
The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification wants to tell you:



The World is One Home, Mankind is One Family


Statement of Purpose:


Strengthening Families

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is an international society comprised of families striving to embody the ideal of true love and to establish a world of true peace and unity among all peoples, all races, all religions... 

The worldwide organization is based on the principle that families, working together, have the capacity to resolve the problems of their societies and the world. Peaceful families will build a peaceful world.

Enlightened Attitudes

People around the world face social and political problems that have religious and ideological dimensions and can never be fully solved by political means alone. The solutions of local and International issues will come from those who can live for the sake of others. World peace depends on people who are capable of reconciliation, who are willing to transcend racial, religious, cultural, and ideological barriers to achieve unity of heart. 

Such enlightened attitudes can best be fostered through family life. Parents dedicated to loving and respecting one another inspire their children by example. Children inherit an understanding of peace when they see it in their parents' hearts. Homes filled with peace make possible a world of peace as well. Rooted in the fertile soil of family life, FFWPU encourages families to reach out to the world. 

Family Values

The Family Federation seeks to create an international environment friendly to "family values" that support and strengthen family life. Fundamental to a healthy family is the commitment of husband and wife to maintain purity in married love, and to uphold the ideals of fidelity and mutual respect. As parents they love and care for their children and protect them from abuse and exploitation, guiding them according to the highest moral standards. The children in such a family love and respect their parents and grandparents. We hold these "family values" to be universal and the standard for families everywhere. 

FFWPU Purpose

Family Federation (FFWPU) is not a membership organization but functions as a resource for national organizations. Enhancing worldwide awareness of FFWP activities, FFWPU works to create a worldwide environment friendly to families. Through the international media, in dialogue with other organizations, and according to the directives of Family Federation conventions, FFWPU promotes and defends family-centered ideals and activities.