
A Taste
of the
Ancient World


Classical Cookbook Living History Experimental archaeology Garum Calendar Home Links

A Taste of the Ancient World

Under this title Sally Grainger and Dr Chris Grocock have developed a living history display which can be seen at English Heritage sites around the country. We are able to demonstrate just how a Roman slave cook would have prepared food for a luxury banquet and simpler food for the soldier and peasant. We are able, using a portable Roman oven, to bake an authentic sour dough loaf. The oven sits on top of the replica Roman hob and is fired with charcoal. The hob is simply a raised hearth, which was made of masonry. Ours is, from necessity, made of more portable materials.

EH (English Heritage)

15th/16th May

Mount Grace Priory Anglo-Norman festival Early medieval baking demo/food tasting
21th/22st May Shropshire Agricultural Show Showground, Shrewsbury Ancient food domo
23rd May Fishbourne Roman Palace-Sussex Roman food event with other groups. Cooking demo and tasting
30th/31st May
30th/31st August EH Hadrians Wall Roman Festival Corbridge and Chester, with various other Roman groups. Cooking demo and food tasting
June 7 USA Fund-raising banquet for Speros Basil Vryonis Centre ‘Molyvos’ 7th avenue, Manhattan New York
3/4th July Caerleon Roman Museum. South Wales Roman cooking display and tasting
17th/18th July EH Chester Roman site. Hadrians Wall Corbridge Roman site " Mini shows, cooking demo and food tasting
24th/25th July EH Richborough Roman Festival, Kent with various other groups Cooking demo and food tasting
14th/15th August EH History in Action IV Kirby Hall, Northhants Re-enactment festival
29th/30th August EH Wroxeter Roman festival- Shropshire With other roman groups. Cooking demo and tasting
4/5th Sept Oxford Food Symposium. St Antony’s College
11/12th Sept Velzeka Roman museum Belgium Food festival

Classical Cookbook Living History Experimental archaeology Garum Calendar Home Links

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