets lobbed off (well, outside of
that, I wish...) I'm happy to think about things like Jagadis C. Bose's
work with imprints from medicines and plants and things left on
metals... so besides a place to think about storing data to feed
whatever brand of Magic Replicator one may be contemplating, maybe this
is a way to get the old existing rustbuckets to behave more like
...And then there's a question of just what kind of wave apparatus might
be exemplified by the configuration of a tranny and two axles... or
nasty smart heathen things you can do with the shocks and susupension
besides enchant them to negate the rumblings of the ride in the rumble
seat... much as the springs in an animal trap might serve the wireless
ways of negation of excessive combustion in the Sacred Wood...
...To be continued...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 1:48 PM
Trick or 3...
Where was I? er, Where am I?, er...
...So back over at the Alchemic Pollution Research Department, where
they are currently devising a better explanation for why the Roman
plumbing was made of toxic lead than they were a bunch of mindless
blithering idiots even Before that, kissing germs and eating babies and
all of that b*llsh*t...
...Namely that structures like that might tend to attract the lead that
disappears as it is replaced by gold from the ground, in such alchemic
operations in which the changes of atoms involved or the lack of changes
in volume are harrowing to explain, and who knows, (not me), maybe they
did their plumbing in the Noble Metal itself of so long ago... involvement of the Muon might suggest that the expurgation of
minerals in this manner means that the surfacial qualities have been set
up so that the targeted material to be acquired is just off on its own
little world all of the sudden... even to the degree, perhaps, that it
now *thinks it's not even in the ground, and **rationalizes** by
surfacing*..., at the moment my head is full of dull shadows of things like Mana
turning itself inside out to make Chi, of more and more potential uses
of these *divisive/ isolating effects*, and some more cheerful
potentials of cleaning up very complicated messes purely thought the
mechanism of inversion...
...if there is any truth to any of it, and especially if the Q word,
Quantum, can be sprinkled throughout this writing with much accuracy, *I
feel* this is on the verge of much magic that will be applied with
powerful confidence and great results...
...perhaps the pains of surfacial-inversive ideas will be balmed by two
dimensional considerations of the same phenomena... although sadly I
will have just used the millionth name for the same old thing...
...and once again, wherever it is that I fail to get the full picture,
I'm sure that by the *right* interpretation of existing mythos, it will
still be well illuminated...
...not to leave out funky little things like the attention the Romans
seem to have paid to the arrangement of their houses in relationship to
their household temples, which I of course believe to be materialization
...ah, much as I think I've exhausted the topics of Magic, I should be
ROFLMAO at the very thought!...
Have a good one... and if that doesn't do it, maybe you can turn it
inside out and have a good TWO?
...Chronos god of doorways barfs the dust bunnies out the door (Choni
Apolloni wrote *cryptically*)...
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 2:30 PM
Knock Knock It's The Magic Salesman!!!
A long time ago when I stood on the verge of a great future in
Multilevel Marketing, when I first learned that magic is characteristic
of anyone who proudly carried that cardboard Amway carton, what with the
psychovoodoo of talking the poor customer into a corner lavishly
furnished with two choices: The salesman's way or the salesman's way...
...and learned that *As a man thinkest in his heart so is he* could be
stripped off its ethical foundations and presented as "think and grow
rich* and the nefarious "Bunker Bean" story... (the gypsy tells him he
was Napoleon a pastlife, and poor schmuck that he is, the next thing you
know he's a tycoon because of it)...
...(and of course even though poverty means that I don't have room for a
pentagram and an alchemy lab, and magic is purely in my imagination....
I am glad for the choices that I've made, especially since, because I
can't count my way out of a paperbag, according to my calculations, I
have more adoring fans on the Net than the treasury has dollars...) :-)
...I received the teaching at a clandestine sales seminar that the
salesman's purpose in life is to OVERCOME OBJECTIONS (sorta like
overcoming obstacles, but they're not quite as obnoxious)... such a
magic power to change the yukky world in which we live should NEVER be
underestimateed... here are some samples of the magic of reason generated by the
effulgent light of the gilded 3rd chakra...
(Objection): but if people could really get around on broomsticks my
in-laws would always be dropping in and annoying me...
Chroni: Get on yours and leave first... Besides if your inlaws get
around on brooms, they can't be That bad...
(Objection): but if people could just materialize anything they wanted,
kids would sit around and eat ice cream all day...
(Objection): but if we just raised people from the dead, how would you
get rid of those *ssh*l*s who really p*ss you off?
Chroni: Don't bloody raise 'em then. Malcontents like that are probably
happier where they are.
(Objection): but if we had broommobiles what would become of my job at
Chroni: **t sh*t and d**... er, I mean, you could live off your
replicator and use your other broomstick to make a Matt Frenette
friction heater. You wouldn't have any bills, provided you get over your
*n*l-retentive obsession with life insurance... (see number #3 above on
how to deal with taxmen...)
(Objection): but if we had immortality, idiots would just sit around and
breed like mice...
Chroni: Case in, I mean, have you ever thought of taking up
gardening? Or mice-breeding?...
#ad infinitum...
Ah, Magic! Indeed, by Uncle Al's lecherous ghost, it seems as if Where
there's a Will there's a Way!
Chroni "I'm not selling anything" Apolloni, inventor of *Mysticgard*
Doorway Astral Illuminator. Never have another dead relative drop in
unannounced and start flinging the cat litter everywhere again! Only
$1,259.95, direct from Apolloni Laboratories, plus postage, handling and
installation. Batteries not included. Available in Lavendar, Mullein,
and Wormwood.
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
Tuesday, October 28, 1997 3:34 PM
Peruvian Magic
I normally shun commentaries on a lot of Mesoamerican history. It's a
strange place, obviously full of magic and wonder, but baited with
countless peculiar ideosyncracies until I for one am not willing to read
it with a straight face...
( know, stuff like Moctezoma materializing a baby while waiting for
the Spaniards to arrive... and a peculiar unwillingness to use on the
Spaniards what they were alleged to use on their sacrificial victims...)
...I'm happy to think though on the ancient grainaries... are they all
looking so worthy of being *receiving resonant cavities* used in
materialization, that it seems a good place to mention that very thing,
those countless recesses into architecture the world over that serve
neglible purpose if not for something like that... and it seems to me
that their configurations are generally amenable to Tom Beardon's view
of scalar technology...
...also used in EVP/ electronecromancy, it may suggest an additional
rationale why grain and death goes perhaps have an unusual degree of
...unless you're an unshakable adherent to the self-sacrifice of the
Corn King, whose folio includes Jesus *That's the Last Goddam Time I'll
Ever Do THAT* Christ... besides the "magic-science-looking" tools of the ancient Inca
replete with very suspicious peripherals, including their inclusion in a
series of illustrations from Conquistadorial scribes which perhaps
resemble a set of Tarot a wee bit too much for their own jolly good...
and vacant-eyed gardners as if some trance to rival the revelling
wonder-wokers of Dionysus...
...I'm currently wondering if such artifacts as Dan Stat's "Whistling
Water Clay Jugs" don't have significance as interferometric water
purifiers and or materializers, and their conciousness-altering
properties are purely incidental under the general heading of Phase
Call me crazy, but I have a deep though unrequited love of reading magic
where it fits into the accounts of the *mundane* lives of Ancient
...figure the stirrup-handled jugs are the same as Dan Stat's pots, only
one person can use them by themselves? And this year's Pegasus Award for
horseshoe-shaped low-industry interferometer thingies that could purify
water goes to...
...well. I'm off to go write a thing about Tom Beardon's paper or do the
dishes or something...
Chroni is hoping that if even *Ole Tom* can't figure out which way space
time is curved, that we can:
-E=[-mc2] or something all we darn well please...
...which will inevitably lead to another insurgence of Chroni suggesting
that perhaps the Ancient Peruvians didn't travel their roads in the
physical plane... some Navaho mythos seems to concur...
...and Conquistador Cortez: "We Spaniards suffer from a disease of the
heart which only gold can cure"... Uh, hadn't the Chinese Alchemists
been saying basically the same thing for thousands of years? What a time
to Not be literal!... (sigh)
anyone wanna second such motions?
Chronos Apollonios // ~~The World Seed Fund,
c/o Abundant Life Seed Foundation, PO Box 772, 1029 Lawrence St., Port
Townsend, WA 98368~~Rex Research, PO Box 19250, Jean, NV 89109
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