Please read our Disclaimer
before accessing any of the following links. Please also note that
these organizations are suggested for informational purposes only.
REST ministries makes no attempt here to
provide an extensive list of links to other agencies on the web.
Instead, our approach is to provide you with a few strategic ones.
The following organizations have been selected because they fulfill one
or more of the following criteria:
They understand and appreciate the dynamics of Spiritual
Abuse, and the needs of Spiritual Abuse victims.
They contain links to a number of other sources of
potential help to Spiritual Abuse victims.
They contain links to various Christian ministries
that emphasize the grace of God in the believer's life.
One problem faced by spiritual abuse victims is that their ability to discern
and decide for themselves has been impaired by the psychological conditioning
they endured from the authoritarianism of their abusive groups. While
these abilities are usually not totally eliminated, regaining their full,
healthy functioning is part of the healing process. During this healing
process, it is very tempting for victims to look for a replacement-figure
for the abusive leadership -- some individual or group to assume the role
of providing the "answers," direction, and sense of security that victims
were seeking before falling prey to abuse. Part of spiritual maturity
is to get beyond this neediness, and to be able to construct one's own
spiritual world view, which of course we believe should be based on the
Therefore, REST ministries does not suggest
these organizations as alternative "spiritual authority" figures
for a person's life -- which is a concept which we believe to be unbiblical.
These are organizations which may be able to provide assistance
in helping you to eliminate such bondage to "spiritual authority" figures,
and allow you to live a productive Christian life. The links on this
page do not constitute an unqualified endorsement of everything that these
organizations practice or believe.
Christian Web Resources on Spiritual Abuse &
Christian Outreach, Inc. has counseled victims of spiritual abuse
from both Christian groups and cults. The best way to contact them
via email is at CULSTSRUS@aol.com.
of the mission of Personal Freedom Outreach is to warn Christians
of unbiblical teachings within the church.
Fellowship, Inc. offers a wealth of resources for victims of cults
and spiritual abuse.
Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center in Albany, Ohio offers
a place of calm after the storm of spiritual abuse. It also has individualized
counseling programs and workshops, and is an accredited mental health facility,
covered by some insurance companies.
maintains its ministry by selling worthwhile materials on cults, but they
also make provide some items free
of charge.
Secular Web Resources
on Cults
General Christian Web
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Secular Web Resources on Cults
the American Family Foundation is a secular organization,
evangelical Christians have been involved with it, including Craig Branch
of the Watchman Fellowship, who serves on its USA Advisory Board.
.ex-cult archive is an excellent source of names, addresses
and web-links to counter-cult organizations. The site also maintains
its own archive of informational articles, and even has links to sites
maintained by current cult members, giving them an opportunity to present
their side of the controversy.
stands for Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Inc. FACTNet,
International is a nonprofit digest, library, and referral service dedicated
to protecting freedoms of mind and speech by exposing tactics and users
of mind control.
False Memory Syndrome Foundation exists to seek the reasons
for the spread of False Memory Syndrome (FMS), to work for the prevention
of new cases of FMS, and to aid both the primary and secondary victims
of FMS. Some spiritually abusive groups are known for inducing FMS
as a tool to separate members from their families.
Web Resources on Spiritual Abuse & Cults
General Christian Web
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General Christian Web Resources
Bible Gateway is a wonderful resource provides the full,
searchable text of the Bible in six English translations, as well
as in German, Swedish, Latin, French, Spanish and Tagalog.
of the organizations you consult in your efforts to learn more about Spiritual
Abuse may recommend that you read one of the several good titles that have
been published on this subject in recent years. Two good sources
for low-priced Christian books are Christian Book Distributors
and Great Christian Books. Many of the titles on our
Recommended Reading page are also available
through these discount mail order companies.
for recovery
Suggested organizations
Recommended Reading
Online Articles
Rest Groups
Christian web search engine does a fine job in classifying the many Christian
ministries that have a web presence. You should be cautious, however,
since it is impossible to screen out every ministry that has been guilty
of spiritual abuse, and some of them have been detected on CrossSearch.
You should thoroughly investigate the references of any ministry
before making any kind of committment to them.
Copyright © 1997
REST ministries
All Rights Reserved.
Comments? Questions?
Our email address is restministries@geocities.com.
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member ministries of the Gospel Communications Network include
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, the Navigators, Ligonier Ministries
and many others.
Web Resources on Spiritual Abuse & Cults
Secular Web Resources
on Cults
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