My Award

If you would like to win Luxors' "Sacred Scarab of Excellence Award" you must:

(1) Sign the "Luxor...Home To Egyptian Myth" GuestStele.

(2) Have a children safe page. "NO" pornography whatsoever!

(3) Preferably your site is about one (or more) of the following subjects...ancient history, esoteric sciences, theology, English literature, fantasy, "new age" music, native american culture, vampiric lore, and graphics.

(4) In return for my award there's only one thing that I ask. That you provide a link back to my site: You may use my award to link my page, or you can choose from one of my two banners that are found on my main page, or a simple text link.

(5) No racist web-pages.

(6) Tell me how you found my web-site.

egyptian mythlinks win my awardawards my page has wonweb-ringsThe Book of the Deadlist of mythological deitiesmap of ancient Egypthistory of ancient Egypthieroglyphicshistory of the Coptic languagesee your name in Egyptianancient Egyptian triviaAncient Egyptian Religious Calendar...(Astrology & Astronomy)Ancient Egyptian Rituals