My translations - some of
Denmarks contributions to spiritual science:
Asger Lorentsen: Man's Inner Universe
Humanity's Golden Future
Star People and Angel People
Divine Cooperation
Spiritual Psychology
Steen Landsy: Nine Earlier Lives
Eskild Tjalve: Devas - the world of the angels and nature spirits
Peter Fich: The Space People and the Great Plan
Asger Lorentsen: Man’s Inner Universe.
A compilation about auras, chakras,
the Hierarchy and the 7 Rays.
Title page.
List of contents:
Man’s spiritual bodies
What is the aura?
The etheric body
The astral body
The lower mental body
Exchange of energy
Soul and Spirit
The colours of the aura
The aura shows who you are
The qualities of the colours
The colours show our level of development
Use of the knowledge of colours
Colour meditation
The Basic exercise
Problems of meditation
General view of the different chakras
The seven kundalini chakras
Seven planes of consciousness
The plane of safety
The plane of pleasure
The plane of the I
The plane of peace
The plane of communication
The plane of wisdom
The plane of unity
The inner planes
The beings of the inner planes
The seven planes of the planet
The Inner Government of the Earth
Cooperation with the Hierarchy
The members of the Hierarchy
The Inner Ashrams
Temples, energy centres and refuges
The seven Rays
The 1st Ray
The 2nd Ray
The 3rd Ray
The 4th Ray
The 5th Ray
The 6th Ray
The 7th Ray
The music of the seven rays
Spiritual development
The Way of the Heart
Literature list for further reading
Summary of text.
Asger Lorentsen: Humanity's Golden Future
Vol. I.
Title Page:
List of contents:
Chapter 1
Humanity's situation
The planet of the Christ path.
In the world of veils
When the veil is removed
Texts and summaries
Chapter 2
The friction between light and darkness
When the Earth shakes off the darkness
Texts and summaries
Chapter 3
The opening of the gates of heaven
The transformation of humanity
The new Holy Spirit
Texts and summaries
Chapter 4
The civilisation of light
The transformation of the countries
The creation of a new Earth
The ministries of the seven rays
The incarnation of Christ
Texts and summaries
Chapter 5
The themes of reincarnation
About prophecies
Life and form
The Golden Sun
Word list
Spreading the Light on Earth
Education in world service
What is going to happen with the Earth when it begins its resurrection, and why is this
What will happen with our civilisation on the way to the Age of Aquarius? Why have we
forgotten who we really are?
On ths basis of his own knowledge, knowledge from the great seers of the Earth, information
from the Great White Brotherhood and new informations about frequency change and
resurrection, the author describes four stages of development which he expects the Earth to
go through during the next 500 years.
The reader is taken on a journey into the future where the transformation of the planet and
our civilisation is seen from a higher perspective and where we see the deeper causes of
the outer changes.
150 pages.
Asger Lorentsen: Star People and Angel People
Vol. II.
Title page:
1. Cosmic travellers
Freedom through the heart
The individual way
Illustration for chapter 1
2. People from planets with a material motivation
The industrious ones
The experimenting ones
The negative ones from other planets
The creative ones
Illustration for chapter 2
3. Star people in disguise
The builders of a civilisation of light
The builders of the antakarana
Those who help to manifest the bleeding heart
Texts and illustrations for chapter 3
4. Conscious star people
The star gate is opened
The balance between Earth and Heaven
Texts and illustrations for chapter 4
5. People from the devic kingdom
Why come into incarnation as a human being?
When devas become human beings
Those who walk the balanced way
The experimenting deva-people
Texts and illustrations for chapter 5
6. Angel people
The Mary way
The bridge to the valley of humanity
Texts for chapter 6
7. On the Earth we meet
The inner development of the Christ path
Texts for chapter 7
Spreading the Light on Earth vol. 1-4.
Training for World Service
Humanity on this Earth is composed of souls with a widely different story of evolution
behind them. This is the knowledge which the writer has acquired through the experiences
of hundreds of people in therapies, on work-shops about the spiritual identity of the light
workers and from clairvoyant readings.
Some souls have evolved form the angel kingdom, others on more or less enlightened
civilisations on distant planets.
More knowledge is released now so that we can gather around our common task as a family of
light. The book describes the different paths of development on the Earth thoroughly so that
we can understand our spiritual roots and deeper purpose of being here.
190 pages.
Asger Lorentsen: Divine Cooperation
Vol. III.
Title Page:
The situation of the light workers
Who are the light workers?
The calling of the Earth and the challenge of the light workers
The present situation of the light workers
Texts and illustration
The tasks of the light workers
The forgotten talents
The tasks within the seven rays
Our inner work
Texts and illustrations
Healing of the Earth
The possibilities of the light workers
Transmission of light
Light service and transmission of light
Light service
The organisation of light service
Texts and illustrations
The network of light
The network of the world servers of the heart
Texts and illustrations
Divine Cooperation
Practical discipleship
Other groups of world servers
Divine cooperation in daily life
Working on the basis a light impulse
The battle for humanity's souls
The negative forces and humanity
Negative attacks
The golden bridge and the world of veils
Spreading the light on Earth 1-4
Education for world service
How can we co-operate consciously with the spiritual worlds?
How can we work in a practical manner so that our meditations and light services are of
benefit of the Earth and the whole of humanity?
How can we help to create a civilisation of light?
Why is it so important to co-operate in networks?
The author describes especially the possibilities for network cooperation and cooperation
with the light worlds which the new spiritual impulses give the family of light.
230 pages.
Asger Lorentsen: Spiritual Psychology
Vol. IV.
The traditional psychology is the psychology of the soul. When we begin on the spiritual
path, we have to change our angle of view, not just to the psychology of self-development,
but to a spiritual psychology: We must learn to see things with the eye of the Soul.
This book describes the development processes which we meet when our hearts and minds -
in cooperation with the universal heart and our own Souls - open up to the universal life.
The book helps us to understand the new life which grows within us when the heart centre
leads us through phases with loneliness, heaviness, guilt and self-reproach into a life in
a new light.
Expected 180 pages.
Steen Landsy: Nine Earlier Lives
Title Page
List of contents
Back to the 9th life
Comments to the 9th life
Back to the 8th life
Comments to the 8th life
Back to the 7th life
Comments to the 7th life
Back to the 6th life
Comments to the 6th life
Back to the 5th life
Comments to the 6th life
Back to the 4th life
Comments to the 4th life
Back to the 3rd life
Comments to the 3rd life
Back to the 2nd life
Comments to the 2nd life
Back to the 1st life
Comments to the 1st life
The present life
Comments to the present life
Summary of text
Peter Fich: The Space People and the Great Plan
List of contents:
Life under different conditions.
Man, the hope and problem child of the planets.
A piece of galactic history.
Visits from the space people in the past.
The grid system and "fishy affairs".
The space command and The Great Plan.
The harvest people have arrived.
A new Heaven and a new Earth.
Summary of text:
Eskild Tjalve: Devas - the world of the angels and nature spirits
Title Page
List of contents
The Deva world
Devas in nature.
The devas of the plants.
The devas of the animals.
The devas of earth.
The devas of water.
The devas of air.
The devas of fire.
Landscape devas.
Cooperation with the devas.
The situation of the devas.
The devas of the elements
The deva of the earth element.
The deva of the water element.
The deva of the air element.
The deva of the fire element.
Angels and human beings.
Guardian angels.
Solar angels.
Healing angels.
Angels and energy work
Angels and music.
Angels and love.
The Angel of Victory.
The Archangel Michael.
The Archangel Gabriel.
The Archangel Raphael.
Summary of text.
Click here to see the introduction to "Devas": Eskild's research
Click here to read a section from the book where Eskild meets the Landscape Deva of Tisvilde Forest: Tisvilde Deva
Click here to see some pictures from the book: Eskild's Pictures
Click here to go back to title page: Title Page