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Pagan Things


Blessed be and welcome!

This page is devoted to the God and Goddess. Yes, I am pagan. I didn't even know what that meant until almost 7 or 8 years ago. I just always knew that my beliefs were very different from everyone else I knew, especially my family. Then one day I discovered a book by Scott Cunningham about Solitary Wicca. It was like coming home… finally I had found others who shared my ideas about this earth and this existence. For the past years since finding and devouring that book, I have tried to learn all I could about paganism and Wicca in particular. My search for information led me to the Internet. I was astonished and joyous to find such a strong pagan presence on the Web. We are everywhere and our numbers are growing.


 Some of my favorite pagan/Wicca links:

The Green Pages -- beautifully done, one of the best I've seen

Winter -- may be gone soon so see it now, tons of pagan links

Neo-Pagan sites and stuff -- found this while browsing -- lovely design

Witch's Brew: Pagans and the Internet -- mailing lists, Book of Shadows, lots of great resources, I love this site

Join the Witchy Women Network! -- a new site with lots of promise

CAWeb - Official Web Site of the Church of All Worlds

The Raven's Loft -- just found this site, still exploring it

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