Anarchy is not
(contrary to popular belief)
a movement advocating chaos and social destruction.
I believe that governments of the world have too much involvement in peoples lives.
I believe, that given half a chance, societies could develop very complex
patterns of behavior in order to conduct their lives in freedom and growth.
A strange, but good example are traffic lights.
Trafic lights actually suggest that our faculties are incapable of handling a complex situation, so we have built a mechanism to replace our faculties. We then surrender our judgment and our freedom to this device, and turn to it's slave.
The faculties that could handle the situation, degenerate even futrther and thus "prove the point".
We sell our freedom in exchange for security. (I know, I know, just think it over for a minute). In the process, we have lost
our ability to learn how to handle a complex social situation.
If all traffic lights were removed we would create, in time (well, most of us would),
social skills that would bridge that gap.

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