Srimad Ramayanam
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Khatvanga's son was Dirghabanu : His son was Raghu : His son was Dasaratha.

In answer to the prayer of Devas, that they may be protected from the incessant troubles given to them by the Asuras. Bhagavan was born of Dasaratha of Ayodhya, taking four forms.

Bhagavan was born in His entirety as RAMA out of Kousalya ; as part manifestication in the form of Bharathaout of Kaikeyi and as Lakshmana and Satrughna from Sumitra.

Rama and Lakshmana were taken by Visvamitra to protect his sacrifice, Rama killed, all alone, Maricha and other Rakshasas. In the assembly of grest heroes, Rama broke the bow of Siva in the middle and married Sita. On the way back to Ayodhya, he tamed the pride of Parasurama. He then accepted, with his head bent low, the command of his father Dasaratha that he must go to the forest for fourteen years. The Lord in the company of Sita and Lakshmana, left for the woods. He then killed 14,000 rakshasas. Ravana, who had heard from his sister about the beauty of Sita, developed a passion for her and sent Maricha who appeared in the form of a der and tempted Sita. To fulfil Sita's desire, Rama went after the deer and Lakshmana was sent by Sita to save Rama whose voice was reproduced by Maricha, Ravana in the meantime, stole Sita and took her away to Lanka. Rama in the company of Lakshmana, then wandered about in the forest . He cremated Jatayu and gave him final gratitude. He then slew Kabandha. He killed Vali and cultivated the friendship of Sugriva. Ascertaining from him the whereabouts of Sita, Rama despatched Hanuman to LAnka. Hanuman met Sita and set fire to the city of Ravana and came back. The Lord then with the monkeys, reached the shore of the ocean where Varuna offered worship to him and asked him to march over the ocean and kill Ravana. A bridge was constructed over the sea with mountain peaks. The Lord with Lakshmana, Sugriva, Hanuman and the host of Monkeys crossed over to Lanka and marched against the army of Ravana. He killed Kumbakarna and the sons of Ravana and a host of demons. The Lord finally killed. Mandodari, wife of Ravana and numberless Rkshasi women mourned the death of Ravana and other demons.

Vibhishana was made the King of Lanka. He recovered his consort Sita, who was till then, in a wretched plight. The Lord flew over to Ayodhya, in his aerial car called Pushpaka, in the company of Sita, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Sugriva, Vibhishana and others. The Lord's Mother embraced him and Sita and Lakshmana. His Younger brother Bharata received him and the coronation of the Lord was auspiciously celebrated. The Lord ruled over the kingdom for a long time and all his subjects considered him as their father.

Guided by his Vasistha, Rama performed sacrifices to propitiate himself. On a certain night, moving incognito, Rama overheard the talk of some people suspecting Sita's fidelityu and abondoned her. Sita, who was pregnant, reached the hermitage of Sage Valmiki and gave birth to twins, Lava and Kusa, who were brought up by the sage. Sita then, contemplating on Sri Rama's feet found her way in to the bowels of trhe earth. Hearing this, the Almighty Lord Sri Rama wept. Excessive foundness pf men and women, brings fear and grief even to great souls. Rama then ruled over a period of thirteen thousand years, performed sacrifices, obsering celebacy and then left for hid divine abode.