Table of Contents



Power Links is the penultimate site that I have found on the Internet. It took a friend of mine (Dan Fournier) over a year to compile all the information you will find at this site. It has something for everyone. For example, if you need to write a research or literary essay, this is the site for you. Try it out. A real time saver!

Ontario Universities and Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology are two sites that provide the conscientious student with a list of all the Universities and Colleges in Ontario and their web sites. He can search the sites for the requirements that are needed to attend a specific institution as well as peruse the courses that each institution offers. Do not wait until the last moment to start your search for the right post-secondary school .

The Ultimate Career Guide. This site is for the the serious job hunter. The site has been hit a number of times by teachers and students to test its worth. The verdict is in: it will be indispensable for the those who are seeking help about finding a job in Canada or in the United States.

If you still need help developing a resume, check out this site - Resume Workshop which covers everything from resumes to cover letters to interviews.

Essays, insights and helpful guides for the serious student of William Shakespeare

Read all about the life and times of one of the most read and most-often quoted playwrights in the English language - William Shakespeare. If this site is not enough to tickle your fancies, then, try this web page. The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

Why Study Shakespeare? An essay on the relevance of Shakespeare in the '90's.

Tragedy An insight into Shakespearean Tragedy - a must for any serious student of Shakespeare's tragedies: Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear.

Macbeth - Character Study An insight into the character of one of Shakespeare's greatest tragic heroes.

Hamlet - Character Study A character study of the melancholy Dane.

Introduction to Romeo and Juliet Read about the era in which Shakespeare lived and wrote, as well as the sources of this great tragedy about two "star-cross'd lovers".

Romeo and Juliet - Character Studies Character studies of two of the greatest tragic heroes in all of literature. View pictures from the 1996 film here. Want to read Roger Ebert's review of the film? Click here

Introduction to The Merchant of Venice An introduction to William Shakespeare's tragicomedy.

The Merchant of Venice - Shylock : A character study.

Modern Tragedy

Nature of Tragedy Arthur Miller's essay on Modern Tragedy.

Death of A Salesman - Willy Loman A character study of the enigmatic Willy Loman.

Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe is considered to be the father of the modern short story. Discover the reasons this enigmatic author wrote such stories as: The Masque of the Red Death, The Tell Tale Heart and the The Fall of the House of Usher and poems such as "The Raven" and "Annabelle Lee." If you are still interested in learning more about Poe, visit the Edgar Allen Poe Web Page. or this very useful webpage: Poe

Emily Dickinsen

" . . . the fact remains . . . that from age thirty on, her life was essentially withdrawn from society; and after 1874 she practically never left the family house." Read more about this great American poetess. Discover the sources of her poems and learn more about the enigmatic Emily Dickensen If you are looking for an excellent Emily Dickensen webpage, check this page out. EM Want to read more? Surf on over to Classic Love and Romance Poems.

Jack London

Wound up with the facts of Jack London's life there is much legend. It is a fact that in 1897, when he was twenty-one-years old, he went to the Klondike with the first rush of gold-seekers. Much fable is mixed up with the stories of what he did there, however. Many people believe that London personally saw and did everything that he wrote about in his adventurous stories. Others doubt that he ever did any of these things himself. Somewhere in between is the truth, although the whole of it will probably never be known. There is no doubt, however, that he did follow the rush into the Klondike, that his experience with boats helped him in crossing the dangerous Whitehorse Rapids, that he did stake a claim, but that a year later he returned home as poor as when he had left.
Anne Frank Remembered

"More difficult than condensing an author's biography is the prospect of enlarging upon the tragically short one of Anne Frank." The Diary of Anne Frank is the story of a 14 year old Jewish girl whose courage in the face of adversity remains an inspiration to us all, even today. Read about her life and her dreams as well as the pain and the suffering she had to endure while hiding from the Nazis in a small room (annex) with seven other people - from July 1942 until they were discovered August 4th, 1944. Later, Anne herself, died at Bergen-Belsen, a German concentration camp, in March, 1945, just two months before both her sixteenth birthday and the Allied liberation of Holland. Indeed, The story of Anne Frank Should Not And Must Not Be Forgotten.

John Steinbeck

Read about the life and times of the great American author, John Steinbeck the author of such well-known novels as: The Grapes of Wrath, The Red Pony, The Pearl and Of Mice and Men.

After reading John Steinbeck's novella, Of Mice and Men, read the characters analyses. Then, after reading The Pearl, read the character analyses. When you are finished reading about the characters, turn your attention to the themes of The Pearl. By reading these two works, you will develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the characters that make up these great works.

William Golding

William Gerald Golding born in Cornwall, September 19, 1911, is a prominent English novelist, an essayist and poet, and winner of the 1983 NOBEL PRIZE for literature. Golding's often allegorical fiction makes broad use of allusions to classical literature, mythology, and Christian symbolism. Although no distinct thread unites his novels and his technique varies, Golding deals principally with evil and emerges with what has been characterized as a kind of dark optimism. Golding's novel, Lord of the Flies stands out as one of the finest novels written about man's potential for evil. Read more about Golding , Lord of the Flies and the characters in the novel.
Tennessee Williams

Read all about Tennessee Williams' life and the influences that shaped his ideas for such dramas as The Glass Menagerie. Also, become familiar with the characters that make up this classic by reading the character analyses section.

Harper Lee

Undoubtedly, Harper Lee's novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, is an American classic. Here read a biography on the novelist who based much of her accounts on her own experiences as she was growing up in the American South during the 1930's. The background to the novel will also help you to understand and appreciate the novel's setting, theme and atmosphere. Next, the character sketches will assist you to understand character motivation. Finally, peruse this question and answer site and learn more about Lee's writing techniques and learn, too, about the significance of the title as well as the overall theme of this timeless classic.
Now for something that is kind of fun (I am not saying that the above information is not fun). Check out the web sites located below.

Remember, if you find a site that could help anyone (high school student, college or university student) who is looking for something in particular, e-mail me. Let us help.

Brought back by popular demand: This Day in History

Hear the words that changed the world. Great Speeches Archive.

for a very informative web page. At this site, you will find, among other things, links to the universities that offer athletic scholarships.

If you are looking to create your own personalized web "channel," try Excite. Here you will be able to set up your own web "channel".

