I wrote down everything that I learned when preparing to TOEFL - and then I added ALL the information that I learned when actually taking that exam - and I created:


How to buy it? Click here! Jak ja kupic? Kliknij!


"Astra's Polish Preparation Course for the TOEFL TEST"

In it I analyze four parts of this (and not only) English Proficiency exam:

  1. listening comprehension
  2. knowledge of grammar
  3. reading comprehension
  4. ability to write essays

Each part is rich in three Es: Explanations, Examples and Exercises.


You may do some of such exercises (but ALL different) on-line: free and at your convenience!!!

One chapter of the book is devoted to English grammar. It covers it all. There is no more information about English grammar needed - ever!

But guess what???

You may learn a lot of grammar by having fun with exercises!!

Go there now to do exercises testing your knowledge of grammar

(cwiczenia sprawdzajace znajomosc gramatyki)





One chapter tests your understanding of the English text.

But guess what???

You may practice your comprehension by READING (imagine that!) !!!

Go there now to do exercises testing your comprehension



One chapter is devoted to the most confusing aspects of English vocabulary. It covers:

You may learn many new idioms, homonyms and phrases by viewing these examples!!!

You may see some examples now * mozesz teraz zobaczyc pare przykladow:


For your convenience here is that button again

How to buy it? Click here! Jak ja kupic? Kliknij tu!


If you want to leave your note (and I hope you do) please go to the guestbook

Jezeli chcesz napisac jakas uwage (a mam nadzieje, ze tak) prosze wpisz sie do ksiegi gosci

Zasadniczo jest to nie tyle ksiega gosci co biuletyn informacyjny i forum dyskusyjne. Brakuje tylko twojej wypowiedzi - no wiec jak? Kliknij i pisz!

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And view guestbook!

A moze chcesz przyslac mi e-mail? Ja chce!

Please write Prosze napisz