Indians are stratified into four divisions:- 

    1. Forward castes.

     2. Backward castes.

     3. Scheduled Castes &Tribes and

     4. Religious minorities  

 Who suffers due to Caste clashes?


     It is a common phenomenon that the members of Backward castes and Scheduled Castes & Tribes are engineered to clash with each other. Thus they suffer and get themselves mutually destroyed.  

     During religious conflicts the Backwards & Scheduled castes combine and stand on one side and the Religious minorities stand on another side and fight against each other and all the three groups suffer.  

     Another pathetic phenomenon noticed among the Christian Minorities is that they still cling on to Casteism. They are, thus, made to suffer in a dual way that they get destroyed during the caste-clashes in the name of their castes and during the religious - clashes in the name of their religion.

Who do not suffer due to Caste and religious clashes?

     Another intriguing phenomenon noticed is that the Forward Caste people never undergo any losses or agonies during the caste clashes or religious clashes. 

     To cure a disease, we should diagnose the root causes of it. A disease cannot be cured if the cause of it is not properly diagnosed.  

     We have noted that the most affected people of the caste and religious clashes are :-  

(i) Backward Castes 

(ii) Suppressed Castes, (Scheduled Castes & Tribes) and 

(iii) Religious Minorities and not the Forward Castes. 

Therefore, we should investigate as to why the ‘Forward Communities’ are not affected in anyway during the caste/religious clashes.  


The ‘Forwards’ :  

     The term ‘Forwards’ itself is indicative of their progress and advancement in life. If we pose a question as to how the ‘Forward Castes’ did emerge, we find an answer from the terms such as ‘oppressed Castes’, ‘Backward Castes’ etc.   

     A historic fact is thus brought to light that the Forward Caste people could make their progress only at the cost of other communities by pushing them backward and suppressing others.    

     It is one thing if one group remained backward because of their own faults, and it is entirely another thing if that group remains  backward because of others pushing them backward and suppressing.  

     The progress and advancement of the ‘Forward Castes’ was not due to their efforts through righteous means.  

     What we have to understand from this is that the progress achieved by the so called 'Forwards' is not on account of their genuine efforts but by pushing down others. They never came up by genuine hard work. It becomes clear that they suppresed others by deceptive means and only thus they came to the fore front.  


The following questions arise :  

      How did the Forward castes oppress the others? Are there no caste or religious differences among the Forward Castes? The answer is that they too do have caste differences and religious differences. Then how could they remain united?  

      Here we should note the fact that the oppressing Forward castes are only a very small minority of the Indian population. Therefore they remain and act unitedly for their survival, keeping the giant majority always divided.  


Enemies and Traitors :   

     If we could deeply analyse and identify the ‘Forwards’ we will find that they are invaders who entered India from outside.  Also they have been traitors who sided with the invaders, betraying their indigenous counterparts.  

     In other words, the enemies of the sons-of-the-soil, who invaded India or the traitors who sided with the invaders betraying the fellow sons-of-the-soil have formed themselves as the ‘Forward Castes’. To clarify further, it is the foreign non-Indians and their indigenous supporters who call themselves as the ‘Forward castes’.


Real Indians :  

     Today, the real Indians are known as the so-called ‘Backward Castes’, ‘Scheduled castes & Tribes’ and most of the ’Religious Minorities’.  It is worthwhile to note here that these three groups belong to a particular race of the world. In Indian history, Historians classify these people as ‘Dravidans’.  

     It is the  Dravidians who named the aliens who came from outside India as ‘Aryans’.  

Aryan child and Dravidian Scholars :  

     Every child born in the Aryan group has been tutored by them from the very childhood to identify himself distinctly as Aryan. At the same time, a child born to the Dravidian group has been calculatedly denied the opportunity to distinctly identify himself as ‘Dravidian’. 

     As a result of this scheme of things, even the educated scholars of Dravidian society are incapable of identifying as to who is an ‘Aryan’ and who is a ‘Dravidian’.


Trained to clash with each other :  

     To keep the Dravidian groups permanently divided, they have been stratified into a graded caste system.  It has  become an artificially created psychic condition. This graded caste system makes each caste group to fight against each other, keeping the division perpetual.  

     Dravidians have been meticulously adminis tered in such a way that they do not cast of their caste names which divides them on caste-lines.  

     At the same time, all possible manipulations have been going on to keep the ‘Dravidian-race-factor’ away from the memory of Indian society, which is a potential and historic factor capable of uniting the people. Even after they know that they are Dravidians, they are instigated to disrespect and insult the term Dravidian. It becomes nessary to educate Dravidians that their race is most ancient with historic greatness and it is not inferior to any other race.  


Planned destruction  

    Facing such oppositions, if any Dravidian Movement takes shape and seeks to establish its identity, Aryan Brahmins will infietrate into them in a planned way and sabotage its progress from within and destroy it. Accordingly the Brahmins always engineer clashes from within and without among:-  

     (i) Dravidian Backward Castes

     (ii) Dravidian Scheduled Castes & Tribes and

     (iii) Dravidian Religious Minorities.  


These are what is known as caste clashes and religious clashes of India.  

     The historic fact about India is that Caste divisions were introduced in the Dravidian Society by the Aryans and Caste-clashes are being engineered by the latter.  

In addition to caste clashes among Dravidians, should there be religious clashes also?

 Dravidian population was made to believe that it is their pre-destined duty (dharma) to be ‘oppressed’ and to remain ‘backward’ as it is the Hindutva ‘way of life’.  

     If any other religion or any other philosophy will teach Dravidians that all humans are born from the same first parents and hence there is no disparity of status by birth, such teachings and such religions are treated as opposed to ‘Hindutva’.  

     It is because of the above factors caste-clashes and religious clashes errupt among ‘Dravidan Indians’. 


Secret Circular : 

     Thus, it is evident that, in the name of their ‘way of life’ (Hindutva or Varnashrama Dharma) it is the Aryan Brahmins, who create caste and religious clashes. To illustrate this, copy of a secret circular issued by the Aryan Brahmin Samaj of Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh) to engineer caste and religious clashes among, the Dravidans and as published in Indian News papers (which has not been refuted) is reproduced below :-  

Secret Circular of “Brahmin Samaj”
of Balaghat (M.P.)


Dated : 15th August, 94

Dear friends,

    A district-level meeting of Brahmin Samaj was held at Balaghat on 15th August. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Trivedi, an ideal saint of Jabalpur. The following resolutions were passed in the meeting.

  1. Shudra communities means Backward Class like Pawar, Marar, Lodhi, Kasar etc. should be kept involved in the religious affairs so that their attention be kept away from political rights and they always remain slaves and supporters of Brahminism.

  2. The political consciousness that has developed  among the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class and Religious Minorities has threatened the leadership of Brahminism. Hence, such a confusion and conflict be created in them, that they keep on fitghting among themselve

  3. We must go to the people of fourth Varna, Shudras and tell them that the constitution is against Hindus and it must be changed. This awakening must be created and spread in the masses.

  4. Everybody in Brahmin Caste, of any political party like Congress, BJP, Communist and any organisation, social-religious, must gather under one banner to save Brahminism, because the leadership of Brahminism is in danger.

  5. Wrong confusion must be spread among Pawars, Marars, Lodhis (backward classes), Scheduled Castes/tribes and religious minorities (Muslims/Christians/Buddhists) due to which they must fight and kill each other.  

  6. Because of the politics of Bahujan Samaj Party (Kanshi Ram) and consciousness of Dalits, the leadership of Brahminism is threatened. To oppose this, we must tell the people that this is the party of Mahars and Chamars only, so that other smaller castes do not join.

  7. The employees of Scheduled Castes/Tribes, backward class and muslims have developed fat in their bodies. Hence they should be physically and mentally tortured and they must be humiliated by paper actions and their work must be carried out by the Brahmin Officers who are occupying high posts, in a secret manner.

  8. The Officers of Brahmin community, who are holding higher posts should spread confusion among the unemployed youths of low castes that only Scheduled Castes and Tribes people are taking advantage of reservation, and posts meant for you are being given to them only, so that they keep on fighting among themselves. 

  9.  If Brahmin community does not come on one platform to protect themselves and protect brahminism, this will be the matter of great shame and death for them and they will become the slaves of untouchable castes. Therefore to keep them slaves, we must adopt every tactics to protect Brahmins and to retain leadership of the country.

  10. The backward classes should be kept in forefront, by giving the slogan of Jai-Shriram to use them as shield (source) to protect Brahmins and they should be kept confused by religious acts like Gayatri Yagya, Brahmakumari Institution, Satya Sai of Shirdi and the Buddhists should be confused by Shiva-Patra.

  11.  If Ambedkarism grows in the country, Gandhism means Brahminism will be finished. Nobody will be there to take the name of Dr. Hegdewar, Golwalkar Guruji, the great men of R.S.S. Hence we must infiltrate in their every organisation and get information secretly, to defeat their every plan.

  12.  If the Brahminism is to be kept alive, then we must raise religious emotions and sentiments among the youths of backward classes, to keep them confused and create communal conflicts/riots with the youths of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, so that the children of Brahmins retain their domination, in the Government administration and politics.

  13.  To save Brahminism, the ladies of Brahmins should come forward and it is necessary that Brahmin ladies should sacrifice, to protect Brahminism. If one lady comes forward to protect Brahmin, they will get ‘Punya’ on the basis of Manusmriti.

    Friends, the whole thing must be implemented secretly. This letter should not reach in the hands of lower castes. It is a secret letter.  


    District Level

    Brahmin Samaj



Thus we see that those who cause the caste/religious clashes occuring in India are the non-Indian Aryan Brahmins.  

How to eradicate  caste/religious clashes?  

      To erradicate caste/religious clashes, the Dravidians should identify the groups of non-Indians which are in India   in the name, ‘Aryans’.  

      Before making such identification of Aryans, the Dravidians who were living in India prior to the Aryan invasion should be educated to realise that scholars have historically identified the indigenous people of India as Dravidians’ and hence the real Indians are Dravidians.  


Shed away inferiority complex  

    Just as Aryans are proud of calling themselves ‘Aryan’, the Dravidians also should feel proud to be known by their race-name, ‘Dravidian’. The race name of Dravidians should be used with a sense of self-respect, declaring to the whole world.   


Declare the name :

     It becomes necessary to educate Dravidians that their race is most ancient with
historic greatness and it is not inferior to any other race.  


Dravidian Spiritual Awakening Conference    

      It has become necessary to organize an International Dravidian Spiritual Awakening Conference for the following    reasons :   

  1. The Aryans have evolved a cunning scheme to oppress and exploit Dravidians by classifying them as  ‘Shudras’ and ‘Panchamas’ by inducting them in their Way of Life of ‘Hindutva,’.   

  2. Dravidians have been subordinated under the guise of a false spiritualism by  Aryans.  

  3.  Such a historic tragedy has come to pass in spite of the fact that genuine spirituality belongs only to the Dravidians and not Aryans.

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Dr. M. Deivanayagam
Dr. D. Devakala

The Revival Movement of Dravidian Religion
