--St John's College, Oxford--
Jeremy Marshall is a lexicographer working for the Oxford English Dictionary Revision project at Oxford University Press. The results of his labours so far can be seen by subscribers to the OED Online. He was previously a contributor to the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1993), the ninth edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995), and the New Oxford Dictionary of English (1998). Plus various other things listed in the small print of his CV.
He was co-author of The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary, by Peter Gilliver, Jeremy Marshall, and Edmund Weiner, published by OUP in 2006.
He was also co-editor of Questions of English, published by OUP in 1994 and now regrettably out of print (though some of the material appears in adapted form in the FAQ for the AskOxford "Ask the Experts" website).
I can be contacted by snailmail or email at Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford: j e r e m y . m a r s h a l l (-at-) o u p . c o m
I married Katie Gilchrist on 5 April 1997.
This has now resulted in the arrival of David on 19 May 2007.
In the summer of 1988, I bought Herbert,
an ex-MOD 1967 Morris Traveller painted several slightly different shades of
green and in need of serious attention. I am pleased to say that despite
my negligent treatment, Herbert is still on the road, though he now has a
white nearside door, and has had some major surgery at
Charles Ware's Morris Minor