by Gwen Austin

Copyright 1998

Another dreaded winter alone, for my house-closers have gone until a spring day when my house-openers appear. How I long for summer days that used to be, when my house was filled to the brim with laughter and tears of my family therein. Oh, the shouts of delight when first they alight after long hours in the car. "Is old toad still there under the stoop?" That's what my eldest girl yells, and my wooden heart swells "Has the swallow nested yet on the porch beam?" My middle girl sets my heart atwirl. "It's my turn to make the fire." My youngest, a cub scout, gives that shout. I grin at the longed-for "Whoppie" bursting forth from my Preacher's inner-most being. "On the porch I must get, for it's almost sunset." That's my Mrs. who sets a spell, then keeps me clean from floor to beam. All too soon my Preacher must return to his flock, several hours drive away, for it's only in August he can come to stay. My life seems complete when the sun does not compete. For it's on rainy days my children play store on my stone pillars, rails and floor. How oft my rails become each child's trusty steed, as cowboys and Indians they trail. My best is eventide when to me each is hied in time for the show I try to provide. Sometimes all is still, 'tho oft gentle wind proffers a chill. Now sweatered, my family does linger after glorious sunset's last finger fades into darkness anew. When heavenly and 'housely' stars appear, I feel peace is near. Hidden whip-poor-wills call, lonesome train whistles beckon to all and bid them 'Good night.' Lonely again 'til morning time, I watch over this family of mine. I shudder and shake when under my floor my family makes ready for cold weather. Under me they toss firewood to be stacked before being carried inside and log-racked. All too soon, I get one last sweep before rocking chairs are stored over-turned. On that fateful fall day, oh, how I weep when that final click I hear of the door-latch key rasping 'winter is near.'

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