Vance's Coral Sea photos: See some Sharks
and Oman Dive Sites |
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SCUBA Diving Pagefor Vance Stevens, PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor #64181This year celebrating 40 years of diving, since 1966 |
(On PADI Active Teaching
Status through 2008 since 1993)
If you wish to conduct a
PADI Pro Chek on me, my full name is Glenn Vance Stevens, so use 64181,
Descriptions of UAE and Oman dive sites:
My Own and another good source is Carole
Harris and Tony Schroder (c.2002) UAE Underwater Explorer, Explorer
Publishing, ISBN 9768182-17-2
I help organize dives in the UAE through
<== click on link to join mailing list
Click here to
link to Vance's Dive Plan (for
dive training, events coming up & who's
on board)
On Friday Dec 29, 2006 an article about my diving experiences appeared in the FRIDAY magazine of the Gulf News in Abu Dhabi and in the UAE. There were differences between statements I made during the interview process and those attributed to me in this article; specifically the quote under my picture and the last three paragraphs here: I have reproduced the article here, showing the statements I in fact made, but which were not used in the article.
In Abu Dhabi I have resumed teaching scuba classes. I teach in return for students picking up my diving related expenses. Otherwise, I teach to enjoy myself, to intensify friendships, to train people who will go diving with me, and to keep up my skills as a dive instructor. Vance on Barrier Reef in Australia |
Global tide predictions:
Dhabi Dept of Civil Aviation website:
Dhabi International Airport Weather Office forecasts with Tide Tables and
You can persuse back issues of Divernet Diver Magazine
Online here:
Emirates Diving
White published a fish guide to the Gulf of Oman and UAE waters and posts his
fish photos at
PADI Open Water Diving
Course |
UAE and Oman Dive Sites | |
Getting dated: Scuba Equipment Prices and Rental Guide
My wife Bobbi and oldest son Glenn have both been PADI Advanced Open Water divers since 1995. They have done all the open water work for Rescue Diver (need to take the exam). Dusty achieved PADI Jr. Open Water certification in 1998, Advanced Jr. Open Water in 1999, and Rescue Diver in 2005. I was their certifying instructor, of course. I was a Dive Leader while a member of BSAC,
the British Sub Aqua Club, from 1997-2003 |
I have made many hundreds of dives over the past 40 years. My logbooks go back to July 1991. In addtion to my unlogged dives from 1966 to 1991, I have logged hundreds of dives before and since arrival in the UAE in July 1997.
Click here for list of divers certified and dates.
Dive Log exerpts: Damaniyite Islands, Oman | Shark feeding at Osprey Reef, Coral Sea
Between 1985 and 1995 I did quite a lot of diving in Oman, mostly at Bandar Khairan and Fahal Island, and with one eventful trip up to the shark infested/enhanced Straits of Hormuz. I did my divemaster training at the Oman Dive Federation and I got my instructor card in the Sea of Cortez off Guyamos and afterwards dived a few days more off Cabo San Lucas, Baha.
I was fortunate to see two whale sharks during these years, one off Fahel Island and the other in the Damaniyites. On one of my most unusual dives, I was clinging to a bucking whale trapped in a net while trying to cut it free during a successful rescue effort in 1995.
While in Oman, I also made trips to the Maldives, the Red Sea off Jordan and Sinai, Bali and Manado in Indonesia, Ko Tau, Phuket and the Similian Islands in Thailand, Bohol, Cebu, and Boracay in the Philippines, Fiji, Cook Islands ... I can't remember all the places. Palau was probably the best diving I've ever done (I'm often asked that question), for masses of sharks and tuna and other big fish. I saw the manta rays off nearby Yap. Just north of these stupendous dive spots, Guam disappointed, most big fish having been killed off by uncontrolled spear fishing.
Other places of note have been Madang in Papua New Guinea, various places in Fiji (Beqa Lagoon and Taveuni) and the Cook Islands (Roratonga, Aitutaki), and off Maui and the Big Island in Hawaii. My last really interesting diving was in Sipadan with my family on our trip through Borneo to California. That diving was some of the best we've ever enjoyed, first time I ever saw a hammerhead.
Lately I've been diving off Abu Dhabi, frequenting sometimes boring but occasionally surprising breakwater dive sites. I've also dived some more interesting but sometimes redundant wrecks 30 miles offshore (e.g. Hannan, Lion City, Jasim, and the more interesting Ludwig!). I've also been off Khor Fakkhan and Musandam in the Northern Emirates, my favorite spot in those parts being (on a good day) Martini Rock just outside Khor Fakkan harbor. I've twice dived 50 meters down on the Energy Determination, a supertanker wrecked off Musandam in almost 90 meters of water, with my BSAC acquaintances (deco dives are sanctioned under BSAC rules).
Here are some dives I've logged recently:
Places I'd like to go or return to ... (I've just started collecting URLs here in anticipation of holidays to come, and seen that those listed below were working in Sept 2006):
Cocos Islands
For comments,
suggestions, or further information on this page, Last updated: August 29, 2008 07:00 GMT |
Copyright 2008 by Vance Stevens
under Creative
Commons License: January 14, 2007
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