Calypso - Felix Draconis

Size:    172.5 cm (5' 9")
Weight:    273 kg (125 lbs)

Natural Habitat:    North America        Generally temperate climates.    Raleigh, North Carolina

General Appearance:
Male Human, pale skinned, very lightly furred, with dark brown hair and greenish-blue eyes.  Hands feature five fingers while feet feature five toes.  Skin is soft and pliable, with little natural protective covering aside from tendency to wear unusual skins of different colors.

Dragoncat Appearance:
From around his soft yellow-flecked blue eyes, you see the face of a light-blue bobcat, a small pink nose forming the center, with soft silver-tipped blue fur streaming out away from him.  His face seems indefinably calm and reserved of expression, his glance occasionally reaching over towards various furs though never staying for very long in one place.  Thick, brilliant-white whiskers trail back from his mouth and reach upward, as you notice his swept-back ears, dark blue tufts pointing at the ends with a streak of blue-silver trailing up the inside.  From there you notice a faint ridge in the center of his head which curves down to his neck, a thick matting of downy soft white fur concealing what appear to be odd little scales close to his skin, spreading out to his chest and down to the center of his legs where they meet a thick light-blue matting of fur at the center, pausing at his midsection to trail out under his arms out to the base of his paws. His scales are close to his body, covered over with his soft blue-white fur, appearing to be unusually flexible.  From his neck, his ridge continues downward along his spine, separating the darker silver-blue fur, stopping at his small, soft, blue-streaked white tail.  Downward, his sleek legs, covered with darker blue-silver fur, reach down to his paws - wherein you note some unusually sharp but thankfully clipped claws.
Life Span:    Varies between 60-90 years generally.

Diet:     Omnivorous
Fun Facts:

Contact a Dragoncat at the North Carolina Dragoncat Zoo:
phone:     919-361-2303
address:    1737-G East Cornwallis Road, Durham, Nc 27713