Wojciech Bejnarowicz - 11/21/00 01:51:07
My Email:bejnarowicz@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Chicago, IL
are you a student?: No, a teacher.
are you going to take any English exam?which?: No
Czesc, prosze o rade aby Pani mnie doradzila jakies dobre podreczniki abym mogl efektywnie udzielac korepetycje angielskiego dla ludzi ktorzy niedawno przyjechali z polski.
Ja jestem w Chicago urodzony ale znam obie jezyki tak dobrze ze zglaszaja sie ludzie do mnie abym dawal im lekcje.
Pawel. M Duk - 10/25/00 19:53:17
My Email:pmduk@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Elblag/Poland
are you a student?: nope
what do you like on these pages the most?: it's very existance
what do you like on these pages the least?: the nu,ber of exercises is not big enough
what would you add here?: more of any resources
are you going to take any English exam?which?: don't think so
Have fun studying English!
Karol Decsi - 10/07/00 15:24:44
My Email:kdecsi@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Nove Zamky, Slovakia
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: gap-filling tests and reading
are you going to take any English exam?which?: These pages are good for mz preparation on the University
Aleksandra - 08/21/00 19:12:30
Hello Laura and Mr.Slawinski (why, oh why, do you hide your first name from us?). Welcome.
By the way: i hate these colors too. But that's what I got after writing some symbols in the html and I was too lazy to try others. And now I seem not to be able to edit these pages (since geocities merged with Yahoo I can't get in)
BUT: the weather is great today and I am going to enjoy outdoors now.
Enjoy every minute of your life!!!
S£AWIÑSKI - 08/11/00 12:34:48
My Email:jascon@interia.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): OPOLE, POLAND
are you a student?: NO
what do you like on these pages the most?: SIMPLE LANGUAGE
what do you like on these pages the least?: COLOURS
what would you add here?: DO NOT KNOW YET
are you going to take any English exam?which?: HAVE TO THINK OVER
Laura - 06/19/00 09:07:37
My Email:laurusia_white@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Krakow
are you a student?: teacher
Aleksandra - 06/15/00 14:34:28
Hey Tabby you funny boy/girl/man/woman you!Thanks for letting us know you were here!
I have an important message though: starting July 15 geocities (our host here) will not provide
e-mail service any longer. Do not use my geocities address now but just e-mail me at astrapub@msn.com if you have any English-related question.
Meanwhile: study hard but ALWAYS enjoy your life. Remember: you are happy or not depends only on you, your attitude. Choose to be happy! It is as easy as choosing not to be happy but much more fun!
- 06/12/00 05:12:17
tabby - 06/12/00 05:10:25
My URL:http://mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
My Email:vvvvvvvvvvvvv
where do you live?(city?country?): ///////////////////
are you a student?: bbbbbbbbb
what do you like on these pages the most?: kkkkkkkkkk
what do you like on these pages the least?: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
what would you add here?: mnbgf
are you going to take any English exam?which?: nhtrdx
Marcin - 05/26/00 21:26:26
My Email:stanek@eta.pl
Aleksandra - 05/18/00 18:40:47
Hello everybody! PLEASE write to one another - remember that you have AT LEAST one thing in common: all of you want to learn English.
By the way: do you know when to use: teach, learn, and study?
Many of you write to me English grammar questions (all are welcome!)well: why not post some here?
(I know of at least one reason: I do not check this site as often as I check my e-mail box).
Federico Nicolás Moreno Vicari - 04/29/00 01:43:53
My Email:braham@uol.com.ar
where do you live?(city?country?): Argentina
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: the amiable tone
what do you like on these pages the least?: i like everything
what would you add here?: I would add some English Sample Papers
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Yes. I am going to take the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English this year.
Hi! My name's Nicolás (17 years old) and I wonder if you could give me a hand. This year I am going to take CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English, Cambridge)- by the way, is there any difference in level between CPE and TOEFL?-, and am looking for sa
ple tests all through the web, but it seems rather an impossible task. At least, I would like to know an url where I can find some interesting material, such as exercises at the level of CPE, tests, etc. Do you happen to know about any? Please, answer me
t this address: braham@uol.com.ar.
Thanks very much for having read this message.
toneyel yelesti - 04/23/00 19:36:51
My Email:toneyel@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): ankara turkey
are you a student?: no
what do you like on these pages the most?: everything
what do you like on these pages the least?: none
what would you add here?: none
are you going to take any English exam?which?: no
thanks alot
Wojtek Kostecki - 04/20/00 09:22:47
My Email:wkostecki@poczta.onet.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Katowice/Poland
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: tests
what do you like on these pages the least?: low number of examples in tests
what would you add here?: look up
are you going to take any English exam?which?: FCE
Where can I buy the book in POLAND?
Aleksandra - 04/12/00 20:42:24
Welcome everyone! PLEASE write to one another - it can be fun to study together! Internet is such a beautiful thing - bringing us together to the same pages from Poland, Thailand, USA , Mongolia, you name it. Get the most out of it!
warunya - 04/01/00 15:32:23
My Email:wkomwacharapong@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Bangkok,Thailand
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: yes
what do you like on these pages the least?: yes
melissa Shauger - 03/29/00 17:55:17
My Email:missy205@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Milford PA
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: all
what do you like on these pages the least?: nothing
what would you add here?: to beable to have words form english to polish
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes all
I am a english girl doing a report on Poland with a classmate that is from poland. If it is possible please send me some information.
anetta zdrojkowska - 03/23/00 13:53:05
My Email:anetta_zdrojkowska@saatchi.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Warsaw/Poland
are you a student?: no, I hope to continue my studies
what do you like on these pages the most?: interesting approach and exercises
what do you like on these pages the least?: well, it's hard to judge. It's ok
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Proficiency, the so- called "licencjat"
I do hope your web site will really become helpful in my preparation to the exam. Wish me luck!
Aleksandra - 03/13/00 14:20:20
Hello Iza, Adam, Paula and welcome. Please feel free to e-mail one another! (remember? If I was talking about only two people here I would use the phrase "each other", right? It is the same with different (2) and various (more than 2); between (2) and amo
g (more than 2). BUT: the first one is really not that strictly observed in the USA and you hear e.g. "People from different cultures met at the Convention Center yesterday" and the second one has an exception: if more than 2 objects are itemized use "bet
een" like e.g. "In the summer I was flying between Paris, New York and Warsaw."
Chat can be a great way of learning IF you can always find great people there to talk to. The chats I have been able to find so far are either desterted or have at least one sleazy person. Neither has much sense.(It would be much better if you all could c
me here: close to Philadelphia, from time to time and we could chat!)
Paula - 03/13/00 09:31:48
My Email:malb@mail.zetosa.com.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Tarnow
are you a student?: yes, I study Psychology (SWPS in Warsaw)
what do you like on these pages the most?: idioms, homonyms and gramma exercises
what would you add here?: more gramma exercises, maybe more links
are you going to take any English exam?which?: FC in june
Hi, I really like this page, especially that I haven`t found to many pages like this before. I know that may English leave a lot to be desired, but I love this language, and I like visiting every page like this one. This page has been given me a lot of pl
asure and fun, too. I wanna see more in future! Paula
ADAM JURGA - 03/06/00 12:05:31
My Email:mbrgroup@tig.com.au
where do you live?(city?country?): AUSTRALIA
are you a student?: NO
what would you add here?: LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS
are you going to take any English exam?which?: NO
I have come to stay with my sister in Australia, i come from poland and i would love to hear from anyone who is polish or english and wants to learn polish, or even someone who is willing to help me learn english.
I would only be able to write back in polish.
Iza - 02/17/00 13:46:13
My Email:www.izawojcicka@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Wales
are you a student?: no
what do you like on these pages the most?: Idioms` page
what would you add here?: chat room in english
are you going to take any English exam?which?: No
I like to look at those pages. I would like to me someone to write with him/her in English by mail.
Aleksandra - 02/15/00 15:07:25
Wow! I have just send my first (ever) e-mail to Mongolia! Bolormaa is the only person from Mongolia I "met". It is such a mysterious country, isn't it?
I feel terrible about NOT writing more here, seems though that I will not change my sinister behaviour any time soon. Meanwhile - study all that there is, here and anywhere in books or on the Web. There is no replacement for knowledge!
bolormaa - 02/11/00 10:31:14
My Email:buyanaa5@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Mongolia, ulaanbaatar
are you a student?: yes, I'm
what do you like on these pages the most?: more tests with thier reviews
are you going to take any English exam?which?: TOEFL
Simon - 01/14/00 20:56:27
My Email:simon@box43.gnet.pl
Hello everybody!
My name's Simon as you can see at the top.Listen I'm looking for people to write to(you can call it penpals)from all over the world.So call your friends and tell them to write to me in English or Italian.
Don't worry be happy!
Aleksandra - 01/04/00 14:18:24
I can't believe it's 2000! Time flies sooooo fast!I celebrated the New Year's Eve in Philadelphia - EVERYBODY was so excited, even police. We had a lot of police here (also undercover) since in the USA they were scared of potential terrorists' attack. Nev
r happened. Like Y2K.
Well: is 2000 the year of your English exam?
I'm "going" to Simon now - he invites all of us, doesn't he? We might as well meet there.
Do you know "Budka Suflera"? Someone gave me their CD "Nic nie boli tak jak zycie" and I just can't stop listening to it! I like (ALMOST) all of these songs (especially the sentimental ones, like: Szukamy sie, Strefa polcienia, Jeszcze jeden raz, Wieza Ba
el) . Seems that I am getting fed up with all-America music.
Simon - 01/04/00 09:29:58
My Email:simon@box43.gnet.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Turek Poland
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: everything
what do you like on these pages the least?: everything is OK
what would you add here?: listening exercises and tests for the First Certificate
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes First Certificate
Hello everybody!
My name's Simon.Well,I know that it's a little bit too late,but I wish Happy New Year(without the millenium bug of course).
Listen,e-mail me in English,Polish or Italian-simon@box43.gnet.pl
Simon - 01/02/00 18:20:54
My Email:simon@box43,gnet.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Turek Poland
are you a student?: not really
what do you like on these pages the most?: language
what do you like on these pages the least?: you-just kidding all is OK
what would you add here?: listening exercise
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes First Certificate
Aleksandra - 12/30/99 13:50:10
Tomorrow is the last day of 1999. BUT it is not the last day of this century!!! For that one we have to wait yet another year. It really doesn't matter though - I wish you all the perfect knowledge of English and very, very high grades on the TOEFL test.
I'm sure you'll get other wishes, like : love, joy and happiness, elsewhere. Keep in mind that these other wishes count more). Still, you are here to get ready for the English-speaking future world! (seems that we are heading that way. doesn't it?)
Aleksandra - 11/30/99 13:27:36
Jezeli ktos jest z Nowej Zelandii i umie odpowiedziec na pytanie Artura prosze niech mu odpisze (albo mi - ja mu przekaze) Dzieki!
Artur (the entry below) asks about advanced ESL courses in New Zealand - if you are able to answer his question please e-mail either him or me. Thanks!
Artur - 11/08/99 18:32:22
My Email:arthurvek@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Poland , Lublin
are you a student?: yes.filologia ang.
are you going to take any English exam?which?: advanced
Czy mozna wyjechac do N.Z. na kursy jezykowe ?
Jezeli tak , to gdzie?
Aleksandra - 11/03/99 20:38:47
Yesterday was an All Saints Day. Unfortunately it is not being celebrated in the US (we have Halloween on Oct. 31st instead - but it is something VERY different and frankly I'd rather celebrate "Polish style". Maybe because I don't like candies.
In my last entry something gobbled up the letter "n". I am sure you'll find from which word it is missing. Happy hunting (or maybe I should say "searching" since I really don't like hunting)
- 10/26/99 15:43:55
Aleksandra - 10/25/99 21:07:13
Hello Vedrana and all! I e-mail everyone that has left his or her trace here - it may just take some time - be patient!
I still didn't have time to figure out the way to edit these pages now (after that merger) - and seems that it might be easier to set a new web page (with a new address) and just link to it from here. I will let you know (in this guestbook of course). Mea
while: STUDY! It is really worth your time and energy!
vedrana - 10/15/99 15:32:32
My Email:Vekyt16@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): IN CROATIA
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: i don't know yet, we'll see
are you going to take any English exam?which?: i'll see
the best
Aleksandra - 09/07/99 01:50:00
UWAGA ATTENTION: Malgorzata ma racje!!! Margaret is right!!! I have no more tolerance left for your childlish behavior. That's the correct answer and it should be D not C as it is in answers. This proves that it is just TOO EASY to make a stupid mistake
hen writing only letters as the correct answers. It is much better to write the full sentence - there wouldn't be a place for mistakes. But I am now in the midst of talks with the pages host and I am not able to edit these pages or upload new ones!!! All
can do is just write in this guestbook! So please look here since I will notify you of any new mistakes if anyone or I find them, but I hope there aren't any left.
Malgorzata - 08/25/99 02:43:55
My Email:GosiaMB@yahoo.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Youngstown, OH,
are you a student?: yes
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes,TOFEL
Przepraszam, ze pisze po Polsku ale w tym jezyku komunikuje sie znacznie plynniej. Otoz mam pytanie dotyczace II czesci Zabawy ze zdaniami angielskimi -Uzupelnianie zdan- 1)I have no more....( moim zdaniem powinien tu byc wstawiony rzeczownik -tolerance n
tomiast poprawna jest odpowiedz C -tolerant(przymiotnik).
Pozdrawiam i czekam na odpowiedz
Janine Seliga - 08/20/99 13:08:32
My URL:http://www.polskiinternet.com
My Email:serwis@polskiinternet.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Chicago
Hallo from "Windy City" to all Polish Internet Readers and Webmaster Teacher.
Very good site. We added it to our collection in PolskiInternet.com, so Polonia in Chicago can learn form it.
Aleksandra - 08/18/99 16:52:59
I am sorry - I neglected you all - and, unfortunately, there is more neglect to come. Blame it all on vacations! This year I am enjoying my life in Cozumel, Mexico. Beautiful place, wonderful people. The only drawback? I couldn't work even for a moment th
re - a total leisure, or in Polish "lb" = lezenie bykiem.
I am not going to give you any promises now - but, as always, you may e-mail me any questions. Have great summer (whatever is left of it)
Douglas Ernesto - 07/15/99 04:02:53
My Email:Dougernesto
where do you live?(city?country?): Guayaquil
are you a student?: yes
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes
Hi my name is Douglas, I am from Guayaquil, Ecuador, I want to learn English fast
Altoman Chen - 07/05/99 08:58:52
My Email:altomanchen@iname.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Taipei,Taiwan
are you a student?: Yes.
what do you like on these pages the most?: ...Athens/Ithaca/6634/directory.html
what do you like on these pages the least?: ...Athens/Ithaca/6634/geobook.html
what would you add here?: ...Athens/Ithaca/6634/directory.html
are you going to take any English exam?which?: TOEFL
Aleksandra - 06/29/99 13:05:55
This is just to let you know that the host of this pages, GEOCITIES, merged with YAHOO and I haven't figured out yet HOW to edit my pages or add any new material. They even changed my password and the new one seems useless (=not working at all). It is qui
e a mess - and an excuse for not updating for a while. Yet the e-mail still works and all your questions about English are always welcome.
Aleksandra - 06/28/99 16:57:07
Dalia: If you read this - thank you for coming here and signing the guest book I think it is wonderful that we - people from all over the world - can communicate, and if English would be the language of all the people I will do my best to help students l
arn it. Dalia and all: the offer still stands - if you have any problems with English (American) please ask.
Dalia - 06/27/99 00:12:42
where do you live?(city?country?): Peru
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: Exercises of English
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Not at moment
I am glad to find this kind of web in which you can learn more about this universal language, English.
Now I am going to emplore the web page completely.
abdulaziz - 06/21/99 23:38:47
My Email:amri3000@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): usa
are you a student?: yes
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes
Aurilio Lopes Neto - 06/17/99 15:05:49
My URL:http://www.arquitetura.campinas.net
My Email:aurilio_lopes@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Mogi das Cruzes/Brazil
are you a student?: student and worker
what do you like on these pages the most?: Everything
what do you like on these pages the least?: Some words in another idiom
Congratulations for this homepage
I'm very happy because I know one new teacher´s friend.
Thank's for all
Aurílio from Brazil
Aleksandra - 05/24/99 16:57:07
As always I solicited impression from English exams from the poor souls who left their e-mail address here - this time from Milda (this is a beautiful name, if you ask me).
Remember: I am always here willing to answer all your questions - even if I not always leave a note here. Sometimes you have to ask to learn.
Milda - 05/24/99 12:26:51
My Email:milda9@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Lithuania, Vilnius
Aleksandra - 04/27/99 18:28:29
To answer the questions that few of you asked via e-mail: yes, the Astra's TOEFL book (which you can find on these pages) has the vocabulary (homonyms, idioms, phrases etc) and the grammar sections (in Polish , only the examples are in English) beside the
review of the exam questions (reading and listening comprehension, structure of written English, composing an essay). All the examples and exercises are different though. And yes, I really think this book prepares well to TOEFL. Very well. I may be able t
send a few free copies to libraries if you send me the address and the name of the librarian who's in charge (sorry, only if you live in the USA). In Poland the librarians might be able to actually purchase it through either Nowy Dziennik (Warsaw address
is on the page about the book) or www.amazon.com Actually, since these pages are not supplemented often enough anyone prepaing for TOEFL would probably want to get his or her hand on it. (BTW did you know that before mentioning ANY body parts we have to
place the possessive "whose?")
Aleksandra - 04/21/99 21:30:50
Now, I am doing something that no person should ever do - I am placing the private mail on the public forum - but please Marianna forgive me: I CANNOT send it to that address (or rather my browser is not able to read it). I really hope that you will find
t here and answer. Here it goes:
Hello Marianna
Judging by your name you maybe Polish but since you live in the USA I believe it's OK if I write in English. Thank you for coming to my pages -
and I am very happy you liked what you found there - esp. that I realize how poor the graphic is there (no background music, no animation!) - I want to place as much information there as I can (as much as I have spare time - which isn't much) - so I would
rather have it helpful to students than pretty. (Frankly I would gladly have it both ways...if I had a magic wand).
Do you plan to take TOEFL? Another exam?When?
In the links I have the story from Jaro about the FCE exam that he took in Poland - he just wrote about his impressions and the exam. That's what I am soliciting whenever I can. If you had already taken any English exam I hope you'll find a minute to writ
about it (just in e-mail and I will make it into a page to link to)
Are you there Marianna?
marianna - 04/21/99 00:30:11
My Email:mirek122
where do you live?(city?country?): usa
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: everything
what do you like on these pages the least?: everything
what would you add here?: nothing
are you going to take any English exam?which?: yes
Aleksandra - 04/19/99 18:05:29
I made some order in the grammar and vocabulary sections - now it should be easier for you to find all parts. Well... I still have a lot of lessons planned, hopefully the summer of 1999 will be longer than all others!
Aleksandra - 04/16/99 18:22:57
I have just finished the "spring cleaning" of the text comprehension sections - and I added part #5. If you wonder what are the priorities in your life - please answer the questionnaire in the text #5 section. You might be surprised (as I was).
- 04/14/99 15:44:43
In the book on time management (yes, I desperately want to stretch my time) I found three questions that I'd like you to answer (to yourself):
1. what are your lifetime goals (write them down)
2. how do you see yourself in 3 years
3. if you knew that you would be struck by a lightening in 6 months how would you live until then
This is supposed to set your priorities straight.
Another thing (which I find VERY helpful) is writing down your tasks for the day.
Aleksandra - 04/13/99 12:50:37
Just few quick explanations: BTW=by the way;
SASE - self-addressed stamped envelope;
IMHO - in my humble opinion;
lol - lots of love; TGIF (there are even restaurants by this name in the USA) - thank God it's Friday; When I remember more - I will post it here. Spring is here - time to start studying! How about getting ready for the TOEFL?
Aleksandra - 04/12/99 16:36:11
Yesterday we were invited to dine with our Greek friends: they were celebrating Easter! I have no idea why their Easter is one week later than ours. Anyone knows? (If you know please post it here).
I was asked by one of you about American "contractions" about which I wrote in the first few entries of this guestbook, such as SASE, ASAP, BTW, IMHO, and more. Sorry for not doing it sooner - I will certainly do it this week. As I explained to some of yo
I am coming here exclusively in my spare time which seems to have been disapearing for some time now. But if you are getting ready to take a plunge and register for TOEFL or other exam: ask and discuss any problems that you might have. Also: if you live
n the USA or Warsaw (Poland)- please e-mail me the address of your closest library: I might send a copy of the Astra TOEFL book to some! (Why not all, you may ask? Well, the usual limits come to mind, like time and money...)
Aleksandra - 04/07/99 13:14:15
I e-mailed Fadel and others (Carim, Dawsu and Marian) my lame advices about learning English but frankly I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE BEST SELF-STUDY PLAN WOULD THAT BE! If anyone has any ideas (or Web addresses please let me know or write it in this guestbook
Happy Easter everybody! (*Late but sincere wishes)
fadel - 04/03/99 10:50:59
My Email:inet2000@mailcity.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Bahrain
are you a student?: No
frnds i'm trying to improve my english and i had bought alot of books altough i belive thisis not the correct why to learn .
if you can help in that please do it for me
i concentrate on so many things in english such as conversation,spelling,writting reports
i would be exteremly gratefull if you could help in that freind
Aleksandra - 03/25/99 15:00:56
Agnes has many great ideas about teaching spoken English through communicating via Internet. I must admit my knowledge of computers doesn't go THAT far - but if any smart reader of this book knows how to add a spoken word to these pages please let me know
(or, even better: do it and I will happily link to you).
Agnes Hryhorczuk - 03/22/99 20:52:04
My Email:cataha@friko3.onet.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Australia/Poland
are you a student?: no English Lecturer
what do you like on these pages the most?: the fact that students can do exercises on line
what would you add here?: a page with comunication exercises ( like pictures to discribe, essays to write etc.)
I think it's a fantastic idea that you have this page and present material for students to improve their english.
I'll visit often to borrow some ideas for exercises for my students.
Aleksandra - 03/22/99 18:20:41
Great news: spring's here! Perfect time to make plans for the summer. How about taking TOEFL? Take one step at a time and you can reach stars in no time at all. READ English texts, LISTEN to Americans talking, WRITE English essays on ANY subjects, LEARN g
ammar (and ask me ANY questions that you might have) and... go for it! What excuses do you have? Someone said: you can make excuses or you can make money BUT you can't make both!I want you to be successful and make a lot of money!!!
Aleksandra - 03/18/99 15:55:06
Astra Publishing re-stocked the TOEFL book in NOWY DZIENNIK in New York and in the warehouses of Amazon.com (by the way: amazon.com is now not only in the USA but also in Germany and Great Britain!) - so you shouldn't have any problems getting it there. H
wever: books shipped from amazon.com or through distributors (unlike books from NOWY DZIENNIK or directly from Astra Publishing, will not have an insert with the "Update" (few words about the new computerized version of TOEFL). Although I am convinced tha
NO changes really matter if you know English well, I will place this update on this pages: go to the Astra's book on TOEFL and from there you can go to "update" - BUT: it is in Polish (as the book is).
Happy studying!
Anyone would like to share his or her experiences with TOEFL...?
- 03/16/99 20:20:01
Shaiima stays quiet - but others don't - thank you all for e-mails! I will certainly answer all of them - but please be patient. Well, I haven't received any letters from students who took TOEFL! Please write and share your experience with us. Also: if yo
have any English exercises please post them here (e-mail them to me and I'll do it with FULL credit to you)
Aleksandra - 03/12/99 13:56:26
I wonder why Shaimaa doesn't like this guestbook.... Could it be that she finds me (gulp) boring? (there goes my self-esteem...)
Well, I asked her that question and will admit my mistakes here on these pages
shaimaa salah - 03/12/99 10:35:16
My Email:sbdoma@soficom.com.eg
where do you live?(city?country?): egypt
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: exams
what do you like on these pages the least?: guestbook
what would you add here?: more useful exams
are you going to take any English exam?which?: grammar,vocabluary ones
I'm very pleased with this site .Thanks alot.I want more interesting exams.
Aleksandra - 03/11/99 18:38:01
Jean has done some research on Polish language on the Net and found many interesting sites by typing "Polish language" in the Yahoo search. By the way you can do it on the "links" page here. I guess I will delete the info about Polish Courses - they are e
pensive and completely strange to me - I can't recommend (or warn against) them to you. Anyway: you are here to learn English, not Polish, so let's get back to our priorities.
I am sorry for not adding any new exercises or examples lately - lack of time is my preferred and all-time excuse! I will let you know here of any supplements. Well... happy March the eleventh!!!
Aleksandra - 03/10/99 13:34:42
Thanks to JEAN we have linked to the site offering Polish courses (from homepage go to links). Althougfh these courses are quite expensive and no exercises or lessons are offered on line it is "SOMETHING". Still I hope that maybe one of you will create su
h pages (Jean? Marianna? Anyone?)
Aleksandra - 03/08/99 14:53:23
I am back! I have promised to reply to all e-mails and I am in trouble now; for some reason I have problems replying to Marianna Serafin (I am sorry - I have no idea why. But seems to me that she is interested in learning Polish. Incidentally I received q
ite a few similar e-mails. I am unable to teach Polish (even though I know it well - I never had to study its basics though!)- BUT maybe somene here can actually do it!? When you do it please let us know.
I have read that repeating (with understanding and about 20 times a day) the phrase "every day and in every way I am getting better and better" will eventually bring to your life positive changes. I, myself, am going to start chanting it today. Please do
it too. Who knows: maybe it works. Let me know when it does. I'll keep you all posted too.
Slawomir - 03/06/99 19:00:36
My Email:slawekm@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Horsens (Denmark)
are you a student?: Yes, I am
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Maybe
I am very happy that I have found this page. Actually I am studying in Denmark. My English is not so good. That's why I was looking for some exercises.
Marianna Serafin - 02/27/99 16:56:12
My Email:amjserafin
where do you live?(city?country?): chicago
are you a student?: no
what do you like on these pages the most?: it's has Polish
Aleksandra - 02/19/99 19:33:24
This is the last week to order your free CD from www.toefl.org Why not getting it?
I'm leaving for Madison, Wisconsin, now and will be back on March 8th - right in time to celebrate the International Women's Day (which, unfortunately is not observed in the USA)! To all women out there: all the best!
To all of you who will wait for my e-mail reply: please be patient. I will certainly write to you.
Akeksandra - 02/17/99 17:25:39
Just the info about the Polish book on TOEFL: it will be back on shelves in New York next week. But you may also order it at ANY other bookstore as well: All you need is Astra Publishing phone number (610 582 2319) and book's ISBN (09666193857). Good luck
- 02/11/99 15:18:27
(Remeber the free CD-ROM!)I have just added more texts: if you do not understand any words or phrases you are always welcome to ask!
Aleksandra - 02/10/99 21:45:03
Scroll down to see my info about that free CD-ROM
Mr Michal Gorecki from the Polish Daily (Nowy Dziennik) bookstore in New York called an hour ago to report that the TOEFL book is sold out and they need new shipment from the publisher. So, all of you that want to buy it there: please be patient: post off
ces do not work here on Saturday, Sunday, and President's day on Monday.
Besides, you may always order it also from the publisher or amazon.com Good luck!
Aleksandra - 02/05/99 17:26:22
LOOK AT MY ENTRY (about 3 entries down) ABOUT THAT FREE CD-ROM (keep in mind though that it will mostly describe the instructions and will NOT teach you any English)!!!
Mustafa has great ideas - and I really hope that he will eventually decide to create a site with the ESL but for the spoken phrases (we will link there!): when do we say that phrase and not the other (of almost identical meaning). Remember that people who
e first language is English may teach us good pronounciation BUT THEY WILL NOT TEACH us many aspects of English only because they did not have to start from the "zero" point of English knowledge. Only ESL students KNOW what the rest of us needs to know!
In the TOEFL book there is a chapter on vocabulary, with phrases in time/on time or in behalf/on behalf etc. compared BUT it is all explained in Polish (with English synonyms) - hmmm.... Mustafa: maybe you'll study Polish too?
Mustafa - 02/04/99 17:59:30
My Email:mustafaalloo@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): Tanzania
are you a student?: Working and studying
what do you like on these pages the most?: idioms
are you going to take any English exam?which?: No
Actually I wanted a site that describes and explains common mistakes in English, eg. reach in time and reach on time, nice boy, good girl, nice food, good food, etc.
I am not a beginer in English, but I just wanted to improve my talking style and writing style, by adding I mean talking professionally eg, I am exhausted instead of saying I am tired. Because many people use I am tired. This will be better like using voc
bularies in sentences eg: I feel awful, the food was abysmal etc.
Aleksandra - 02/01/99 21:25:23
I just want you to know that I am always here, always watching, and always ready to reply to your questions (etc.) - but I'll stay quiet until the end of February = the deadline to apply for that CD-ROM: see my next entry and sign for that CD-ROM right no
Aleksandra - 01/27/99 17:10:54
This is just a reminder: until the end of February 99 you may order free CD ROM with the instructions for the computerized version of TOEFL. Go to www.toefl.org (it is in "links" here) then find and fill an order form. The
CD-ROM is really free and they mail it everywhere (e.g. to Poland)!.
Aleksandra - 01/26/99 16:54:51
To those of you who would like more English exercises, and can't wait for me (see, I have tons of other "have-to-dos" waiting!) but do not have that Astra Publishing book: it is now in several libraries (mostly in the USA but also in the Biblioteka Public
miasta Warszawy na Koszykowej, British Library in London, University of London oraz University College of London - Eastern European Division. The Book was also left in the mailbox of Institute Polonaise in Paris, which was closed that Saturday, but the pu
lisher has not received any confirmation yet - still maybe some of you, Polish students in Paris, will get your hands on it. Good luck!) If you would suggest a library (preferably in North America) who would be interested in having this book (and you woul
be interested in reading it!) please e-mail me with its address and the librarian in charge. Meanwhile READ and LISTEN to English. There is no better way to study for these two sections (listening comprehension and reading comprehension) of TOEFL. As to
riting an essay I happen to think that writing a dairy helps: how about writing an essay a week in your own, personal journal? Interesting topics abound and although, unfortunately, the test topics are not very interesting, the point is TO WRITE. Go for i
Aleksandra - 01/26/99 14:00:48
I visited Proton's pages and signed his guestbook. The graphics are great there but, for the life of me, I have NO idea how they link to English Proficiency exam (or Polish students).
When will I add more exercises etc? I wish I could spend more time on that and had them ready even this week - but I know that will not happen any time soon. To be fair to all of you who bought the Astra's TOEFL preparation book I will NOT take any exerci
es or examples from it. So please: if you have any exercises or examples you would like to share, or impressions from the English exams - send them to me, I will make a page from it and then make a link (and all credits will certainly go to the author - s
e links to "FCE from Jaro" )
From the real exam: the voices in the listening comprehension section are not very clear and the reading comnprehension passages are BORING. But you have to convince yourself that they are interesting (at that moment at least)- because scoring high at tha
exam is your (sub-)goal. (your goal is success!). As Confucius said (I think it was him): "The journey of thousand miles starts with a single step".
Proton, the blue head guy - 01/22/99 01:36:36
My URL:http://underworld.fortunecity.com/sinbad/202
My Email:protonbluezero@hotmail.com
Hey Sound, it's me Proton... will you update again? When? And the fanfics, are up? I'll post them on my site, so please hurry.
Aleksandra - 01/20/99 15:07:38
Thoughts to ponder (who knows? Maybe you'll have to write an essay about one of these sayings):
1. Most of the most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying where there seemed to be no hope at all.
2. The first person gets oysters, the second - shells.
3. If you always do what you have always done
you'll always be what you have always been.
All these sayings were told by a successful businessman Dale Carnegie. (not Andrew). I would love not only to prepare you well for the English proficiency exam but also to encourage you to be successful (yes, it is not a misprint - most people do not rea
ly want to be
at the top!).
Aleksandra - 01/15/99 21:15:56
There is an excellent American idiom to describe people like me: "she usually bites off more than she can chew". I guess it shows here - I am not coming to these pages as often as I should. I am here though, at the computer, and as some of you know, I an
wer e-mails (sorry for possible delays - it takes a lot of time! and mind you, this is not my main occupation - thinking of which I wonder WHAT is my main occupation. I don't think I have one - I just have thousands of mini-occupations. How horrible!) Eng
ish Proficiency and computer literacy are very important tools in buiilding your success in the next century. Remember though that they are ONLY tools. And so - they have to be of the best tools that you can find. Work on it!
Aleksandra - 01/12/99 16:39:53
Today is my brother's birthday (Happy birthday Andrzej!) - his Zodiac sign is Capricorn. I like astrology and one day I hope to write about it in the reading comprehension section. And if you do not care about astrology at all, well...than TRY to be becau
e that's actually a perfect way to excel in such tests: become interested in what you are reading. It maybe only a temporary self-suggestion but if you suggest yourself that something is "quite interesting" it will certainly become such. Can you see it?
Aleksandra - 01/06/99 03:36:41
I have just added part 2 of grammar exercises - you can get there from part 1.
Have fun!
suneethi - 01/04/99 21:21:14
My Email:skaligotla@compuserve.com
where do you live?(city?country?): u.k
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: comprehension
are you going to take any English exam?which?: I.E.L.T.S
give more passages for reading.
Aleksandra - 01/04/99 15:01:31
Welcome everyone. ...Rix (darn it, I forgot the first part) was the first to inaugurate a New Year in this book and for it he was awarded with my prompt reply (just kidding, I reply to all e-mails).Beata? When do you take TOEFL? Would you please e-mail me
your impressions so that I could post them here (as Jaro did - see in links, FCE from Jaro).The new set of grammar exercises i almost ready.
aCibRix - 01/03/99 21:21:33
My Email:acibrix@aol.com
where do you live?(city?country?): USA
are you a student?: yeah
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Yeah, college entry exam
I took the reading comprehension and I got a 48. I need to improve that score to getting into this college. The orther parts of english I got high scores! Will I be able to do get enought strategy in two weeks to retake the comprehension part? Need Help!<
Beata De Conti - 12/28/98 20:06:45
where do you live?(city?country?): USA
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: testing
what do you like on these pages the least?: missing punctuation, polish fonts
what would you add here?: the above
are you going to take any English exam?which?: TOEFL
Andrew Kula - 12/25/98 02:38:02
where do you live?(city?country?): Canada
are you a student?: Tak
what do you like on these pages the most?: testy
what would you add here?: slownictwo
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Nie
Przyjemnym jest uczucie,gdy ktos chce pomoc przyblizyc jezyk angielski.
Andrew Kula - 12/25/98 02:23:47
Aleksandra - 12/22/98 15:53:08
I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
Aleksandra - 12/17/98 19:26:58
Yesterday I posted the information about the TOEFL book for Polish students - i. e. how to get it from the publisher (go to the "book"). Please do not ask me that question again via e-mails. Still, I enjoy receiving them, so please ask me all other questi
Aleksandra - 12/15/98 20:54:45
You have new texts added (now there are #1, #2,and #3)
mafalda aiello - 12/11/98 19:08:53
My URL:http://dulcinea
My Email:mefalda@hotmail.com
where do you live?(city?country?): holland
are you a student?: yes
Aleksandra - 12/09/98 16:29:08
Jezeli interesuje cie FCE to: Jaro zrobil nam niespodzianke i opisal swoje wrazenia po czesci pierwszej tego egzaminu (speaking). Idz do links, tam do: FCE from Jaro, a na koncu opisu FCE jest odnosnik: Jaro speaks English! Tam idz.
Aleksandra - 12/07/98 19:07:57
Przed chwila dodalam vocabulary - part 2 (wejscie od glownej strony vocabulary) oraz do links opisany przez Jaro egzamin CFC. Powodzenia Jaro!
Aleksandra - 12/04/98 19:42:12
"All you shy people out there - fear me not!"
See, the proper (grammatically!) order in the second part of this sentence should be "do not fear me" but THIS sequence is perfectly all right to use in poetry.
Wszystkim Basiom zycze fajnych imienin!
Aleksandra - 12/03/98 16:35:45
where do you live?(city?country?): USA
Someone VERY quiet has been here today - welcome. I have just posted new texts - the link is at the top of the first page with texts. Z "directory" idzcie na strone z tekstami (drugi "click button) a potem do "there"
Od Jaro dostalam format egzaminu CFC - odnosnik umieszcze w "links" - czekam tylko na jego zgode - prawo copyright mowi, ze w momencie kiedy cos napiszecie jest to wasza wlasnoscia intelektualna i nikt nie ma prawa tego uzyc bez waszej zgody az do waszej
mierci + 70 lat
- 12/03/98 15:17:41
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/18/98 17:17:23
Przed chwila (Sroda 18 listopad) dodalam pare przykladow slownictwa - znajdziecie napewno.
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/17/98 23:10:19
Kochani! Choc jest to strona o zaawansowanym angielskim - pamietajmy ze wszyscy jestesmy Polakami. Czasem naprawde brakuje mi tu polskiej mowy i z przerazeniem slysze jak ja "kalecze" od czasu do czasu. Wiec PROSZE, piszcie po polsku (chyba, ze pewniej cz
jecie sie piszac po angielsku) - jest to tu naprawde BARDZO mile widziane.
A teraz... czy ktos ma jakies dane (co i jak) o innych egzaminach? Napisalam o TOEFL po angielsku ale chyba napisze jeszcze raz po polsku: sa 4 dzialy
1.zrozumienie rozmow i wykladow, jakie uslyszymy -na ekranie komputera beda obrazki (nieruchome) tych ludzi co mowia, ale lepiej sie na nich nie patrzyc bo rozpraszaja uwage. I tak dzwiek nie jest najlepszy. 2. gramatyka (sa tu 2 czesci tylko: szukanie bl
du i uzupelnianie zdan) 3. zrozumienie tekstow (teksty sa niestety dosc nudne, jest to rodzaj tekstow akademickich z roznych dziedzin 4. napisanie wypracowania - najczesciej podana jest jakas "zlota mysl" a ty sie z nia zgadzasz lub nie.
I za to trzeba zaplacic 100 dolarow! A w Polsce 125 (nie mam pojecia dlaczego!).
Zamowcie sobie biuletyn do TOEFL. Mozecie to zrobic przez Internet na www.toefl.org (jest to w "links")- tam tez jest do zamowienia ten CD ROM (do konca lutego za darmno!). Mozecie tez napisac na kartce: Could you please send your Bulletin to... (tu pisze
ie swoje nazwisko i adres). Thank you. I appreciate your assistance. Podpis.
Adres na kopercie: TOEFL Services
Educational Testing Service
P.O. Box 6151
Princeton, NJ 08541-6151
W Polsce jest teraz tylko 1 osrodek staly zdawania TOEFL (w Warszawie - (czy ktos wie i moze tu napisac GDZIE dokladniej? American Embassy?)i 2 osrodki "przejsciowe" w ktorych TOEFL bedzie zdawany w kwietniu 99 - w Krakowie i w Poznaniu.
I to by bylo na tyle...
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/16/98 15:41:02
More tests you want - and more tests you will have!!! Only... I will be leaving for warm places (Key West, Floryda) soon (Friday) and new pages to this site will not be ready soon...
BUT EVERYONE INTERESTED IN ENGLISH EXAM TOEFL: please go to links - www.toefl.org - there, until the end of February 99, you may order, absolutely FREE, the CD ROM with TOEFL instructions!!! There is no catch (I checked it myself and you have my word for
t). Another matter: of all English Proficiency exams I know only TOEFL and I will now describe its structure: it has 4 sections:
1.listening comprehension - in which you will hear either 2 or more (a class discussion usually) Americans (usually students)talking - then you have 1-4 questions about that conversation to test how well you understood. Short conversations involving 2 peo
le are followed by one question; after discussion there are four questions. Second section of TOEFL is called "structutre and written English" and concerns grammar.It has 2 parts: filling in the blanks and searching for an error. Third section, reading co
prehension, presents you with English texts and then you have to answer few (usually 4) questions about the text. Texts are often boring (and so are those texts that I have here on these pages). The fourth part, writing an essay, tests you writing skills.
Lately I heard 2 questions that they had - they were given a sentence(1. The best is yet to come or 2. Great minds think alike) and their task was to eithr agree or disagree and WHY?
More informationm about TOEFL is at www.toefl.org
The first step tp do is to order their (free) bulletin (addresses are there) - In the bulletin you have the registration form (which they want you to fill out and send to them with the check for...100$ in the USA, 125 in POland!!! That's a lot!!! That's d
finitely too much to take it unprepared. So my advice to you is: order EVERYTHING that you can get free (i.e. CD ROM and the Bulletin) and then prepare really, really WELL so when you finally take TOEFL you will get great scores at the first try, get ano
her bulletin later on when you are ready to take TOEFL
The TOEFL fees increased in JULY 98 when they switched in most countries (except Asia) to the computerized version (before it was 45 in USA and 63 in Poland) - in Poland it can be taken in Warsaw (inquire in the American Embassy about the test center) or,
but only in April 99, in Krakow and Poznan.
And now, PLEASE, write some info about other English exams like CFC or maybe someone knows CPE or other exams. share your info - it really helps.
Another thing: you may write in Polish or English. I think that this place is mostly for POLISH students so we all know Polish. (although I find it easier to write in English - but hopefully reading my notes will provide an additional exercise in reading
omprehension for all of you.
Jaroslaw - 11/14/98 19:19:55
My Email:jaro@panda.bg.univ.gda.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): gdansk, poland
are you a student?: yes
what do you like on these pages the most?: tests
what do you like on these pages the least?: nothing
what would you add here?: more tests
are you going to take any English exam?which?: FCE
- 11/11/98 19:22:04
My Email:a.trepczynska@multispedytor.com.pl
where do you live?(city?country?): Poland,Blonie
are you a student?: No
what do you like on these pages the most?: All
what do you like on these pages the least?: Nothing
what would you add here?: Something
are you going to take any English exam?which?: No
When I only have a little more time I will be here again
Aleksandra - 11/11/98 14:48:53
Welcome Chief! I never took CFC exam but I suspect that all of them are basically the same: listening comprehension, grammar, reading comprehesion, writing an essay. Some exams have the additional section - testing how the student speaks English. In TOEFL
it is a separate test: TSE (Test of Spoken English).
I have no idea WHY one may need CFC. I know that TOEFL is required for admission to all reputable colleges and universities in the USA and Canada. The Kosciuszko Foundation (Fundacja Kosciuszkowska) which has offices in NY, USA and at Nowy Swiat 4, in War
aw, Poland, gives scholarships every year and English exam (in their brochure they mention only TOEFL or Cambridge Proficiency Exam)is required.
If anyone here has any info about Cambridge exams PLEASE let us know.
ChiefKrähe - 11/10/98 19:13:18
where do you live?(city?country?): Germany
are you going to take any English exam?which?: Cambridge First Certificate
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/09/98 13:41:01
I will give you a hint: If you submit a manuscript to any publishing house always include SASE (or SASB if this is a book ms)
Oops! In the hint there are more "puzzles" like that. "ms" = manuscript of course but what SASB means?
This is enough to give me a headache! Now I have to go to pharmacy to get some OTC drug for it!
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/05/98 20:03:31
Do you know what SASE means?
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/04/98 14:45:45
My Email:astrapub@msn.com
Do you know what ASAP means? Americans are often in a hurry and shorten they phrases or words as often as possible - or maybe I should say AOAP? Neah. Still, they say ASAP for "as soon as possible"! BTW (which stands for "by the way") by "neah" I mean "no
; "nope" would mean "no" too.
Aleksandra Tomasik - 11/03/98 15:47:15
My URL:/Athens/Ithaca/6634/
My Email:astrapub@geocities.com
where do you live?(city?country?): PA, USA
are you a student?: no
what do you like on these pages the most?: clarity
what would you add here?: more exercises
are you going to take any English exam?which?: I took TOEFL and GRE
Hello! In most English Proficiency exams (such as TOEFL or British CPE) there is a separate section on writing an essay. They e.g. give you a saying like: "Practice makes perfect" and you need to discuss YOUR position in that matter - do you agree or disa
ree with this saying and WHY? We do not have a separate place for it here but... it is all in our hands after all! I love quotations and it will be my pleasure to place some here - and all of you are welcome to write your opinions in the guestbook!
Dla tych ktorzy wola czytac po polsku: wiekszosc egzaminow z angielskiego ma dodatkowy dzial: pisanie wypracowania -zwykle podane jest jakies zdanie a twoim zadaniem jest zgodzenie sie z tym zdaniem lub nie i przedstawienie swoich racji. Jak narazie nie m
my na tych stronach osobnego miejsca na tego typu zadania (choc wszystko w koncu jest w naszych rekach!) wiec wykorzystamy te ksiege (oprocznormalnych wpisow). od czasu do czasu podam (albo ktos z was) jakas "zlota mysl" a wy napiszecie (prosze) co o tym
yslicie. Mozecie po angielsku - mozecie tez po polsku - ale starajcie sie oczywiscie raczej po angielsku. Chodzi tu w koncu o to by sie DOBRZE przygotowac do egzaminu z angielskiego