-Come to the Feast- PHOTO CREDIT: Sterling Vinyards

"Liturgical dance...was virtually nonexistent in this country before Miss DeSola's pioneering efforts..."

Mark Dietch, The New York Times

"with an eye not only on ecumenical, but interfaith dialogue, her art embraces peace and justice. She dances on holy ground, always seeking to awaken people to the needs of planet Earth. Such a caring artistry, combined with a deep concern for liturgy, makes Carla DeSola the most influentual performing artist of the last 20 years

Modern Liturgy Magazine



"Thank you so very much for gifting all of us at the opening celebration with your wonderful dance company, Omega West. The grace, joy and beauty of each dancer...was pure delight to everyone at the gathering...a moveable feast!"
Janice Farrell Spiritual Development & Wholeness
"My deep and sincere appreciation for your contributions at my installation service. The ministry of liturgical dance contributed richly to the celebration event. I continue to be struck by the generosity and love that the dance company exhibits.
Fumitaka Matsuoka Vice President for Academic Affairs/Dean Pacific School of Religion
"A...heartfelt thank you for the wonderful dancing...Good Friday and Holy Saturday. I hope that your experience of dancing was as prayerful for you in performance as it was for us in the congregation."
Reverend Michael McGarry, C.S.P. Pastor, Newman Hall Holy Spirit Parish
"...fluid grace of movement and the remarkable eloquence of arms and hands suggests that this was a natural aspect of worship. Praying with our whole selves and glorifying God with our bodies...a wonderful experience [in which] to participate, bringing body and soul before God.
Edward J. Bishop, report for Catholic Commitee on Aging

...AS WELL AS...

"Thank you very much for your incredible dance performance at Sunday's Blessing of the Grapes at Sterling Vineyards!"
Glen R. Bucher, President Graduate Theological Union
"It is with great joy that we welcome Omega West in residence here at Old Saint Mary's Cathedral. Omega West provides all of us leadership and an opportunity to celebrate prayerfully with mind, body and spirit. All in your company bring alive the psalmist words in Psalm 149, "Let them praise God's name in the festive dance..." The gift of your presence adds to the richness and diversity of ways to pray here in the heart of San Francisco.
Reverend John E. Hurley, C.S.P. Pastor, Old Saint Mary's Cathedral

You are invited to send your inquiries regarding workshops, classes or performances to: Omega West Dance Company, 2838 Grant Street, Berkeley, CA 94703 (510) 540-7227 or send Email to: OmegaWest Dance Company

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