Pure and Simple
Just About Me

Toronto Life
Metro Zoo
Traffic Cam
Born in Canada, I've lived most of my life in the southern Ontario region. I now live in the ever-expanding city of Mississauga, which is basically a huge sprawling bedroom suburb of over 600,000 people just outside the city limits of Toronto. There's so much to see and do here (more than what you expect or read about in travel brochures). Of course we have all the traditional tourist "traps" to explore, like Paramount's Canada Wonderland Amusement Park, the world-famous Toronto Metro Zoo, the CN Tower, the Sky Dome (home of the Blue Jays), Harbourfront, the CNE (home of the Molson Indy) and the waterfront area around Ontario Place just to name a few...

Exploring the city over the years, I've come across other great places like the Danforth Greek Village, the Beaches, Kensington Market, Yorkville, Bloor Street Village and the trendy Queen Street West area. Even though I have lived here for many years, I'm still discovering new places to see, new restaurants and cafes to enjoy, as well as new walking and cycling trails (like the newly connected Waterfront Trail which is now over 200 km). Being an avid "weekend warrior" golfer, my friends and I, are always trying out new golf courses which seem to be springing up like weeds.

I'm 5-10, about 175 lbs, quite active, physically fit, university educated, tan rather easily and love being outdoors as much as possible doing just about anything. I usually wear glasses but recently am wearing contacts more and more.. I'm currently single, have no children or dependents, but enjoy being around kids. I'm currently treading water in the "dating pool" and looking for a special woman (just like a lot other people).

Business Life
BD Canada
Fortune 500
I've spent most of my working life in the field of Distribution and Logistics. I've always enjoyed working in warehouses being able to wear jeans and casual clothes to work every day. I started as a fork-lift operator and lead-hand, working my way up through the ranks at 2 companies, becoming the Operations Manager at one and Distribution Manager at another. I recently switched to the administrative side of Logistics. Right now I'm a Supply Chain Planner (Inventory Control, Purchasing) and SAP software trainer for BD Canada. BD is a multi-national global corporation that manfactures well-known medical devices and consumer products.

Before BD, I worked for other Fortune 500 companies like the pharmaceutical giants Whitehall-Robins, and Johnson & Johsnon. I also had fun working for the ever-popular Hawaiian Tropic Suncare Products (hard work driving to a crowded beach resort or working a convention booth at beauty pageants). I would still be there, if they hadn't gone into bankrupcy a number of years ago.

Leisure Time Fun
Atlas Models
PGA Tour
Bad Golfers
Giant Bikes


1999 Golf
2000 Golf
2001 Golf
I enjoy alot of different hobbies, but nothing that I would call an obsession. I have a small "N-scale" model railroad layout (3 ft x 6 ft) that I work on, mostly during the winter. I like developing realistic scenery and building the little plastic models. This is work-in-progress and will be for years. There are great places to get you started like Atlas Model Railroad Co. and Model Railroader magazine.

This year I've taken up off-road mountain biking and recently bought a Giant ATX870 mountain bike, complete with front shock forks, and disc brakes. A group of us venture out every Sunday to different trail parks around Ontario or one of the many bike trails that criss-cross the Toronto Region and Southern Ontario.
<-- Click on the [MTBiking] button to see photos of mountain biking trails.

I love downhill skiing. I collect "ski pins" from all over the world. Being a golfer, I also collect "logo" golf balls from famous golf courses or resorts I've been to (don't know why but I do?). Some people take pictures, but me, I prefer to collect souveneirs. Over the years, I have built a collection of jigsaw puzzles (specifically Springbok© brand from Hallmark). You may think I'm obsessed with collecting things, but believe me, I never intended it to amount to anything... It just "happened". I also enjoy watching Indy Car racing and visiting the odd casino (quarter slot machine junkie).

oh.... and probably a golf game with buddies on the weekend (working on the handicap). Proud life-time member of the ever-popular Bad Golfer's Association.
<-- Click on the [1999, 2000 or 2001] button to see my golf scores!


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- This Pure & Simple © page last updated April 15, 2001 -

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