
Al-Azhar University

The Africa Federation



Al-Muntazar Islamic Web Centre (India)

Baqiyatullah Islamic Institute Pakistan

Dabistan-e-Zahra (India)

Hong Kong Shia Asna-i-Ashari Association Ltd

Hussaini Seminary (Pakistan)

Idara Minhaj ul-Hussain, Pakistan

Jamiatu Ahlil Bait

Masjid Al Sadiq, Pakistan

Shia Muslims In Singapore

The Muslim Converts Association of Singapore

World Ahlul-Bayt (A.S) Islamic League


Australia And New Zealand

Al Jaafaria Society

Al Zahra Muslim Association

Islamic Ahlul-Bayt Foundation of New Zealand



Associazione Islamica Ahl-al-Bait (Italian)

Hujjat Organisation, UK

Hussaini Center for Research, London (UK)

Hyderi Organisation, UK

International Colleges of Islamic Sciences (UK)

Introduction to Islamic Organisations in Europe

Islamic Centre, England

Islamic College for Advanced Studies (UK)

Le Séminaire Islamique de Paris

Shia Ithna-Ashari Community of Middlesex

Shia Ithna-Ashari Madrasah

The Imam Khoei Islamic Centre, Swansea (UK)

The Islamic Documentary Channel

The World Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna Ashari

World Council for Imamiah Affairs

Zainabiya Islamic Center of Stockholm


Middle East

Ahl-ul Bayt (a) World Assembly

Al Mabarrat Association

Al Shahid Social Association

Islamic Culture Propagation Office

Jamkaran Mosque

Husainiyah Jurdab - Bahrain

Kawara Hussaineyia Society

Markaz al-Jawad lil-'Ulum al-Islamiah

Shia Center (Syria)


North America

Ahl al-Bait Islamic Organization, Montreal

Ahlebaith A. S. Association of Michigan

Ahl-ill Bait Islamic Mosque, Montreal

Ahl-ill Bait Islamic Organization, Montreal

Ahlul Bayt Center (Ottawa, Canada)

Al-Asr Organisation of North America

Al Doha Association

Al-Huda Muslim Society

Al-Khoei Foundation New York

As-Sadiq Islamic School

Bab ul-Ilm (Mississauga, Canada)

Fatima Islamic Society

Followers of Ahlul-Bayt Organization

Idara-e-Jaferia, Washington, D.C.

Islam in Focus

Islamic Ahlul-Bayt Association of Austin, Texas

Islamic Center of America

Islamic Community of Jacksonville

Islamic Education Center of Houston, Texas

Islamic Educational Center of Seattle

Islamic Halal Food Monitor of Canada

Islamic Humanitarian Service

Islamic Institute of New York

Islamic Jaffaria Association and Madrassah (Miami)

Islamic Research Association of America

Islamic Training Foundation

Jaffari Islamic Center - Toronto

Jaffery Union of N.E. Ohio

Jafria Association of North America

List of Islamic Organizations (Shia) in USA

Manassas Mosque

Midwest Association of Shia Organized Muslims

Muslim Neighborhood

Muslim Students Association (Persian Speaking Group) in the US and Canada

Noor-Ul-Ilm Madressah (Montreal)

Oregon Islamic Chaplain Organization

Rizvi Education Assistance Foundation Of Chicago

Shia Association of Bay Area

Shia Association of North America

Shia Ithna-Ashari Jammat of Pennsylvania

The Islamic Center of America

The Islamic University Sciences of Ahlulbayt (s)

The Muslim Students Association at Lousiana State University

The Soldiers of Al-Mahdi

United Muslims of America

Zainabia Center, Michigan

Zainab (A.S) Organization of Greater Seattle

Ahl al-Bayt [a]

Current Affairs

Foreign Affairs


Language & Literature




Personal Pages



The Law




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