Alta Vista is fast, but often provides too many hits. Use search hints and refine button to obtain better results. Give their "surprise" feature a try.

Excite is a large database that accomodates searches by keyword and concept. It ranks hits by relevance to requested subjects.

Dogpile meta-searches twenty different search engines. Users can put a time limit on the searches.

Hotbot has a very fast and point and click interface. It has a small index, but is configurable.

Infoseek searches over a million databases for information about a requested subject. It can be searched by simply asking a question.

Lycos is the first search engine to claim a comprehensive index. It catalogues web pages rather than sites and provides a wide variety of search options.

Mamma is a meta-search engine that combines multiple search engines into one, similar to Dogpile.
Maple Square

Maple Square is a good resource for finding information pertaining to Canada.
Northern Light

Northern Light is a new search engine with particularly good results on searches for obscure sites. It's relevancy ranking and site desciptions are excellent
making it very useful for serious researchers. Besides serving as a search engine, it also includes the content of 1,800 publications, many of which are not
available elsewhere on the Web.

Sympatico is produced by Bell Canada and is a great search engine for finding Canadian content.

Webcrawler is a great index for finding very specific topics.
Yahoo! Canada

Yahoo! Canada is a popular search directory for finding Canadian sites and information.

Yahoo! is a large directory for searching the whole World Wide Web. It is one of the most popular search engines available.