1 The
story starts with King Bharat choosing a commoner as the crown prince. He felt that his nine sons were not
suitable. King
Shanthanu marries Ganga. Ganga gives birth to 7 chidren, and releases them from
their curse, by immediately drowning them.
8th Child lives to
fulfill his curse. (He is Devarata) Ganga
returns Devarata to Shanthanu. One
day while riding Devarat defends Hastinapur from the the aggressive Shalva
King Shanthanu
meets Sathiyavathi. Shanthanu asks Sathiyavthi’s father Dasrat for his
daughter’s hand. Dasrat wants his
grandson to be the crown prince.
Shanthanu refuses this proposal. Devarat goes to is this Dasrat? and
takes an oath that he will be a bachelor and make Sathiyavathi.s son the crown
prince. (Bhishmas
oath) Sathiyavathi
names Devarath as Bhisma. Bhisma
takes another oath that he will serve anyone who ascends the thrown of
Hastinapur Sathiyavathi gives birth
to two sons Chitrangan and Vichitraveerya
Volume 2
was crowned as the king. He died in
a war. Then Vichitraveerya was
crowned as the king. Kasi king’s
three daughters(Ambika, Ambalika, Amba) were getting married, He did not want to
invite Vichitraveerya, the king of Hastinapur. Bhisma arrives at Kasi and takes all
three princes to Hazthinapur.
Shalva king stops Bhisma on the way. Bhisma defeats him. Amba tells Sathiyavathi that she wanted
to marry Shalva Kumar, the Shalva King.
Bhisma sends her back to Shalva Kumar but he refuses to accept her. So
she returns to Hastinapur. and said that Bhisma should marry her. But Bhisma
refused,since he was bound by an
oath.of celibacy. Amba takes an oath that she will be the cause of Bhisma’s
death and leaves. Vichitraveerya died of illness. Sathyavathi wanted Bhisma to
marry Vivhitraveerya’s wives. But he refuses. Sathyavathi calls Viyasar who is
her eldest son, born to Parasar(this happened when Sathyawati was a young girl
helping her boatman father in rowing peole across the river). Sage Viyasa was in
the jungle doing meditation (Tapas);Sathyavathi asked Viyasar to use his powers
to grant children to Ambika and
Ambalika. Viyasar tells her to wait for one year, but Sathyavathi insists it be
done immediately.. When Ambika sees Viyasar she closed her eyes out of fear.Her
child is born blind. While Ambalika gets scared when she sees Viyasar. Hence her
child will not be healthy. The maid has a healthy baby. Dhiritharastra, Pandu
and Vidur are born.to Ambika, Ambalika and the maid respectively. Dhirithararata
gets married to Gandari and Pandu gets married to Kunti. When Kunthi was a young
girl Sage Duruvasar gives Kunthi a manthra to summon any god from heaven. She
tests the manthra on the sun god.
The Sun god comes and gives her a son called Karna.How ever she abandons
Karna as a baby to avoid getting a bad name. Pandu extended the borders of
Hastinapur. He takes the hand
of Madri as his second wife. Pandu and Madiri go horse riding. They meet Rishi Kindam. Sage Kindam blesses Kunthi and Madiri to
have good sons. Volume 3 Sathiyavathy
tells Dhiritharasrata to call Pandu back from the forest. Madiri sends Pandu to kill a tiger. Pandu aims an arrow, which kills sage
Kindam and his wife. The sage
curses Pandu that he will die the moment he embraces his wives. Pandu tells Dristharasrata about the
killing. Pandu goes to the forest
to do penance and gives the crown to Dristharasrata. Pandu and his two wives go to the
forest. Pandu meets some sages who
were going to Brama Loka. They said
that Pandu couldn’t go with them because he hasn’t got any sons. He tells about this to Kunthi. Kunthi tells Pandu about Sage Duruvasa’s
gift to her. Kunthi calls
Dharamarajah. He comes and gives
her a son. Yudistra
was born. Kunti calls wind god. He gives her Bhim. Crown
Prince Kansa harasses every body. King Ugrasena was ruling Mathura. The citizens
come and complain about the crown prince Kansa. Kansa makes his father abdicate.
He imprisons his father. He gets his sister Devaki to marry Vasudev. He
imprisons them when he heard that Deveki’s eighth son would kill him. Kansa then
kills Deveki’s sons who were born in the prison. He had killed 6 sons. Devaki transfers her 7th pregnancy to Vasudev’s
first wife Rohini. Devaki
conceives her 8th child.
A light enters the prison.
Krishna is born. A voice
tells Vasudev to take the child to his friend Nand. The guards fall asleep and the doors
open. Vasudev takes the baby and
goes. He wades across Jamuna.river. A cobra comes and protects the baby from the
rain. Vasudev goes to Nand’s
house. He gives Krishna to
him. Nand gives his newborn baby to
Vasudev. Kansa was informed that Devaki gave birth to a girl. He hires Putana to kill all the
babies. In Gokul all had a dream
that Krishna asking them to bring them butter. Putana disguises as a beautiful woman
and goes and kills the entire woman in
Gokul. Putana goes to Nand’s
house. She takes Krishna. When she tries to give Krishna milk
Krishna kills her. Yasotha and Nand
go to Kanna and saw that Putana was dead.
Kansa gets angry and burns Gokul.
Devaki gives birth to Subatra.
Volume 4 One
day Yasotha caught Krishna eating mud.
When she made Krishna open his mouth she saw the universe in his
mouth. Krishna plays the flute and
entertains the cows. Krishna chases
the snake Kaliya away. Krishna puts
a stop to the delivery of butter to king Kansa. Kansa gets angry and told his soldiers
to steal all the cows from Nandagoan.
Krishna stops the people from doing puja to Indran. Hence Indran gets angry and started to
rain continuously. Krishna lifts
the Govardhan Mountain and supports it on his little finger. The town people take shelter under
it. Kansa hears about it and sends
Akru to bring Krishna to him.
Volume 5 Krishna
goes to Matura with Akru. In Matura he heals a woman’s hunched back. A washerman tries to hit Krishna but the
stick goes through him. Krishna
strings the Shiva Danus bow. When
the bow breaks it makes a loud noise.
On hearing this noise Kansa gets scared. Kansa gets a wild elephant to
kill Krishna but they salute him.
Then he gets some wrestlers to wrestle with Krishna. Krishna and Balaram beat all the
wrestlers. Kansa tries to crush
Krishna but Krishna throws Kansa and kills him. Krishna frees his parents and his
grandfather from the dungeon.
Ugrasena becomes the king of Matura. Nand leaves Krishna in Matura and goes
to Nandagoen. Krishna and Balaram
go to Rishi Snadhipan to study.
dies in the forest. Madiri
immolates herself in Pandu’s funeral pyre.
Kunthi and the five children go to Hastinapur. Sage Vyasa took Sathiyavathi, Ambika and
Ambalika to the forest.
Kripachariya teaches the Kaurava Princes. Vidur brings the Pandavas to the
school. .iaratra’s charioteer
wanted to leave because he wanted to educate his adopted son Radheya. He introduces Sanjaya to
Dhrisraqtra. Karna was generous
from childhood. He tells his father
that he wanted to learn the art of war .
Duriyodhan poisons Bhim, Bhim feels sleepy and falls asleep. Duriyodhan
and Dhushashan wrap Bhim and dump
Bhim into the river Ganga.
Shakuni is happy that Duriyodhan and Dhushashan had followed his
orders. Bhim is taken by Nagas who
are living under Ganga. The chief
of the Nagas is Kunthi’s grandfather.
He gives Bhim a potion, which made him very strong. Bhim tells his brothers and mother that
Dhuriyadham had poisoned him. Volume 6 Only
Vidur was able to guess what had happened to Bhima. He tells Bhishma about it. Krishna is studying in Ujjain. One-day Krishna and Sudhama go to the
forest to gather firewood. They get
caught in the rain. They both climb
a tree. Sudhama eats all the food
that he should have shared with Krishna.
day when the Kauravas and the Pandavas were playing with the ball it fell in to
a well. Dhuronachariya saw this and told the kids to bring some long grass
blades.. He joins the grass blades
and pulls the ball out. Arjun tells this incident to Bhisma and Bhisma
goes and greets DuronoChariya.
Dhuronachariya agrees to teach the Kauravs and the Pandavas. Dhuronachariya’s son Aswathama joins his
father. Duronachariya’s wife Kripi
also joins him. Adirath and Karna
met Duronaschariya. Adirath asks
Duronachariya to teach Karna warfare.
Duronachariya refuses to teach Karna saying that the school is only for
the royal princes. Arjun sees
Duronachariya teaching Aswathama and goes and joins them to learn. One day Duronachacariya plans a game and
makes an artificial crocodile
attack him. While all the other
princes run away Arjun attacks the crocodile and saves his teacher. Duronachariya blesses Arjun for his
bravery. Ekalva
practices archery. He had made an
image of Duronachariya and uses it
as his guru. Since Ekalva was the
son of the minister from a neighboring country Doronachariya felt that Ekalva
was a threat to Hastinapur and wanted Ekalva’s thumb from his right hand as his
guru daksana. Karna was learning
warfare under the guidance of Parasurama.
Aswathama gets jealous and complains to his father. So Duronachariya had a test and prove to
Aswathama that Arjun was his best pupil. . Duronachriya informs Bishma that
all the princes had completed their studies and that he would like to have an
exhibition to show their talents. A
beautiful arena was built. . All the princes exhibited their
talents. Karna arrives at the arena
and says that Arjun is not the best archer. When Kripa chariya said that Karna
cannot duel Arjun because Karna is not a prince, Duriyodhan gave Karna his Anga
kingdom to Karna and made him a
king. Volume 7 Pandavas and the Kauravas offer their
teacher that they would like to give Guru dachana(offerings to the Teacher).
Duronachariya says that he would like them to capture The kingdom of
Duropad(with whom Duronachariya had a long standing grudge) The Kauravs go first but fail to
capture. Then Pandavas capture Durupad and take him to
finishing the studies Krishna and Balaram go to Mathura. Kansa’s
father-in-law was attacking Mathura
Krishna and Balaram save
Mathura. Krishna suggests that they
leave Mathura and create a new city called Dwaraka. The celestial architect Vishvakarma was
called for this purpose. People of
Mathura settled in Dwaraka. Sakuni
sends spies to find out whom the public prefer as their crown prince. The public preferred Yudhister. One day
some criminals were brought to the palace to be sentenced. .
Both Duriyodhan and Yudhister were asked to give judgement. Everybody preferred Yudhisater’s
judgement. Hence Dhiritharashtra
made Yudhister the crown prince.
Dwaraka the people were looking for a groom for Rukmini. They had arranged Sisupal to marry
Rukmini. Ekalavya takes the letter
of invitation to Sisupal. Rukmini
writes a letter to Krishna and asks him to come and save her. Krishna marries Rukmini and takes her
with him. Volume 8 Shakuni
is making a wax house for the Pandavas at Varanavat. Shakuni got a builder called Purachand
for this purpose. The Pandavas were
returning from their victory tour.
Bhim stayed with Balaram and studied mace warfare. Karna discouraged Duriyodan regarding
building the wax house.
Dhiritharashtra wants to send Yudhister to Varanavat to attend Lord Shiva’s festival, on his behalf..
Bhim is not happy about the house that Duriyodhan had built for Yudhister. The Pandavas along with Kunthi decide to
go to Varanavat together. Vidur
sent his spies and found that the house that Duriyodhan had built is a wax
house. Then Vidur drops a hint by asking the Pandavas which animal is not afraid
about forest fire. Then Yudhister
tells him that rats are not afraid of forest fire because they can hide in their
hole during a fire. Early next
morning they left for Varanavat.
Vidur tells Yudhister to look for exits in the house. Yudhister understood Vidur’s
warning. They arrive at Purachand’s
house. They found that the house
has no back door. Vidur had send a
miner to do the digging. Duriyodhan
had sent his senathipathi(commander) to check on the Pandavas. When Bhim wants to help the miner, the
miner tells him that there is no need for him to help. Duriyodhan had planted his men around
the house to stop the Pandavas from escaping once the house catches fire. Vidur’s spy informed him that Shakuni is
planning to start the fire on the moonless night. Arjuna informed the miner to finish the
work a day before the moonless night.
The tunnel opened in Yudhister’s, s room. The miner told them to conceal the hole
and left. Ghandhari has a
nightmare. She dreamt that Lord
Shiva danced the dance of destruction and opened his 3rd eye. She also dreamt that the fire god came
and told her that her house is going to get burnt. She said that she called Lord Indra to
come and rain and put the fire out, but he just kept watching her. She tells Dhitharashtra that it was not
an ordinary dream. Dhritharashtra
tells her to go to sleep. Shakuni
had planned to kill Purachand too.
Karna tells Duriyodhan not to go ahead with the plan of burning the
Pandavas. Purochand and all the
people who had helped him to build the house aare poisoned are drugged.. The Pandavas opened the tunnel and left
the house through it.. Bhim had started the fire before leaving. Purochand got caught in the fire and
died. The Pandavas had escaped
through the tunnel. Shakuni’s spy
tells him about the Pandavas death
Shakuni tells Dhritharashtraabout the Pandavas deathDhritharashtra tells
Bhisma about the death of the Pandavas .
On hearing this Bhisma locks himself in his room and goes into mourning..
Assuming that the Pandavas are dead, Duryodan is made the crown prince of
Hastinapur. . Volume 9 In
the forest Bhima killed the demon Hidumba and Bhim married his sister
Hidumbi. The Pandavas
diguise themselves as wandering
Brahmins(priests) and beg for food.
Gatagacha is born to Bhim and Hidumbi.. After the birth of his son Bhim goes
back to his mother. Where the
Pandavas were living there was a demon living near the forest. Once a week the people in the village
had to send some food and a human for the demon to eat. One day it was the turn of the house
where the Pandavas are staying.
Kunthi says that she will send Bhim. Bhim goes to the demon with the
food. Bhim eats all the demon’s
food. Then Bhim kills the
demon. After that the Pandavas left
the city. Dritharashtra
wanted Duriyodhan to marry Duraupathi.
In the forest some sages visited the Pandavas. Kunthi gave them some food. They told them about Duraupathi’s
suyamvaram(ceremony where princes from different kingdom vie for the hands of
the Princess by taking part in various competitions) King Durupad had obtained Draupathi as
his daughter from the fires of a Yagna performed by sages for him.. –Arjuna enters the competition and wins
Draupathii. Kunthi without knowing
had said they should share everything equally among the five of them. Hence, Durupathi marries all five
Pandavas. When
Driritharashtra learns that the Pandavas are alive he sends Vidur to bring them
back. The Pandavas go to Hastinapur with Draupathi. Volume
feels the tension in the palace and goes to see his mother, Ganga. But she doesn’t appear. Bhisma pleads with his mother to
come. Eventually she appears. His mother tells him not to come to her
all the time he has a problem because he took all the oaths without asking
her. There was a grand welcome for
the Pandavas. Since there were now
two crown princes Bhisma decides to partition Hastinapur. Shakuni is not happy about the
partition. He is planning to get
Kandavaprasth back. He advises
Duriyodhan to befriend Balaram.
Duriyodhan takes Balaram and shows Hastinapur. When Arjun was aiming his arrows at a
tree due to his anger because of the partition, Bhisma tells him that no one
should hurt anything, which cannot defend itself. Duriyodhan asks Balaram to teach him
mace warfare. Balaram agrees to
that. Yudhister gets crowned as the
king of Kandavaprasth. After the
coronation the Pandavas along with Krishna go to Kandavapreath. The Pandavas turn Kandavapresth into a
fertile and prosperous kingdom.
Vishvakarma the celestial architect builds them a palace. Balaram wants his sister Subatra to
marry Duriyodhan. Krishna tells
Arjun that he should elope with Subatra.
Krishna tells Subatra to go to the village temple. Arjun goes to the temple and Subatra
goes away with Arjun. Balaram gets
very angry when he finds about it.
Krishna calms everyone.
Volume 11 Arjun marries Subatra. Draupathi gets very angry when Arjun Brings Subatra to Indrapresth Arjun tells Subatra to dress as a cow maid. . Then Subatrta goes to Draupathi. Draupathi accepts her. Krishna tells Yudhister to perform the Rajasuya yagna. Krishna says that King Jharasandth may create a problem Krishna, Arjun and Bhim dress as Brahmins and go to see Jharasandth. Krishna tells Jharasanth to free all the 86 Kings he is keeping as prisoners to sacrifice to Lord Shiva. Jharasandth refuses..n Krishna challenges him for a duel. Jharasanth chooses Bhim for a duel. The duel takes place. Bhim splits Jharasanth into two and throws the two parts away. But the body joins and becomes a whole body. Then Krishna tells Bhim to throw both the pieces in opposite directions. The body could not join. The Krishna frees all the prisoners. He made Jharasanth’s son the king. Shakuni is not happy about Jarasanth’s death. Krishna’s aunt gives birth to Shisupal. When she finds out that Krishna will be her son’s killer she pleads with Krishna not to kill her son. Then Krishna tells her that he will forgive 100 of Shisupal’s mistakes, before killing him. Shisupal grew up. Vyasa comes along with other sages to Indraprasath(the name Kandavaprasath has been changed to Indraprasath). The Rajasuya yagna takes place. When Shisupupal objects Krishna being honored, Krishna kills Shisupal because Krishna had forgiven 100 of Shisupal’s mistakes. he entire guests bless Yudhister. Karna wonders who he is, and who his parents could be. Duriyodhan is angry that Yudhister had performed the Rajasuya yagna.. Duriyodhan goes around to see the palace of the Pandavas.. Duriyodhan falls into a pond in the palace. Draupathi sees this and laughs at Duriyodhan. Duriyodhan gets very angry. Shakuni tells Duriyodhan to invite the Pandavas to Hastinapur. Duriyodhan tells his father to invite the Pandavas to Hastinapur or he will attack Indrapresth. Volume 12 Dhiritharashtra
sends Vidur to Indrapresth to invite the Pandavas to play dice in
Hastinapur. When Vidur invited
Yudhister to play dice he accepts the invitation. Shakuni gives his dice to Duriyodhan and
asks him to use it for the game.
Bhishma is very unhappy about the dice game. Bhishma goes to see Ghandhari and tells
her to ask Duriyodhan not to play dice.
Ghandari tells him that no one will listen to her. The Pandavas come to Hastinapur to play
dice. Duriyodhan asks
Shakuni to throw the dice on his behalf.
One by one Yudishter looses everything. He then stakes his brothers and loses
them too. Then Yudhister stakes
himself and loses him too Then he stakes Draupathi and looses her too. ..
Duroyhodhan sends his servant to bring Draupathi to the recreation hall. Dushashan tries to disrobe her but by
the grace of Lord Krishna his attempt fails.
13 Duriyodhan
wants to attack Indrapresth. If he
is not allowed to attack he wants to play a game of dice. Bhisma tells him that only the king can
decide what to do. Ghandari scolds
Dhiritharashtra for allowing Draupathi to be humiliated. Bhisma and Duriyodhan come to
Dritharashtra. Duriyodhan tells his
father what he wanted. Draupathi tells the Pandavas that she will not braid her
hair until she gets Dushashan’s blood to wash her hair. The Kauravas invite the Pandavas again
to play dice. Dhiritharashtra tells
the Pandavas to play another game of dice and that if they loose they will have
to go to the forest for 12 years and another 1 year of living in anonymity. If they are found out in the
13th year they will have
to go the jungle again for 12 years.
Yudhister accepts the game of dice and looses the game. The Pandavas go the jungle. Duroyodhan is wondering what to do after
the 12 years are over. Sage vyasa
came to see Dhritharashtr and tells the king to advice Duriyodhan to make peace
with the Pandavas. Kiripachariya
tells Bhisma that the future of Hastinapur is at a risk. Duriyodhan puts up a camp next to the
Pandavas hut in the jungle to irritate them. While in the jungle Duriyodhan molests
the Gandava Princes. The Gandavas
get angry and surround Duriyopdhan’s camp.
Duriyodhan’s bodyguard escapes and asks the Pandavas to help. Arjun and Bhim rescue Duriyodhan from
the gandavas. Arjun preys to Lord
Shiva and gets a divine weapon.
Then Arjun goes to heaven to get Indra’s blessing. Karna conquers adjoining kingdoms and
expands Hastinapur’s territory.
Bhisma advises Duriyodhan to make peace with the Pandavas. Sage Durvasa comes to Hastinapur. Shakuni suggests to him to see the
Pandavas. CHAPTER
14 Sage
Duruvasa came to Pandavas. Sage Duruvasa tells Yudhister to have lunch ready and
goes to bath. The Pandavas ask
Duraupathi to prepare lunch. She
tells that she has no food items to prepare lunch. Dear readers you may remember that when
the Pandavas had to live in the jungle they were given the Akshya
Pathram(Pathram is vessel, Akshaya means wish fulfilling) by Krisna. They were
told that all they have to do was to put a small quantity of cooked food into
the vessel and it will then yield enough food for all to eat. However this will only happen once a
day. Draupathi’s dilemma is that the vessel had already fed them for the day,
and will not yield any more food
until the following day.
Sage Durvasa is notorious
for his temper and the Pandavas were worried. Draupathi resorted to prayers 7 asked
Krishna to help. Then Krishna comes
there. When God is on earth every
act(leela) of his is significant.
Krishna asks for The sages finish their lunch and get ready to go for
lunch. When Krishna eats the grain
of rice, which Duraupati gives him the sages, fell full and does not come for
lunch. Bhim meets Hanuman. Hanuman teaches Bhim about the ethics of war. Some travelers were going through the forest. Ghatogach stops them. Bhim tells Ghatogatch to take him for the sacrifice. Bhim scolds his wife for sacrificing for the God. Arjun is in heaven. There Lord Indra tells Arjun to learn dancing from Chirtrasena. Arjun learns dancing. Urvasi tells Arjun that she was in love with him. When Arjun refuses Urvasi, she gets angry and curses Arjun to be impotent. Lord Indra tells Arjun to use Urvasi’s curse as a shield for the year of hiding. Abimanu grows up in Krishnan’s care. Arjun returns from heaven. Nakul tells Arjum to show the power of the divine weapons. When Arjun was about to use it the angels tell him not to use it. Arjun returns the weapon. Jairath sees Duraupathi in the forest and kidnaps her. Her husband come and saves her. Jairath goes and preys for Lord Shiva to obtain a boon. While wondering in the jungle Duraupathi becomes thirsty. Nakul goes to get water for her. In the river a demon asks him a question. Nakul does not answer the demon and drinks the water and dies. The same thing happens to Shahadev, Arjun and Bhim. Then Yudhistre comes to the river. The Raksha asks him the questions. When Yudhistre answers all the questions the Rakasha tells him to choose one of his brothers to live. Yudisdhister tells him that he would like Nakul to live because he is Madri’s son. The demon became pleased with him and revives all the brothers. The Pandavas had escaped the spies of Duriyudhan. Dhiriratra has a dream where all his ancestors come and scold him. The Pandavas join the Virat king in disguised. Arjun became the dance teacher to Uthara. Shahadev takes an oath to kill Shakuni.
VOLUME 15 Shakuni’s
son Ulluk comes from Ghandar. He
asks his father to come with him to Ghandar. Shakuni refuses to go. Karna goes to see Duronachariyar. He tells Duronachariyar about Parasuramar, s
curse. Uthara’s parents come to see
her dancing. Keechack sees
Duraupathi and tries to molest her. Duraupathi tells Bhim to kill Keechack. Bhim kills him. Duriyodhan realizes that it was Bhim who
had killed him. He prepares to
attack Matsuya Desa. Duriyhodhan
asks his friend Trikat to attack Matsaya first. Trikat looses the battle. Then the Kauravas attack Matsaya. Arjun goes as Uthara’s brother’s
charioteer. He refuses to
fight. Then Arjun fights and
defeats the Kauravas. Duroiyhodhan
says that he had recognizes the Pandavas.
Bhisma tells Duriyodhan that the one-year of hiding is over. Uthara’s brother takes the scarves of
the Kauravas to Uthara’s dolls.
Virat king gets angry when Yudhistre tells him that it was Brinhala who
had actually won the war, and throws the dice and hurts her.
Dhiratra comes to see Bhisma. He
tells Dhisratra that the Pandavas have finished the one-year of hiding so to
give Indrapresth to them. King
Durupath goes for Abimanyu’s weeding.
Duraupathi’s sons come to meet her.
Abimanu gets married to Uthara.
After the wedding the Pandavas sends the chief priest of Kampiliya to
Hastinapur as a messenger. The
messenger goes to Hastinapur. The
Kauravas scolds the priest and sends him back. Dhirstrater sends for Sanjay. He sends Sanjay to Yudhistre to tell him
to stay wherever he is without coming to claim Indrapresth. Sanjays delivers this message this
message to the Pandavas. Yudhistre
tells Sanjays to tell Dhirstra to return Indrapresth to him. Sanjays returns to Hastinapur. He tells Dhirastra to return Indrapresth
to the Pandavas. Dhirstrtra calls
Vidur. He tells Vidur what Sanjay
had told him. Sanjay goes to the
court. He tells the court what the
Pandavas had told him. Shakuni came
and told Duriyohdhan to ask Krishna to fight for him. Shikandhi is waiting to get revenge of
Bhisma. Vidur comes to see Bhisma.
He tells Bhishma that Krishna is coming to Hastinapur. Bhisma tells Dirsatra to accept
Krishna’s peace proposal.
Duriyodhan wants to arrest Krishna.
Bhisma tells him not to do anything foolish. Karna comes to see Bhisma. He tells Bhisma that he can’t forsake
Duriyhodhan. Krishna comes to
Hastinapur. Krishna tells them that
he wants to have lunch at Vidur’s place.
He tells Kunthi that her five sons will be safe. Krishna tells Duriyhodhan to accept
peace. . Krishna
visits Hastinapur and stays with Vidur.
Krishna comes to the king’s court.
and requests Dhritharashtra to return Indrapresth to Pandavas. Duriyodhan interferes and refuses this
request. Then Krishna asks for five
villages. That too he refuses. Duriyodhan wanted to arrest
Krishna. Then Krishna takes his
real form with full powers(Vishwa roopa).
The aura blinds everyone in the court except Bhisma, Vidur and
Duronachariya. War is
imminent. Lord Indra is worried
about Karna’s invincibility because of the armour and earrings he was born
with. One day when Karna was
sleeping Sun god tells Karna that Lord Indra is planning to ask for his shield
and earrings. Karna tells him that
if Lord Indra asks him for those he will give them to him. Then sun god advices Karna to ask for
Sakthi weapon from Indra. One day when Karna was praying to the
Sun god, lord Indra dressed as a Brahmin comes to Karna and asks for the shield
and the earring. Karna cuts them
from his body and gives them to Lord Indra. Lord Indra gives the Sakthi weapon to
Karna but tells him that he could use it only once. Krishna
tells Karna who his mother is.
Vidur resigns his primeminister post in the Hastinapur court. Kunthi
meets Karna. Kunthi asks
Karna to join his brothers(Pandavas).
Karna refuses this, but tell that her will not kill anyone but
Arjun. Therefore Kunthi will always
remain a mother of 5 sons. Kunthi
blesses Duriyodhan with long life , but refuses to bless him to win the
war. Dhistaythyama(Draupathi’s twin
brother) is chosen to be the commander for the Pandava army. Ghandhari tells her husband to stop the
18 Pandava
and Kaurava armies march towards Kurushetra, which is the battle ground. The rules of the war had been laid out
by Bhishma and all parties are bound to follow it. Duriyodhan tricks and makes
the King of Madra to stay in his camp.
Yudhister waits for his uncle King Shalya(king of Madra). When king Shalya finds out that he had
stayed in Duriyodhan’s camp he tells Duriyodhan to ask for a boon. He asks King Shalya to be the commander
for his army. Dhistathyama sees his
brother Shikandi poisoning his arrows.
He asks Shikandi what he was doing.
Shikandi tells him that he was Amba in his previous birth. When Bhisma insulted her she went to
Parasurama. Sage Vyasa gives
Sanjay(King Dirtharashtra’s chrioteer) the ability to see the battle from the
palce, so that he can keep the king(ie Diritharashtra) informed of the progress
of the battle.
19 Arjun
changes his mind about fighting against his clan and teachers(gurus). Then Krishna delivers Bhagavat Geetha to
the Arjun (and the world).
Yudhister visits the elders of the Kaurava army and gets the blessing
from them. The war begins. Abimanyu asks Bhisma’s permission to
fight against him.
20 Arjun
fights with Bhisma. Bhisma’s arrows
wound Krishna. Arjun kills Bhisma’s
sarathi(charioteer). Duriyodhan is
angry that Bhisma is not killing Arjun.
Krishna scolds Arjun for not killing Bhisma. Krishna tells Arjun that if he not
killing Bhisma then Krishna will kill Bhishma. Then Arjun apologizes and fights
properly. In the end Bhisma gets
wounded. With the help of
Shikandi(remember Shikandi was Amba the princess in aprevious birth). Arjun makes Bhisma fall. Bhishma is on a bed of arrows.Then Drona
is made the commander. He asks
Karna to join the war. Karna goes
to see Bhisma lying on a bed of arrows.
Then Bhisma tells him that he knows that he is Kunthi’s son. Then Karna asks him why he did not allow
him to fight in the war. Bhisma
tells him that he did not want him to fight his brothers. Duriyodhan asked Dronachariya to
imprison Yudhister.Duronachariya promises that he will catch Yudhistere. A spy
comes and tells Dhistathyama(commander of the Pandava army and Draupadi’s twin
21 A
Pandava spy who found out about the plan capture Arjun using the wheel formation
is caught by the Kauravas. Abimanyu
tells Uttara(his wife) that he knew only how to enter the wheel formation but
does not knows how to exit. . The
next day Trika brothers engage Arjun in a duel and take him away to another spot
in the battlefield. Drona and the Kaurava army close in on the rest of the
Pandavas using the wheel formation.
Abimanyu enters it along with the 4 Pandava brothers(without Arjun, who
is the only one who knows how to trounce enemy using the wheel formation). Abimanyu gets caught in the wheel
trap. Jegarath prevents the other
Pandavas reaching Abimanyu to help him.The Kauravas got together and killed
Abimanyu, breaking the rule of war which requires that at any one time only one
person can attack another. Arjun
vows that he will kill Jhagarath before sun set the following day, and if he
fails he will immolate himself.
22 Karna
fights with Bhim. Karna beats Bhim,
but did not kill him because he promised his mother(Kunti) that she will always
have 5 sons. Arjun goes in search
of Jagarath but is unable to find him in the battle field. Jegarath is surrounded by the Kaurava
army, and Arjun is thus forced to fight off the army surrounding Jegarath. The day drags on and is coming to an
end, and Arjun does’nt seem to be able to kill Jegarath. Krishna covers the sun with clouds. Jhegarath thinks that the sun has set
and comes towards Arjun, and taunts him. Krishna moves the clouds and the
sun comes out. Arjun’s arrow severs
Jhegarath’s head and makes it fall on Jhegarath’s father’s lap(remember
Jegaraths father is a sage who had blessed his son that any one who causes his
son’s head to fall on the ground will be immediately consumed in fire). On seeing his son’s head falling on his
lap, the father gets up. The head
falls on the ground. This causes
the father to die also.
son Ghatakach joins the war(remember the son born to Bhim and the devout
demonness Idumbi, when the Pandavas were in the jungle). He kills many of the enemies. No one in the Kaurava army is able to
stop Ghatakach. The day’s war ends
with heavy casualities on the Kaurava side. The following day Karna kills Ghatakach,
using the Sakthi weapon(remember the Sakthi weapon when used once will return to
lord of heavens,Indra)..
Duronachriya kills the king of Virat. 98 of Duriyhodhan’s brothers have died
in the battle so far. The Pandavas
decide that Dronachariya has to be killed if the war is to be won. Krishna tells
Bhim to kill the battle elephant named Ahwathama. Then Bhim tells Duronachriya that he had
killed Ahwathama(remember Drona’s son is also called Ashwathama). On hearing this Drona goes and asks
Yudhister whether it is true.
Yudiister says “Aswathama
the elephant has been killed”.
Yudhister mumbles the word “elephant” softly. Thinking that his son his dead,
Duronachariyar threw all his weapons on the ground and sits in prayers. Seeing this Dhistathyama kills him(thus
fulfilling the reason of his birth).
Karna informs Bhisma(who is lying on the bed of arrows) Duronachriyar’s
death. Karna is appointed the
Kaurava army commander. Karnas asks
the king of Matura to be his charioteer.
Bhim fought with Dhushashan and killed him. Then he took Dushshan’s blood and gave
Draupathi to wash her hair with it(fulfilling one of his two oaths that he made
in the dice hall). Karna fights
with Arjun and gives him a good thrashing.
When he was about to kill Arjun the sun sets. Karna stops the war for the day, since
the rule of war is to stop fighting at sunset, for rest and clearing the
battlefield of the dead and wounded.
The fighting armies are also allowed to mingle with each other after
23 Duraupathi
pushes Arjun to kill Karna. Karna
has a disturbing sleep. Kunthi
comes to see Karna. Arjun and Karna
start fighting the following day.
Karna is unable to invoke his divine weapon because he forgets the
Manthra to be chanted to invoke it(remember his teacher Parasuram’s curse on
Karna that he will forget what he learnt when he needs it). The chariot also gets stuck in the
ground.(remember the curse of the Brahmin who’s calf was run over by Karna’s
chariot; the Brahmin cursed that the same wheel that killed his calf will let
down Karna in a crucial moment).
Karna climbs down from the chariot to push it out of the ditch. At this moment Arjun killed Karna. Duriyhodhan makes the king of Matura the
commander. Yudhister kills
him. Shahadev kills Shakuni. Duriyodhand goes to Bhisma and informs
him about Karna’s death. Then
Bhisma tells him that Karna was Kunthi’s eldest son. Kunthi cries over Karna’s body. Yudhister saw his mother crying and
asked her why she was crying, over the dead enemy. Then she tells who Karna was. Ghandhari
tells Duriyhodhan to bathe in the river Ganga and come to her in the nude to
receive all her accumulated prayer energy for his protection in tomorrow’s
fight. Krishna comes to
Ghandhari. Then Krishna tells her
that Karna was Kunthi’s eldest son.
She curses Krishna that the Yhadava dynasty will be destroyed. Krishna sees Duriyhodhan going towards
his mother’s tent naked. Krishna
tells him to cover himself even though he is seeing his mother.Duryodhan thinks
about it, and goes to his mother covering his waist area with leaves. She opens her eyes. Her vision makes Duroyhodhan’s body
strong as iron. Her vision could
not make the part of the body, which was covered with leaves strong(this the
thighs). The Pandavas go to cremate
Karna, their elder brother.
Duriyhodhan stops them. He
said that he has more right to cremate him. Krishna tells that Durioyodhan has more
right. The
following day Duryodhan does not turn up at the battlefield, baffling the
Pandavas as well as his own army. A
hunter tells the Pandavas where Duriyodhan was hiding. Duroyhodhan was hiding inside a bubble
that he had created inside a lake.
The Pandavas make him come out and fight, with Bhim using the mace
weapon. Bhim breaks Duriyhodhan’s
thighs and fulfills his oath.
Ashvathama comes to see Duriyodhan, who is lying wounded on the ground,
unable to move because of the broken thigh. Duriyhodhan appoints Aswathama as the
commander. Duriyhodhan dies. Sanjay looses his divine sight when
Duriyodhan died. He cannot give a
commentary of the war to king Diritharashtra. Aswathama goes to Pandava’s
camp. He killed Dhistayama when he
was asleep. Then he killed all five
of Draupathi’s sons thinking that they were the Pandavas. When Aswathama went to tell the news to
Duriyodhan he found him dead. Sage
Vyassa tells Aswathama that he had killed Draupathi’s sons. Then Asvathama sends the Brahmasthram to
kill the Pandavas, Arjun sends his Bramastharam. Sage Vyasa stops both the weapons. Vyasa
tells them to call back their weapons.
Arjun calls it back.
Aswathama tells them that he does not know how to call it back. Sage Vyasa tells Aswathama to change the
direction of the weapon. The
redirected weapon enters the womb of Uttar(Abhimanyu’s widow) and kills her yet
to be born child. However later
Krishna gives life to the child when it is still born. The child is called
24 Vidur
comes to see Diritharashtra. Diritharashtra tells Vidur about Duriyhodhan’s
death. Vidur tells him that it was
his(Diritharashtra’s) fault for not guiding his son. Vidur advises Diritharashtra to bless
the victorious Pandavas. Pandavas arrive at the palace to receive
Diritharashtra’s blessings. He asks
them to come to him one by one.
When Bhim’s turn comes Krishna tells the Pandavas by sign language to
place the statue of Bhim (that Duriyhodhan used to practice mace warfare)in
front of Diritharashtra. Though
puzzled the Pandavas do as Krishna told them. Diritharashtra hugged the image
and broke it to pieces. Thus his
wicked plan to kill Bhim was exposed by Krishna. Then Diritharashtra repents and
he blesses the Pandavas. The
Pandavas along with Kunthi came to Gandhari for her blessing. Coronation takes place. Yudhister appoints Vidur as his
primeminister. Diritharashtra, Ghandhari and Kunthi plan to leave to the
forest. Draupathi stops them from
going to the forest. The Pandavas
along with Krishna go to see Bhisma.
Krishna tells Bhisma to teach Yudhister. Bhisma advises Yudhister on the rules of
good governance. Krishna tells him
that he will place the earth on Bhisma’s forehead. Then Bhisma says ‘OM’ and leaves his
body. OM,
SHANTHI, SHANTHI, SHANTI. Aswathama’s Bramastharam goes and kills Prachit who is in Uttara’s womb. Prachit was born as a stillborn baby. Krishna gives the baby is life. Yudhister ruled Hastinapur for 35 years. Ghandhari’s curse started to take effect on the Yhadavas. They started to fight with each other and kill everybody. Balarama left his body and went to Vaikunta to wait for Krishna. Krishna knew that his time had come to leave the human body (which GOD had taken to relieve the world of evil, in response to the prayers of the righteous and the sages). He sat behind a bush and kept his hand above his head like horns. A hunter who was passing by saw this and thought that it was a deer in the bush and fired an arrow in that direction. The arrow killed Krishna. Arjun who had gone to help Krishna to stop the fights of the Yhadavas was very sad when Krishna left his body. Arjun took Krishna’s family and children to hide from killers belonging to Krishna’s own Yadhava clan. When they were passing through a forest some thieves came and attacked them. Arjun was very old at that time, and when he aimed the arrows at the thieves they fell just in front of Arjun. The thieves killed all of Krishna’s family members. When Arjun returned to Hastinapur, Yudhister asked about Krishna. Arjun told him what had happened. When Yudhister learned about it he felt very sad. Yudhister knew that it was time for them too to leave the worldly life. Then the Pandavas crowned Prachit as the king of Hastinapur and left for Himalayas. While climbing the mountain Draupathi left her body. Yudhister said that even though all of them loved her very much she loved Arjun more. That was why she could not go to heaven with her body. Then Shahadev left his body. Then Yudhister said that Shahadev was too proud of his knowledge in Astronomy. That was why he could not go to heaven with his body. Then Nakul left his body. Yudister said that Nakul was very proud of his looks. That was why he could not go to heaven with his body.When
the Pandavas were at the foot of Himalayas mountains a dog joined them. The dog started to climb the mountain
with them. A little while later
Arjun too left his body. Yudhister
said that Arjun was very proud that he was a good archer. That was why he could not go to heaven
with his body. Then Bhim and
Yudhister continued their way to heaven.
After a little while Bhim too left his mortal coil. Yudhister said that Bhim was too fond of
food. That was his problem. When Yudhister reached the top of
Himalayas a chariot was waiting, to take him to heaven. Yudhister told the
charioteer to allow the dog to enter the chariot too. The messenger refused. Then Yudhister said that if the dog was
not allowed in then he too would not get into the chariot. Then the dog changed the form and became
Dharma raja(lord of dharma, right action).
He blessed his son and took him with him to heaven in his human
body. Thus ended the Mission GOD on
earth in the Dwapara Yuga. The lord
has declared that he will incarnate whenever there is evil
dominating |