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Free valuable books for your intellect entertainment (Arabic)

Alhaqiqa Algaiba by Farag Foda                                 

Fil Al-Shaar Al-Jahili by Taha Hussein                    

Awlad Haritna by Najeeb Mahfoudh                              

Dhakirat Al-Jassad by Ahlam Mastaghanmi                   

Aber Serir by Ahlam Mastaghanmi                                     

Garbalat Almoqadasat by Jihad Nasra                      

Qitaa Tooli by Fatima Naoot                   

Aljaheem Al-Moqaddas by Borhan  Shawi                                                            

Qoran..wa Kafa by Ahmed Subhi Mansour 

Al-Nabi by Jubran Khalil Jubran                      

Alf Laila Wa Laila (Arabian nights)                             



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