Dimension Tolerance
Menu - DimTmu 2002
If you
widh to create some various tolerance
dimensions such as Deviation tolerance, Plus-Plus or
Munus-Minus tolerance, Plus-Minus tolerance, . . . What
is the best solution to finish all these dimension works
in minimum errorts? Does AutoCAD system is something
weak or not in this field? 

By DimTmu
Menu, you
could easily to setting: linear tolerance type
& plus/minus tolerance value. Reduce keyboard strokes
or pick dialogue box item. It is a pull-down menu system.
It do not occupy any screen area. Let you could use
more screen area to show your draft contents. 

Pick Dim.
item of DimTmu
Menu, you
could browsing most dimension setting value of current
dimension style.You could change dimension variables
setting by menu item and do not need to open Dimension
Style dialogue. 

By Count
Entity sub-menu,
we could know how much entities in the editing draft.

We usually
load or release some menu group or AutoLISP files in
various draft circumstances. DimTmu
Menu include
a easy Loading and eary RELEASE system.
need Drag-and-Drop DimTmu
VLX file
into AutoCAD window. It will automatically loading DimTmu
menu group. You could use DimTmu
Menu funcions
you do not use DimTmu
Menu funcions
any more. Just click Release
Dim_Tol Menu
item in lower part of DimTmu
Menu. You
could release all menu group data from your AutoCAD

Copyright(c) 2004 by
Wafegine Company. All rights reserved. wafegine@yahoo.com