NIH Information BBS, Washington D.C. - 1993

Definition of Terms


Anilingus - oral-anal; contact; rimming

At risk for HIV infection -
non-monogamous since 1979, or in sexual relationship with a partner who has been non-monogamous since 1979, and without persistently negative anti-HIV antibody tests for a period of at least six months.

Barrier Precautions -
use of latex condom and water based lubricant for vaginal or rectal sex.

Brachio-anal/brachio-rectal contact -
finger(s) or whole-hand in rectum contact, fisting.

Brachio-vaginal contact -
finger(s) or whole-hand in vagina contact, fisting.

Coprolangia - sexual behaviour involving feces, scat.

Deep Kissing - oral-oral contact where the tongue is inserted and/or oral fluids are exchanged, French kissing.

Fellatio - oral-penile contact with or without ejaculation, sucking dick.

Informed Client - an individual who possess all of these attributes: 1. compentency, 2. awareness of HIV infection status for both self and partner, 3. knowledge of the relative risks of sexually transmitted disease (STD) transmission for preferred sexual behaviours, and 4. knowledge of the potential personal and social outcomes of STDs for which s/he is at risk of.

Plastic Wrap: commercially available wraps for food preservation.  Plastic wrap for micro-wave use is also used for safer sex purposes.

Triadism - Vaginal-vaginal frottage.

Urolagnia - sexual behaviour involving urine, water sports.