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The Silk Road Designs Armoury
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Eastern copies of European Armour and European Armour
The illustration is of a composite armour consisting of an Indian Breast and Back and a Persian arm defense consisting of vambrace, rerebrace, and elbow coup done as a copy of European armour. They are combined to create an immitation of a European harness. Completing the set is a basic oval pauldron with overlapping plates for the upper arm.
The Indian Breast and Back, was generally worn with skirting and pauldrons like those on the Indian Disk Armour illustrated in the article on Disc Armour.
I have not seen the actual Persian arm harness. The illustration is based on an oral description to me by the curator of the Tower Armoury. The piece was, at the time, unavailable for viewing. It is an immitation of a European arm defense like that illustrated below as # 7. The difference is that the parts of the Persian armour are connected and articulate by sections of maile, while the European by small plates (lames) attached by sliding rivets.
Below are a selection of European armours.

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[Photo of a Full Armour]
Articles and Illustrations by Norman J. Finkelshteyn.
Web Site designed and implemented by Silk Road Designs.
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Copyright Norman J. Finkelshteyn 1997 -- All articles and illustrations at this web site are Copyright protected material. Use of these articles and illustrations is subject to appropriate restrictions under United States, International, and local Law.