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On IRC in DalNet and GalaxyNet I am known as 'Hagios'.

Greek noun: definition - A person or object given over to Deity for Deity's exclusive use with nothing held back. The English cognate of this Greek noun is 'hagios' from root 'hagioi'. Translated literally into the English language it means 'saint' or 'holy one' or 'anointed'. More about me on my other pages. Just click in the frames below to view them or send me EMail.

This is my Christian Salute to my adversary, Satan and all his smelly minions! For full teaching of it's use, link into my Pastor's web site (selectable below).
Visit my Pastor's Web Site by clicking here.
Visit my Tribute Page to Dr. Gene Scott by clicking here.
Visit my Dr. Gene Scott Link Page by clicking here.
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