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Sex is the great equalizer. It is the liberator. It is the ultimate high. If possible I would do it and not that is. Whether it's getting our dicks sucked, tossing our girls salad, or just whacking our weenies, it's all good. It can be just the average old in and out in the missionary position or we can add whip cream, midgets in leather, and several raccoons dressed in drag to spice it up.

Sex is the most powerful thing in the human universe, next to love that is and even this is   made more powerful when there is good sex. Everyone does it. And those that don't either are demented or can't. It is one of the few things is our short existence on this sphere that even when its bad its good. 

To illustrate this let us tell you about a scene from a Woody Allen movie that we just absolutely love( am crazy about all of his movies to be honest with you). We believe that its "Annie Hall". He is at a small little party when he over hears this woman talking to someone about her session with her shrink. She tells the person that she is talking to, that her analyst advised her that she has been having the wrong type of orgasm. Woody can't help but interject and tell her that in all of his years that every orgasm that he has had has been a good orgasm. Every one of them.

The orgasm is a gift from God. This alone is a reason for people to sing his praises and go to church, temple, synagogue or where ever else you go to practice and affirm your faith. Other life forms on earth have sex, but to my knowledge only humans are able to enjoy it and indulge in it beyond just simple procreation and believe us there is lots for us to enjoy!! Here at SEXUALITY we revel in the carnal and the purient.

This part of our site will talk about a lot of stuff. We will, for convenience and simplicities sake break it down into just a few categories that we will regularly stick to. If you have questions we will do our best to answer them to the best of our abilities. Where possible we will contact "experts" in particular areas. For example, we personally don't get into "water sports", but we have hooked up with people who have and do this particular fetish. Where our knowledge may fail us we will ask them their opinions about the subject.

The biggest features of our SEXUALITY page will be reviewing other sites, magazines, videos and books. Occasionally we will even try to interview people. Swingers, hookers, hoes, dancers, video stars, and celebrities. All of course from an Afro centric point of view. Don't hesitate to tell us what you want to hear about. We have several sisters who will contribute to the development of this site. Two of them are shall we say very hardcore feminist. Even though we don't agree with a lot of their views, we believe that it is important to add that flavor to the mix. Sex is like a good pot of gumbo, you add a lot of what you have available in the fridge to the pot, but the secret is having it in the right proportions.

Lastly, for the time being this site is being hosted by by Geocities. Unfortunately, they do not allow us to put nude or lascivious images onto our site. This is only a temporary thing. Eventually we will find a host that will allow us the ability to express ourselves in the way that is best for us. But in the mean time we will just provide you with links to the places that do. Our goal for this particular section of our page is to tell you where the best is for those interested in Black SEXUALITY. Fun to funky, wet to sweaty, and soft to hard is how we do it.


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