Dedicated to the explorations of the sacred in dance, the company members describe Omega West as "...a voice in the sacred dance movement, invoking and serving a vision of peace, community, spirituality, healing and enjoyment through the medium of dance.

Located in Berkeley, California, Omega West Dance Compnay was founded in 1992 to express the spiritual-human-social-healing dimension of dance; to explore inner aspects of movement intergrated with the world's spiritual resources; to bring dance into religious observances and in concert for all settings including the liturgical framework.

The company is an interfaith lay group of dancers under the direction of Carla DeSola, the founder. Ms. DeSola a graduate of Juilliard and the Pacific School of Religion, has pioneered in liturgical dance conducting workshops throughout the country. She is the author of "The Spirit Moves...A Handbook of Dance and Prayer", "PeaceRites", and the videos "DancePrayer", and "Movement Meditations to the Songs of Taiz�".

Each member of the company is an unique artist dedicated to personal and spiritual growth and service to others. The company members conduct workshops, perform concerts, choreograph for and perform in liturgies and religious services for churches, synagogues, schools, and retreat centers.

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