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The Weekly Rant is a new section for everyone who has something to say. Anyone can add to this. It will be updated every Monday. There is no subject to this section. It's basic purpose is for people to voice their opinions on anything they choose.

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Technology Ain't Always Great

I received a very interesting phone call from a friend of mine today. He called to tell me that he had killed his computer - literally. After almost a year of constant problems, he had had enough and kicked the unsuspecting machine. He stopped himself long enough to take out a new internal modew and get his hammer. Soon, he was at it again until all his aggression was gone and he came to the conclusion it was time for a more user-friendly PC.

I don't think any average person who owns a computer has ever not felt the way my friend did. I myself have been tempted on quite a few occasions wanted to throw my system off my balcony, however, I refrained from actually doing so. In fact, every one I know has had one problem or another with their computers, but until now, none has done anything violent about it.

This makes me wonder how anyone could actually want these tempramental machines controlling their lives. With all of the new programs available on the internet to pay bills and bring people closer together, have we lost touch with our past? Personally, considering how many problems I've had with my computer and internet I don't think I would want my finances to be web based.

Now, I'm knocking the internet. The web has opened doors for people all over the world. Children can learn more and inidividuals from different parts of the globe can exchange ideas. But where is the nostalgia and personality of it? I mean, how romantic can an email really be? Whatever happened to sending love letters scented with perfume? Or spending hours pouring out your heart in a letter and then the anticipation of the response. And the couple of extra days to get money in the bank to cover the bills?

I read a story somewhere about an average family - Mom listening to the radio while doing some paperwork, Dad watching the game, son surfing the net, and they all stopped what they were doing when the daughter enters with the mail. There is something nostalgic about good old fashioned snail mail, that personal touch you just can't get from a computer screen, no matter how much we tweek the colors and fonts.

Computers are great, don't get me wrong, they do make a great many aspects of life a great deal easier. But we can't forget about the old fashioned, tried and proven ways of communications. Just think about it the next time you are pounding out an email to your sweety down the block. Let's not lose the fine arts of conversation and hand written letters.


Another opinion site: MY TURN BY ROBERT PAUL REYES

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