Art Galleries & Museums Links
Art Galleries in Ontario
Art Gallery of Hamilton (Hamilton, ON)
Art Gallery of Ontario (Toronto, ON)
Art Gallery of Sudbury (Sudbury, ON)
Burlington Art Centre (Burlington, ON)
London Regional Art and Historical Museum (London, ON)
The McMichael Canadian Art Collection (Kleinberg, ON)
National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa, ON)
Oakville Galleries (Oakville, ON)
Ottawa Art Gallery (Ottawa, ON)
Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (Toronto, ON)
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery (Owen Sound, ON)
Art Galleries in Other Canadian Provinces
Art Gallery of Greater Victoria (Victoria, BC)
Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John's, NF)
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia (Halifax, NS)
Art Gallery of the South Okanagan (Penticton, BC)
Art Gallery of Swift Current (Swift Current, SK)
Beaverbrook Art Gallery (Fredericton, NB)
Glenbow Art Gallery (Calgary,AB)
Grand Forks Art Gallery (Grand Forks, BC)
Kamloops Art Gallery (Kamloops, BC)
Kenderdine Gallery (Saskatoon, SK)
Mendel Art Gallery (Saskatoon, SK)
Vancouver Art Gallery (Vancouver, BC)
Winnipeg Art Gallery (Winnipeg, MB)
Canadian University Art Galleries
Art Gallery of York University (Toronto, ON)
Carleton University Art Gallery (Ottawa, ON)
Simon Fraser University Art Gallery (Vancouver, BC)
University of Calgary Nickle Arts Museum (Calgary, AB)
University College of Cape Breton Art Gallery (Sydney, NS)
University of Lethbridge Art Gallery (Lethbridge, AB)
University of Victoria: Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery (Victoria, BC)
Museums in Ontario
Canada Science and Technology Museum (Ottawa, ON)
Canadian Museum of Nature (Ottawa, ON)
Canadian War Museum (Ottawa, ON)
Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum (Mount Hope, ON)
Fort Henry (Kingston, ON)
H.M.C.S. Haida Naval Museum (Toronto, ON)
Lake of the Woods Museum (Kenora, ON)
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes (Kingston, ON)
Markham Museum (Markham, ON)
Muskoka Lakes Museum (Port Carling, ON)
The OPP Museum (Orillia, ON)
Peel Heritage Complex (Brampton, ON)
Perth Museum (Perth, ON)
Peterborough Centennial Museum and Archives (Peterborough, ON)
Rideau Canal Museum (Smith's Falls, ON)
Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto, ON)
Scugog Shores Historical Museum (Port Perry, ON)
St. Catharine's Museum: Welland Canal Centre (St. Catharines, ON)
Stephen Leacock Museum (Orillia, ON)
The Textile Museum of Canada (Toronto, ON)
Upper Canada Village (Morrisburg, ON)
West Parry Sound District Museum (Parry Sound, ON)
Willoughby Historical Museum (Niagara Falls, ON)
Museums in Other Canadian Provinces
Boundary Museum (Grand Forks, BC)
Canadian Museum of Civilization (Hull, QC)
Centre d'Histoire de Montreal (Montreal, QC)
County of Simcoe Museum (Minesing, ON)
Craigdarroch Castle (Victoria, BC)
Dawson City Museum (Dawson City, YK)
Emily Carr's House (Victoria, BC)
Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic (Lunenburg, NS)
George Johnston Museum (Teslin, YK)
Glenbow Museum (Calgary, AB)
Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature (Winnipeg, MB)
Maritime Museum of British Columbia (Victoria, BC)
Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (Halifax, NS)
Moncur Gallery (Boissevain, MB)
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal, QC)
Musee d'Art Contemporain de Montreal (Montreal, QC)
Musee de la Civilisation (Quebec, QC)
Musee du Quebec (Quebec, QC)
Museum of Anthropology (Vancouver, BC)
Nova Scotia Museum (NS)
Provincial Museum of Alberta (Edmonton, AB)
Royal British Columbia Museum (Victoria, BC)
Vancouver Museum (Vancouver, BC)
Western Canada Aviation Museum (Winnipeg, MB)
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies (Banff, AB)
Directories to Art Galleries and Museums
Art Directory: The Worldwide Art Gallery (AUS)
Art History Resources on the Web: Museums and Galleries (US)
Art Museum Network (US)
Find a Museum: Discover Canada's Museums (CAN)
5000 Museum Links From All Over the World (JP)
Museums Association: Links and Resources (UK)
24HourMuseum: The National Virtual Museum (UK)
On-line Art Gallery Directory (US)
Virtual Library Museum Pages (INTL)
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