Interesting Links



The Greek Gallery

This is another site of mine dedicated to modern Greek painters. If you're interested in painting, don't miss it. You'll have the opportunity to find out more about art.


Karyatis' Homepage

Now, this is another page of mine, too. I know you've heard your friends talk about those delicious (and exotic) dishes they tried on their vacations in Greece. Now you have the chance to try them, too, and guess what.. you will prepare them by yourself! Just visit my homepage and pick up the recipe you think best suits your taste. While preparing your meal, you can read those fantastic fables of Aesop's or the Jokes' page. And last but not least, do NOT miss the links section. May be something you had been looking and couldn't find is there!


Nikos Sarantakos' Homepage (in greek)

Αυτή η σελίδα είναι ειδικά για όσους ενδιαφέρονται για τη γλώσσα (και το μπριτζ, αλλά αυτό θα το εξηγήσω παρακάτω). Ο Νίκος Σαραντάκος έχει μαζέψει στις σελίδες του κείμενα γραμμένα στην ελληνική γλώσσα που βρίσκονται στο δίκτυο. Είναι κείμενα λογοτεχνικά, οπότε αν σας ενδιαφέρει η λογοτεχνία, μην το χάσετε. Να μην ξεχάσω να πω ότι για τους λάτρεις του bridge υπάρχει ειδική σελίδα :-)


Marcel Kopp's Homepage

This is another interesting page. It is dedicated to literary translation. If you have ever imagined of Eluard's poems translated into armenian(!), finnish, esperanto, or greek, then this is the place! Take a look and see what I mean.



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