A Hands-On Graffiti Prevention Program Providing
  • Education
    Students interact in a graffiti prevention program involving classroom discussion focusing on the graffiti dilemma and its effects on society, penalties for doing it, and how positive alternative solutions can be put into action.
  • Community Involvement
    Volunteers set out on graffiti paint-outs and other community improvement activities involving students, parents, and volunteers working together to make a difference in their community. Food, fun and celebration help reinforce the student's decision to continue improving the environment.
  • Creative Murals
    Painting with purpose! Art contests with a specific theme are held for students to indulge their creative spirit. Our murals receive a protective coating to preserve the artwork and remain graffiti-free for everyone to enjoy. Prizes, certificates and T-shirts are awarded to all participants.
  • Recognition
    Operation Clean Slate builds self-esteem in students by recognizing participants at an All-School Awards Assembly for helping wipe out graffiti. Students are applauded by the peers, family and members of the community for helping make a positive difference

Operation Clean Slate IS Making a Difference!


The mission of Operation Clean Slate (OCS) offers a hands-on graffiti and gang prevention program for young people. OCS enhances the community by restoring the environment, eliminating graffiti and developing artistic alternatives for self-expression.


OCS intends to engage students of all ages, races, and religions together with parents, teachers, and concerned members of the community to work in harmony on a common goal of improving the neighborhood and offering alternatives to gang involvement.


  • To Create personal awareness, responsibility and respect for oneself and community through organized graffiti clean up activities.
  • To explore creative avenues of self expression through painting murals and other artistic mediums.
  • To build self esteem and a sense of belonging through art, sports, and group events.
  • To foster and appreciation for the environment with nature hikes, discussions and field trips.
  • To interact with local businesses who provide "hand on" educational experiences and future job opportunities.
  • To offer a lasting, effective, low-cost alternative to current means of eradicating graffiti and gang prevention.
  • Michael Howard, Chairman of the Board - Operation Clean Slate
  • Ken Robertson, President - Community Housing Assoc. (CHAPA, Inc.)
  • Colleen Rashford-Friis, Vice President/Treasurer - Ingram Micro, Inc.
  • Charles Schroeder, Board Member - Lighthouse Community Church
  • Robert Atkins, Secretary - L.A. County Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures
  • Sue Arledge - UCI - Safe Communitites Coordinator
Michael Howard
Ken Robertson
Colleen Rashford-Friis
Charles Schroeder
Bob Atkins
Sue Arledge

Advisory Board
  • Tony Lopez - CPA - Peck and Lopez
  • Nancy Hugo - OCDE - DATE Coordinator
  • Carolyn Griebe - Carolyn Griebe & Assoc.
  • Charlene Ashendorf - Fundraising Consultant
  • Mark Friis - Building Contractor
  • Roger Preuss - Teacher

About the Founder
Michael Howard is an Educator and a Humanitarian. He grew up in a small town in Iowa and moved to California after receiving a Business degree at St. Ambrose University. He has spent five years as a teacher at various correctional facilities, including the Orange County Jail where he educated minors being tried as adults.

He has courageously sought answers to the graffiti dilemma by meeting students and gang members at their level. The information has enabled him to coordinate a volunteer movement that is a long term solution to an age old problem. He has appeared in various local and national publications and on news channels and radio stations promoting youth involvement in the community.

Currently, he is establishing Operation Clean Slate clubs for students at various schools throughout Southern California. He resides in Costa Mesa, California.

Angels Care Foundation


Cal State University Fullerton

Canyon Hills Womens Club

Carl's Junior

Circle K

City of Santa Ana

City of Lake Forest

Disneyland Community Service Award

Dunn Edwards Paints

Earth Links

Farmers Insurance

Fieldstone Foundation

Hawthorne School District

Ingram Micro

L.A. Times Volunteer Award

L.A. Unified School District

Mattel Toys Foundation

Newport-Mesa Unified School District

O.C. Board of Supervisors

O.C. Dept.of Education

O.C. On Track

O.C. Register Charities Award

Pacific Bell

Pacific Life Foundation

Pacific Western Containers

Pizza Hut

Rockwell International


Ronald McDonald Charities

Santa Ana Unified School District

State Farm Insurance




Weingart Foundation

Western Digital


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