I took my first steps of faith in the Lord Jesus when I was but 6 years old.
Raised in a 'fundementalist' Christian home, (patterned after most of the
Baptist denominations), I was attending church every Sunday from a very early
age. Always having a certain 'knack' with Scriptures, the people I attended
church with quickly made me a 'darling' to show off to other congregations my
skill with Scriptures in various ways... Bible drills were frequent and so
were verse memorization games and contests not unlike Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer
renditions (without earning the Bible tickets however). Still I also found
myself increasingly uncomfortable in these surroundings. Rebelled several
times and still ended up finding myself back with the same losers that I had
been raised with. One particular loser of a pastor of this one Baptist church
used one of Paul's exhortations out of context to get me to cut my hair. I was
compliant because of my gentle nature and unwillingness to confront. This same
pastor told me that God was calling me to be his next 'youth pastor' and that
he could get me sponsored to attend Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College in San
Dimas, CA. Well I enrolled and began with the standard fare of education from
this brainwashing institution. I was told once in one of the chapel services
(manditory of course) that 'I wasn't in God's Will' because I didn't feel
God's calling to be a missionary. During this time, while watching a
recommended Bible teacher on TV (Ken Connoly), I got a preview of what God was
truely going to call me to. I saw Dr. Gene Scott several times on KHOF Channel
30 in the San Gabriel Valley in 1978 but for God's reasons, what I was
hearing from Dr. Scott wasn't quite connecting yet. I became increasingly unhappy
with the 'conformist' environment I was being forced to endure. Raised in the finest
'traditions' of the Baptist church denomination, I always believed that the
day of Christ's crucifixion was on what is termed as 'Good Friday'. During one
of my 'Gospels' classes I noticed what Jesus mentioned in Matthew about the
sign of Jonah being 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the fish being the
only sign being given for the Son of Man. He would die and be in the heart of
the earth 3 days and 3 nights and then raise from the dead. When I pondered
this awhile, I couldn't reckon it with tradition as Friday to Sunday is best a
day and a half. I asked the professor about it and I got a very blunt answer
that I should not ask these impertenant questions as I was but a mere student
and should accept what is taught at face value. I lost my faith at this point in my
life (the 'straw that broke the camel's back as it were...!).
After another re-enlistment in the U.S. Navy, I found myself back in the
Anaheim, CA area. I was now a full-fledged alcoholic leading my family into a
turmoil that I couldn't escape. One morning, while driving to work, I was in
deep desperation. The last vestage of my faith emerged and I called on the
name of The Lord. He answered. The only time I have heard His Voice audibly.
All He said was 'I'm still here'. That got my attention needless to say. I
arrived at work feeling a whole lot better. I asked The Lord for a 'sign' of
sorts. I asked Him to lead me to another Christian I could share with that
day. He did. One of the last persons I would suspect approached me within 20
minutes and asked me if I was a Christian. I answered yes. We bonded instantly
and through out the day discussed when had both been through in The Lord. He
then introduced me to a collection of books he kept in his locker written by a certain
preacher that he watched on TV. They were books by Dr. Gene Scott. He
allowed me to borrow them. Just one week prior, some aquaintances and I were
making fun of Dr. Scott while we were quite drunk. We would turn to channel 30
and begin laughing... 'Doesn't this guy ever go to the bathroom or sleep' we
joked at each other.... This night I sat down and turned on channel 30 and
actually listened and learned and that is where it stayed. God had finally Called me
home in spite of my stupid actions and I continue to Praise and Thank Him for His
Grace that He has bestowed upon me and my family throughout the years.
I have now been a student of Dr. Gene Scott for over 14 years and thank God
for having called me to Dr. Scott's ministry.