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SCUBA activities planned for around Abu Dhabi UAE
by Vance Stevens, PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor #64181

"Plan your dive, dive your plan"

Last updated: November 25, 2008 11:00 GMT

If you want to dive with us or see what we're planning, view our dive plan here:
If you wish to join us on a trip, request access to the Google Doc from Vance Stevens
and fill in your details

Training FAQs and getting STARTED (get the crewpack) | Congratulations | Open Water | Advanced | Rescue | Sample proposal for o/w training
Abu Dhabi Weather:

Northern Emirates: Wind and temperature forecasts for Fujairah are reported here and for the Emirates here: but I have yet to find a sea state forecast.
Weather in Oman: Climactic conditions including winds and seastate for Muscat and Salalah:
Weekend Weather Forecasts for Abu Dhabi: are issued for 4 days, the current day and three in advance. - Best times tend to be in summer and fall.

Last forecast checked is given here only when we're planning diving in abu Dhabi (Day 4 is most distant forecast available):

For June 8/9 2007 beware adverse conditions due to Cyclone Gonu:
Aftermath: June 18, 2007 - Newspaper reports severe destruction on reefs on East Coast, especially Dibba Rock:


What have we done lately? Check the logs from our most recent dives here.
Interesting postings on diving ecology for northern emirates (Dec 3, 2004) here:

Short an archive of what happened to the East Coast UAE in June 2007 The damage is being compounded by construction and development taking place there, seriously encroaching on the marine eco-systems.

Rescue dive course requirements

Academic Open Water
In addition to proof of certification in first aid and CPR in the past year:
  • Mod 1:Overview, Self rescue, and diver stress
  • Mod 2:Diving 1st aid
  • Mod 3:Emergency management
  • Mod 4:Equipment considerations
  • Mod 5:Final exam
  • Ex 1: Approach and tow tired diver
  • Ex 2: Approach and control panicked diver
  • Ex 3: Response to conscious swimmer from boat and / or shore
  • Ex 4: Assist distressed diver u/w and conduct Alt Air Source ascent
  • Ex 5: Find missing diver underwater /
  • Ex 6: Surface an unconscious diver
  • Ex 7: Unconscious diver at surface
  • Ex 8: Egress w/ unconscious diver
  • Ex 9: 1st aid for pressure related accidents
  • Ex 10: Response from shore or boat to an unconscious, floating diver
  • Ex 11: Rescue scenario 1, organize search for missing diver underwater
  • Ex 12: Rescue scenario 2, organize search for missing diver underwater, surface, ventilate, tow victim to boat or shore, egress, rescuscitate, treat, summon help

Dive Plans | Where to catch the boat | Costs | FAQs about training and safety
FAQs about the PADI Open Water dive course:

General information

When I receive general inquiries about the Open Water course, I send this letter in reply:, updated in May 2008:

I'm an independent PADI instructor with a full time job in education. I do what I can to promote diving and environmental awareness locally, and I maintain a website on diving, particularly in the UAE:

I teach diving in my spare time (evenings and weekends). You can find information about my courses, costs, etc at my web site:

There is a description of the beginning Open Water course here:

Advantages of working with me would be my expertise and experience (diving since 1966; instructor since 1993), one-on-one attention, and maximum flexibility. I have given the OW course in a single 2-day weekend, when the student has been prepared, keen and capable. Most people take weeks or even months to pace the course.

If you wish to arrange training, or if I can help with more information, don't hesitate to get back in touch,


What does it cost?

I'll teach o/w divers who will pay my fee plus cover expenses incurred in their training. Just to give you an idea, here are some of the costs involved, in UAE dirhams (3.65 per $, May 2008):

Dive Plans | Where to catch the boat | Costs | FAQs about training | Safety concerns

In Khor Fakkan, Musandam:

In Abu Dhabi:

Wherever you decide to dive, when discussing prices for Scuba courses, be sure get an itemized list of what is and what is not included, and verify condition of boats and equipment.

How long does the course take?

Most people are happy to meet once a week for academic and pool work. If you have a deadline to meet we could do it faster than that, and some prolong it more, but assuming you adhere to the once-a-week schedule you can have your PADI open water certification in about 6 weeks. If the course is taken through the hotels, some allow pool use for diving is only at night. Also, it is possible to do open water dives only on weekends, so scheduling can be a problem with busy, active people involved.

When can I start the course?

Once upon a time when I had very few students taking my courses I used to make up a 'class' and try to keep the students together. However, it is unwieldy to try to get more than two or three people to agree on times suitable to all and even small groups find it impossible to all dive on the same day, so the result has always been that people who start together will vary their progress in the course.

These days I encourage people to start whenever they like. I'll take one or more students at a time (if two or more, we'll have to agree on the one night a week we go in the pool or have academics). We can accommodate trainees at all levels at any pool or academic session. So the simple answer to this question is start whenever you are ready and join others who have already started the course,or others may join you later. You'll find that being in the pool or ocean with more advanced dive trainees will help you; as observing their training helps prepare you for when you reach their level.

How do I get started?

If you want to start a course, contact me. I will let you know how to pay the fees and get the 'crew pack' or box containing a book and a green folder.

You need to pick up a PADI manual which comes in the 'crew pack' pictured here (2008)

On the green folder are three forms which must be filled out. One is a medical form. When you fill out the form, if any answer is 'yes' you must have a doctor countersign; otherwise just complete and sign the form. The other two forms are PADI liability release and statement of safe diving practices, which must also be signed. All forms are to be signed and handed over to your instructor before we get wet.

Before any academic session you must view the DVD for that Module. Allow 45 minutes to an hour for this. It is required viewing prior to any academic session. The DVD cover looks similar to the picture at left.

So before meeting your instructor for the first lesson, arrange to view the Module 1 portion of the Padi O/W DVD. As you progress through the course, you'll need to watch the remaining 4 video segments prior to each academic session for that module (in addition to reading the book and answering the knowledge reviews at the end of each chapter - all knowledge reviews must be completed, signed, and handed in to your instructor before he can give you your certification.).

What do I need to do for the first meeting?

Before meeting the instructor first time, prepare the following:

During our first meeting

After that you will be ready to join us in the pool. Often we leave this till our second meeting. (After that we can usually do the academic and pool sessions on the same day, up to Module 5, which is the Final Exam taking about an hour to complete). Most people can take the Module 2 and 3 quizzes after watching the DVD and reading through the book. I usually explain the dive tables before my students sit for the Module 4 exam, so we might need an hour for that.

Incidentally, you can do your first ocean dive after you have completed your Module One academic and pool sessions.

What do I have to do to complete the course?

In a nutshell:

For more detailed information about the course click here

What certification do I get?

On successful completion of your course you will receive your PADI Open Water dive certificate. PADI certifies the majority of divers worldwide (55% according to, which means that the remaining 45% are divided among the many other certifying bodies). PADI certification is recognized almost anywhere, and I can't imagine where it wouldn't be honored actually. The certificate allows you to participate in diving with dive companies operating at resorts etc throughout the world as well as rent equipment and have tanks filled.

Once all requirements are complete, your instructor will give you a temporary certification card valid for 90 days from completion of your final open water dive (careful here that you don't delay completion of your paperwork too long beyond date of your final o/w dive for the course). Along with your temporary card you will receive a PADI PIC Form (your PIC or Personal ID Card will have your photo on it). Your instructor signs off on the form and you fill in your details, put a photo in it, stamp it, and mail it to PADI Ltd. in UK. Your permanent card should arrive in a few weeks. If you have any doubt at any stage of this process PADI have an excellent track record of expediting and resolving difficulties with their instructors in email; they almost always respond within one or two working days.

What does your instructor get out of this?

Considering the time and effort involved, as you will see, the instructor is clearly not in it for the money. Instructors teach to maintain their training skills, to be credited with certification of divers (which can be used later for advanced instructor credentials and to increase karma in the next life), to dive for free, to enjoy spending recreation time with interesting and ecologically-minded people, and to have the opportunity to interact with nature and to help others to appreciate and preserve it. Instructors especially like the natural environment, diving for its own sake, and other people who dive.

What's the next course after O/W?

What do we do during an open water training pool session?

You might see this in an email. This is kind of a template for what to expect:

How to prepare for an academic session: You MUST watch the Module xx DVD before the academic session. At the session itself I'll collect and review Knowledge Reviews and administer the Module xx quiz. We should be kitted and in the pool by xx and out no later than xx.

Anyone wishing to join us for training is welcome. The only stipulation is to watch the DVD for the module you need prior to xx p.m. and we can slot you in if you're free and wish to join us.

Here's one for Module 5:

day and date, I'm planning to conduct Module 5 dive training at (the dive training center), xx:00 p.m. Anyone joining us needs to watch the Module 5 DVD PRIOR to the start of the session. I'll come along then and go over the fine print on the dive tables. I'll collect and review Knowledge Reviews and administer the Module 5 exam which takes one hour. We should be kitted and in the pool by xx or so. In the pool we'll remove and replace weight belts and scuba units at the surface. We'll descend and do the same at the bottom and hopefully exit the pool around xx.

More notes on training (which tend to get copy/pasted into the training schedule)

Note: prior to academic training, trainees must watch DVD for each module undertaken and should bring completed Knowledge Reviews to class

Open Water Dive #1 (max 12 m) is an acclimitization dive, no skills assessed on this dive.

Skills for Open Water Dive #2: (max 12 m)

Skills for Open Water Dive #3: (max 18 m)

Skills for Open Water Dive #4: (max 18 m)

List of flexible skills: Tired diver tow and cramp removal / snorkel & reg exchange / surface compass heading / remove & replace weights and bcd at surface / compass navigation under water / CESA

Refresher course

We have many requests for refresher courses from divers who have been certified but who have let their skills lapse. A refresher course involves a pool session for which I might charge 200, including the scuba tune up guide (65 Dhs).

What have we learned about diving safely in the UAE?

On the FrogLegsScubaClub list, we've been thinking about safety issues for changeable weather and sea conditions as are sometimes encountered around Abu Dhabi in the winter months - Dec 2003

Pre-dive Boat Briefing:

It is important that as many of our divers as possible become aware of and pro-active in their role in the pre-dive boat briefing. The briefing is the dive leader's responsibility in particular but everyone's business and when it comes down to it, it's everyone's responsibility to facilitate the safety of themselves and each other by reminding the dive leader if necessary to include the following points in the briefing:

Special considerations for afternoon diving:

In case of currents causing divers to surface in unpredictable locations and vision from the boat being obscured by wave conditions and glare from sun low on horizon ...

Suggested safety equipment on divers

This is in addition to in addition to required safety equipment such as a timing device, depth guage, pressure guage, redundant second stage or octopus ...

Wish list for safety equipment on boat

Safety equipment on many dive boats operating in UAE waters is typically minimal to non-existent. The boat should carry oxygen to treat diving emergencies and the following safety equipment is recommended:

Device needed Reason
Marine radio with specific instructions as to how to call the coast guard Iin a wind at sea, a mobile telephone cannot be heard.
a pair of binoculars to find divers at sea in poor conditions
flares and a foghorn to signal other boats, helicopters
space blanket treating hypothermia
oxygen on board treating decompression sickness and other diving related accidents

Dive Flexible Skills set: Cramp removal / Tired diver tow / Surface swim with compass / Snorkel regulator exchange / Remove & replace SCUBA at surface / Remove & replace weights at surface / CESA / UW compass navigation

Advanced divers in training
Find out more about the advanced course here

Trainee Dive 1 Dive 2 Dive 3 Dive 4 Dive 5 Remaining training
Ali Bushnaq May 21, 1998 - Deep September 3, 1999 - boat Aug 10, 2001 U/W Navigation Aug 23-24, 2001 - Night dive Sept 30, 2006 - Peak Buoyancy Awaiting only completion of Knowledge Reviews for these dives
Omar Zaafrani U/W Navigation
June 7, 1999
Dec 24, 2004
Dec 24, 2004
Peak Buoyancy
Dec 15, 2006
Dec 16, 2006
Awaiting only completion of Knowledge Reviews for these dives and complete medical form
Nasser Abi Mosleh boat deep u/w naturalist wreck   completed all but Knowledge Reviews and square of u/w navigation
Martin Corrado boat wreck deep     u/w navigation and one elective dive
Kevin West Boat Dive June 5, 1998         Deep, u/w navigation, and 2 elective dives

Rescue divers in training
Find out more about the rescue course here

Trainee Dive 1 Dive 2 Dive 3 Dive 4 Dive 5 Remaining training
Glenn Stevens April 23, 2004
Ex 1: Approach and tow tired diver
Ex 4: Assist distressed diver u/w and conduct Alt Air Source ascent
May 1, 2004
Ex 3: Response to conscious swimmer from boat and / or shore

May 28, 2004
Ex 7: Unconscious diver at surface
August 26, 2004
Ex 6: Surface an unconscious diver. Did egress with unconscious diver on shore.
October 7, 2004
Ex 5: Find missing diver underwater /
Ex 8: Egress w/ unconscious diver (did this again Nov 26)
Ex 9: 1st aid for pressure related accidents Dec 8, 2004
Ex 10: Response from shore or boat Dec 9, 2004
finished open water skills portion of Rescue course, hasn't taken final exam

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Copyright 2008 by Vance Stevens
under Creative Commons License:

January 18, 2007