List of Departmental Ph.D. Thesis
A. Completed Ph.D. Thesis:
The following Ph.D. theses have been completed from the Department of Agricultural Extension
Education which are arranged according to the name of researcher, year of submission, title
of research and name of the supervisor (in parenthesis).
- A.S.M. Ziaul Karim. 1990. Job Performance of the Subject Matter Officers under the Training
and Visit System of Extension Work in Bangladesh. (Dr. S.G. Mahboob)
- Md. Matiar RAhman. 1990. Performance of the Block Supervisors un der the Department
of AgriculturalExtension. (Dr. A.N.M. Shamsuzzoha)
- Ali Mohammad. 1993. Scientists Perception on Determinants of Research Productivity in
Crop Science. (Dr. Abdul Halim)
- Md. Rezaul Karim. 1994. Communication Patterns in Farm Information DEvelopment
and Dissemination System. (Dr. Abdul Halim)
- A.B.M. Nurul Anwar. 1995. Participation of Rural Youth in Agricultural Extension
Programme. (Dr. M. Abul Kashem)
B. On going Ph.D. Research:
The following Ph.D. research programmes are in progress which are arranged according to the name of
researcher, year of enrolment, title of research and name of the supervisor
(in parenthesis).
- Md. Golam Mortuza. 1995. Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Krishak Samabaya Sammittee (Farmers' Co-operative Society) . (Dr. M. Abul Kashem)
- Md. Shafiqul Islam. 1996. Farmers Perception of the Harmful Effects of Using
Agro-chemicals in Crop Production with Regard to Environmental Pollution. (Dr. M. Abul Kashem)
- Md. Akhtar Hamidi. 1996. Effect of Mass Media in the Adoption of Agricultural
Technologies by the Farmers. (Dr. A.S.M. Ziaul Karim)
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Dr. M. Abul Kashem.
Update: 15 December 1997
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