Katie Gilchrist's Home Page

-Worcester College, Oxford-

Katie Gilchrist read Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin) at Worcester College, Oxford, and as a former member of the Classics Faculty at the University of Oxford, has taught Classical Languages and Literature at Wadham College and Lady Margaret Hall. She completed a D.Phil. thesis entitled Penelope: A Study in the Manipulation of Myth.

She has had three reviews published in the on-line Bryn Mawr Classical Review:

Katie gave a paper at the APA meeting in Washington DC in December 1993 on 'Augustan Interpretations of Homer's Penelope'. She also gave a short (unpublished) paper in Oxford on chronological paradox in the Argonautica. Her last appearance on the academic circuit was at the Reading University Classics Graduate Conference on Mythology on 8-9 July 1997, where she read a paper on the interplay of paradigms of Penelope and Clytaemnestra in Sophocles' tragedy Trachiniae.

In February 1998, Katie started a management training programme, and ever since then she has been enjoying office life with the help of her 'Dilbert' desk calendar.
(But if anyone has a vacancy for someone to teach Latin and Greek language and literature at University level anywhere (preferably in the British Isles ...!)) Special interests include mythology and its literary exploitation in Greek and Roman literature, including Homer, Tragedy, the Hellenistic writers, Ovid and the Augustans; experience in Latin and Greek language teaching at all levels from beginners upwards.

Katie married Jeremy Marshall on 5 April 1997. Further developments are in progress.

This page is currently maintained by Jeremy Marshall.
Last updated 23 November 2006
Contact email: K G i l c h 4 1 9 8 (at) a o l . c o m

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