Creativity is religious
Creativity and Love are the most important to me. Creativity. Not invention.

The blue image carries, for me, the understanding of creativity.
I believe that creativity can flourish only in the very fine twilight zone of life, between order and chaos.
In that "Limbo" there is enough structure for an event to have meaning, something to relate to, and enough free movement which provides new meeting points and by this allows change.
A good example:
If you write poetry, you might be stimulated by your girlfriend's departure, and write a lovely poem.
But if she left you, your home burnt down to ashes, you have lost your job, and you are ill -
I doubt very much that you would be sitting down writing.
What, then, is invention?
I see invention as an act of trading Honesty for Originality. Being original at any cost.

The image on the right was created by a program I was involved in writing several years ago.
It is a lovely little DOS (well, I said it was several years ago...) program that computes the "Mandelbrot Set". It has some unique features, such as calculating one point up to 1,000,000 times, and more. If you would like to try it please let me know.

You are welcome to download the program.(only 62 KB)
If you like it, please send me a "good Karma" note

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