SCRIPTURE INDEX of TLEE's Christian Home Page

Old Testament Books (click on the desired book)
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

New Testament Books (click on the desired book)

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, I Corinthians, II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude, Revelation

NOTE => This index has been produced to make it easier to examine my works by Scriptural reference. I have entered a reference for each Bible passage mentioned on this website. For simplicity, I have used a shortened notation to represent each book.

  • "Creation" stands for Rediscovering The Truth About Creation

  • "Logic" stands for The Undeniable Logic in God's Salvation Plan

  • "Finding Way Home" stands for Finding My Way Home - A Christian Testimony

  • "Right Living" stands for The Truth About Right Living

  • "About God" stands for What I Believe About God and Why I Believe It

  • "End Near" stands for The End May Be Much Nearer Than We Think

  • "Thesis" stands for my William and Mary thesis

  • "Family" stands for Career, Family, and Living For The Lord

  • "James_C1" stands for A Commentary On The Epistle Of James, Chapter One

  • "James_C2" stands for A Commentary On The Epistle Of James, Chapter Two

  • "Matthew_C5" stands for A Commentary On The Gospel Of Matthew, Chapter Five

  • "Reincarn" stands for Against "Reincarnation in the New Testament"

  • "Daily" stands for Daily Devotions for a 366-day C\alendar

  • "Daily BC" stands for Bible Character Daily Devotions for a 366-day Calendar

  • "IWILL" stands for "I Will Build My Church"

  • "Matthew" stands for A Comprehensive Study of The Gospel of Matthew

  • "Debate" stands for my Internet debate with avowed atheist, Daniel Adams.
  • Where a small letter follows the chapter number, it means that the reader will get the whole chapter and need to scroll down to the particular section. I hope that this index will make my home page more accessible.


    Old Testament

    Exodus => Book Review of "A Survey of the Old Testament", A {1,438 words} Exodus => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Exodus 1:8-22 => Moses Led the Children of Israel Across the Red Sea (10 December) (Daily BC, DEC10) {385 words} Exodus 1:21 => Variants in Translations {968 words} Exodus 3:1-15 => God Name is Jehovah, the Self-existing One (02 January) (Daily, JAN02) {377 words} Exodus 3:2 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 25-30) {2,593 words} Exodus 3:3-15 => Documentary Hypothesis Must Be Rejected, The (27 May) (Daily, MAY27) {374 words} Exodus 3:4 => Elohim Shows The Trinity (08 May) (Daily, MAY08) {388 words} Exodus 3:6 => Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 {984 words} Exodus 3:6 => Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => Beatitudes, The (Matthew_C5, chapter 5b) {6,898 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => El Roi is One of God’s Names (07 July) (Daily, JUL07) {410 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => Jehovah (About God, Chapter 4j) (168 Words) Exodus 3:13-14 => Jesus is the Light of the World (06 October) (Daily BC, OCT06) {378 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 1-8) {4,573 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - He has Certain Attributes (IWILL, Lesson 14) {883 words} Exodus 3:13-14 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - Some of the Names of God (IWILL, Lesson 15) {951 words} Exodus 3:13-15 => Having Peace With God (18 February) (Daily, FEB18) {376 words} Exodus 3:14 => Jesus Existed Before Abraham (02 October) (Daily BC, OCT02) {389 words} Exodus 3:15 => Three-fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation, The {547 words} Exodus 4:22 => Prophesy II {864 words} Exodus 5:2 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} Exodus 5:2 => Questioning God’s Capabilities is Foolish (11 December) (Daily, DEC11) {371 words} Exodus 6:16-20 => Levi was the Third Son of Jacob (25 March) (Daily BC, MAR25) {369 words} Exodus 8:15 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 8:32 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 9:12 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 9:34-35 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 10:1 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 10:20 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 10:21-22 => Judas, Jesus, More Trials, and Crucifixion (Matthew, Chapter 27) {6,059 words} Exodus 10:27 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 11:1 => Variants in Translations {968 words} Exodus 11:10 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 12:1-51 => Moses Led the Celebration of the First Passover (30 October) (Daily BC, OCT30) {385 words} Exodus 12:3 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 9-16) {3,868 words} Exodus 12:6-8 => Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Exodus 12:15 => Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Exodus 12:22 => Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Exodus 12:31-42 => Moses Led the People out of Egypt (04 December) (Daily BC, DEC04) {416 words} Exodus 12:33 => Jesus Lives (Matthew, Chapter 28) {2,704 words} Exodus 13:3-16 => Book Endings {628 words} Exodus 13:5 => Have Faith in God (04 October) (Daily, OCT04) {392 words} Exodus 13:9 => Seven Woes (Matthew, Chapter 23) {3,130 words} Exodus 14 => Our Life Is But For A Moment (James_C1, chapter 1d) {669 words} Exodus 14:1-31 => Moses Led the Children of Israel Across the Red Sea (10 December) (Daily BC, DEC10) {385 words} Exodus 14:8 => Erickson's Moderately Calvinistic View Of God's Plan {649 words} Exodus 14:8 => Pharaoh Hardened his own Heart (25 May) (Daily BC, MAY25) {358 words} Exodus 14:13-31 => Stephen Was the First Martyr of the Church (23 January) (Daily BC, JAN23) {383 words} Exodus 15:1-21 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 25-30) {2,593 words} Exodus 15:1-27 => One of God’s Names is Yahweh Rapha (23 October) (Daily, OCT23) {379 words} Exodus 15:22-26 => Five Of The Names For God {862 words} Exodus 15:22-26 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - Some of the Names of God (IWILL, Lesson 15) {951 words} Exodus 15:22-26 => Yahweh Rapha - The Lord Who Heals (About God, Chapter 4g) (131 Words) Exodus 16:1-36 => Moses Said That God Would Provide Bread and Meat (11 November) (Daily BC, NOV11) {366 words} Exodus 16:13-19 => Jesus Taught His Followers How to Pray (04 July) (Daily BC, JUL04) {407 words} Exodus 17:1-7 => Moses Struck the Rock and Got Clean Water (08 October) (Daily BC, OCT08) {378 words} Exodus 17:8-16 => Hur did a Great Work (10 March) (Daily BC, MAR10) {415 words} Exodus 18:13-27 => Jethro Gave Good Advice (11 March) (Daily BC, MAR11) {368 words} Exodus 20:1-6 => Rachel Clung to her Idols (30 November) (Daily BC, NOV30) {392 words} Exodus 20:1-17 => God as Father, Lawgiver, and Judge in the New and Old Testaments (27 January) (Daily, JAN27) {369 words} Exodus 20:1-17 => God The Father In The New And Old Testaments {494 words} Exodus 20:1-17 => Rapture, The (IWILL, Lesson 43) {1,085 words} Exodus 20:2-3 => Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Exodus 20:2-3 => Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Exodus 20:11 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Exodus 20:12 => Staying Out Of Trouble {660 words} Exodus 20:12 => Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Exodus 20:12-16 => Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Exodus 20:13 => How To Properly Interpret Scriptures (17 September) (Daily, SEP17) {362 words} Exodus 20:13 => Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Exodus 20:14 => Being Satisfied With Your Own {655 words} Exodus 20:14 => Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Exodus 20:17 => Being Satisfied With Your Own {655 words} Exodus 21:17 => Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Exodus 21:22-24 => Personal Injury and Self-Sacrifice (Matthew_C5, chapter 5j) {1,337 words} Exodus 22:25 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (29 May) (Daily BC, MAY29) {392 words} Exodus 22:25 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (22 November) (Daily, NOV22) {381 words} Exodus 22:25-26 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 25-30) {2,339 words} Exodus 23:10-11 => Cyrus let God's People Go (02 August) (Daily BC, AUG02) {395 word} Exodus 24:8 => Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Exodus 24:9-11 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 25-30) {2,593 words} Exodus 24:14 => Hur did a Great Work (10 March) (Daily BC, MAR10) {415 words} Exodus 25:2 => Administered Cooperatively {552 words} Exodus 25:2 => Working Together for the Lord (29 March) (Daily, MAR29) {375 words} Exodus 30:5 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - He has Certain Attributes (IWILL, Lesson 14) {883 words} Exodus 31:2 => Hur did a Great Work (10 March) (Daily BC, MAR10) {415 words} Exodus 32:1-35 => Aaron Made a Costly Mistake (09 March) (Daily BC, MAR09) {387 words} Exodus 32:1-35 => Moses Had the Right Kind of Heart (13 January) (Daily BC, JAN13) {375 words} Exodus 33:16-19 => God Has Absolute Moral Standards (26 April) (Daily, APR26) {350 words} Exodus 33:16-19 => Moral Absolutes {465 words} Exodus 33:19 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} Exodus 34:1-5 => God Has Absolute Moral Standards (26 April) (Daily, APR26) {350 words} Exodus 34:1-5 => Moral Absolutes {465 words} Exodus 34:13 => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} Exodus 36:3-7 => Giving Freely to the Lord's Work (22 March) (Daily, MAR22) {391 words} Exodus 36:3-7 => Shared Generously {608 words} Exodus 40:18-21 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} Exodus 40:18-21 => Preserving the Old Testament (07 January) (Daily, JAN07) {281 words}


    Leviticus => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Leviticus 1:3-4 => Jesus Had to be Born of a Virgin (20 February) (Daily, FEB20) {430 words} Leviticus 1:3-4 => Jesus was Without Sin (IWILL, Lesson 21) {611 words} Leviticus 1:3-4 => Why Jesus HAD to be Born of a Virgin (IWILL, Lesson 20) {449 words} Leviticus 4:32-35 => Moses Led the Celebration of the First Passover (30 October) (Daily BC, OCT30) {385 words} Leviticus 5:17-19 => Answers to Two Difficult Questions, The (Logic, chapter 6d) {2,602 words} Leviticus 5:17-19 => Sinless Life of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7b) {1,035 words} Leviticus 9:7-15 => Jesus' First Statement From the Cross (19 December) (Daily BC, DEC19) {413 words} Leviticus 10:8-13 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 1-8) {3,652 words} Leviticus 11 => Our Kind Of People? {601 words} Leviticus 11:1-47 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 1-8) {3,652 words} Leviticus 11:1-47 => Showing Favoritism is not Biblical (17 August) (Daily, AUG17) {361 words} Leviticus 13:2 => Naaman Was a Great Man with a Big Problem (17 January) (Daily BC, JAN17) {388 words} Leviticus 13:45 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Leviticus 16:7-10 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 9-16) {3,868 words} Leviticus 17:11 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Leviticus 18:16 => John the Baptist Beheaded and Five Thousand People Fed (Matthew, Chapter 14) {2,979 words} Leviticus 18:21 => Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Leviticus 19:2 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} Leviticus 19:9-10 => Giving Freely to the Lord's Work (22 March) (Daily, MAR22) {391 words} Leviticus 19:9-10 => Shared Generously {608 words} Leviticus 19:18 => Bible Truth 27: Romans 13:8 {644 words} Leviticus 19:18 => Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Leviticus 19:18 => Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Leviticus 19:18 => Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Leviticus 20:2-4 => Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Leviticus 20:9 => Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Leviticus 20:17 => Word Study of the Word "Mercy" {1,762 words} Leviticus 20:21 => John the Baptist Beheaded and Five Thousand People Fed (Matthew, Chapter 14) {2,979 words} Leviticus 23:1-44 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 9-16) {3,228 words} Leviticus 23:1-44 => Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 9-16) {4,363 words} Leviticus 23:5-6 => Plot Against Jesus, The (Matthew, Chapter 26) {6,981 words} Leviticus 23:15-22 => Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 9-16) {4,363 words} Leviticus 23:33-43 => Jesus Showed Mercy to the Adulterous Woman (11 February) (Daily BC, FEB11) {419 words} Leviticus 23:33-44 => Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 9-16) {4,363 words} Leviticus 24:5-8 => Disciples Pick Grain and the Pharisees Accuse Jesus (Matthew, Chapter 12) {3,101 words} Leviticus 25:8-55 => Using Independence Day Wisely (04 July) (Daily, JUL04) {387 words} Leviticus 25:23 => Acquired Honestly {619 words} Leviticus 25:23 => Being A Good Steward (01 March) (Daily, MAR01) {375 words} Leviticus 25:35-36 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (29 May) (Daily BC, MAY29) {392 words} Leviticus 25:35-36 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (22 November) (Daily, NOV22) {381 words} Leviticus 26:12 => History of Israel is Important, The (30 June) (Daily, JUN30) {365 words}


    Numbers => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Numbers 1:47-53 => John the Baptist was Announced by an Angel (03 July) (Daily BC, JUL03) {389 words} Numbers 1:47-53 => Levi was the Third Son of Jacob (25 March) (Daily BC, MAR25) {369 words} Numbers 3:10 => Christ - The Faithful One {646 words} Numbers 3:10-13 => Final Hours of Jesus, The (02 April) (Daily, APR02) {399 words} Numbers 5:2 => Naaman Was a Great Man with a Big Problem (17 January) (Daily BC, JAN17) {388 words} Numbers 6:1-6 => Samson Broke his Nazarite Vows (26 January) (Daily BC, JAN26) {380 words} Numbers 6:1-27 => Samson was a Nazirite (25 April) (Daily BC, APR25) {429 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Caleb and Joshua Understood God’s Will (08 February) (Daily BC, FEB08) {379 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Caleb was Given Hebron (18 November) (Daily BC, NOV18) {393 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Dathan Took on the Wrong Man (02 April) (Daily BC, APR02) {398 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Have Faith in God (04 October) (Daily, OCT04) {392 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Joshua led the Battle Against Jericho (11 December) (Daily BC, DEC11) {401 words} Numbers 13:1-33 => Nabal was an Evil Man (04 April) (Daily BC, APR04) {399 words} Numbers 13:30 => Stay Focused On God's Promises {670 words} Numbers 13:33 => Analysis of "sons of God" in Genesis 6:1-4 {3,130 words} Numbers 13:33 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Numbers 13:33 => Why the NIV Bible was Used in This Book (Matthew, Introduction) {717 words} Numbers 14:1-25 => Caleb and Joshua Understood God’s Will (08 February) (Daily BC, FEB08) {379 words} Numbers 14:6-9 => Stay Focused On God's Promises {670 words} Numbers 14:6-30 => Have Faith in God (04 October) (Daily, OCT04) {392 words} Numbers 14:11 => Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 1-8) {2,868 words} Numbers 14:24 => Stay Focused On God's Promises {670 words} Numbers 16:1-35 => Dathan Took on the Wrong Man (02 April) (Daily BC, APR02) {398 words} Numbers 16:24 => Jesus Preached Repentance to Everyone (01 May) (Daily, MAY01) {359 words} Numbers 16:24 => Jewish Sects and Groups {488 words} Numbers 21:4-9 => Sacrificial Death of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7c) {1,178 words} Numbers 22:1-6 => Ruth was a Faithful Daughter-in-Law (10 February) (Daily BC, FEB10) {405 words} Numbers 22:1-35 => Balaam was Talked to by his Donkey (13 May) (Daily BC, MAY13) {412 words} Numbers 23:1-30 => God's Plan Never Changes (05 February) (Daily, FEB05) {373 words} Numbers 23:19 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 1-8) {4,618 words} Numbers 28:3 => Having All That We Need {637 words} Numbers 28:3 => Having All We Need (24 January) (Daily, JAN24) {341 words} Numbers 31:16 => Balaam was Talked to by his Donkey (13 May) (Daily BC, MAY13) {412 words} Numbers 32:1-42 => Gad was the Seventh Son of Jacob (01 April) (Daily BC, APR01) {379 words} Numbers 32:1-42 => Working Together for the Lord (29 March) (Daily, MAR29) {375 words} Numbers 36:6-7 => Jesus was also not the Reincarnation of King David (Reincarn, Section H) {1,173 words}


    Deuteronomy => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Deuteronomy 1:1-3 => Caleb and Joshua Understood God’s Will (08 February) (Daily BC, FEB08) {379 words} Deuteronomy 1:28 => Figures of Speech {820 words} Deuteronomy 4:29 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 5:16 => Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Deuteronomy 5:16-20 => Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-5 => Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-5 => Feeling Secure Or Being Secure {584 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-5 => Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-5 => Putting God First Has Always Been Important (09 August) (Daily, AUG09) {388 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-7 => Obeying the Instructions of Godly Parents (04 April) (Daily, APR04) {384 words} Deuteronomy 6:4-7 => Staying Out Of Trouble {660 words} Deuteronomy 6:5 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 6:5 => Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Deuteronomy 6:6-9 => Seven Woes (Matthew, Chapter 23) {3,130 words} Deuteronomy 6:13 => Devil Tempts Jesus and He Begins His Galilean Ministry, The (Matthew, Chapter 4) {2,139 words} Deuteronomy 6:16 => Devil Tempts Jesus and He Begins His Galilean Ministry, The (Matthew, Chapter 4) {2,139 words} Deuteronomy 7:1-4 => Ibzan led Israel for Seven Years (19 April) (Daily BC, APR19) {389 words} Deuteronomy 7:1-26 => Jephthah led Israel for Six Years (08 April) (Daily BC, APR08) {400 words} Deuteronomy 7:6-8 => God as Father, Lawgiver, and Judge in the New and Old Testaments (27 January) (Daily, JAN27) {369 words} Deuteronomy 7:6-8 => God The Father In The New And Old Testaments {494 words} Deuteronomy 7:6-8 => Hosea Married an Unfaithful Woman (08 July) (Daily BC, JUL08) {376 words} Deuteronomy 8:3 => Devil Tempts Jesus and He Begins His Galilean Ministry, The (Matthew, Chapter 4) {2,139 words} Deuteronomy 8:18 => Acquired Honestly {619 words} Deuteronomy 8:18-20 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} Deuteronomy 9:18 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Deuteronomy 10:12 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 10:14 => Acquired Honestly {619 words} Deuteronomy 10:14 => Being A Good Steward (01 March) (Daily, MAR01) {375 words} Deuteronomy 11:13 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 11:18 => Seven Woes (Matthew, Chapter 23) {3,130 words} Deuteronomy 13:1-5 => How to Know a True Prophet of God (08 October) (Daily, OCT08) {396 words} Deuteronomy 13:1-5 => Prophesy I {708 words} Deuteronomy 13:3 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 14:27 => Administered Cooperatively {552 words} Deuteronomy 14:27 => Working Together for the Lord (29 March) (Daily, MAR29) {375 words} Deuteronomy 16:10 => Giving Freely to the Lord's Work (22 March) (Daily, MAR22) {391 words} Deuteronomy 16:10 => Shared Generously {608 words} Deuteronomy 17:14-20 => Solomon Was the Wisest Man of his Times (26 May) (Daily BC, MAY26) {371 words} Deuteronomy 18:10-11 => Saul Sought Advice From the Ungodly (14 January) (Daily BC, JAN14) {429 words} Deuteronomy 18:20 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 6) {522 words} Deuteronomy 18:20 => Judging, Being Judged, Asking, and Entering (Matthew, Chapter 7) {2,051 words} Deuteronomy 18:20-21 => Zechariah Foretold the Scattering Sheep (28 August) (Daily BC, AUG28) {348 words} Deuteronomy 18:20-22 => God Does Not Play Games With His Prophets (16 August) (Daily, AUG16) {358 words} Deuteronomy 18:20-22 => Judging, Being Judged, Asking, and Entering (Matthew, Chapter 7) {2,051 words} Deuteronomy 18:20-22 => Tradition without Obedience, Healing and More Feeding (Matthew, Chapter 15) {2,279 words} Deuteronomy 18:22 => How to Know a True Prophet of God (08 October) (Daily, OCT08) {396 words} Deuteronomy 18:22 => Prophesy I {708 words} Deuteronomy 19:15 => Behavior and Parables (Matthew, Chapter 18) {2,277 words} Deuteronomy 21:9 => One of God’s Names is El Qanno, the Jealous God (04 December) (Daily, DEC04) {347 words} Deuteronomy 21:15-17 => Judah Became the Direct Ancestor of Jesus (20 February) (Daily BC, FEB20) {374 words} Deuteronomy 21:17 => Jacob’s Deceitful Nature (20 May) (Daily, MAY20) {367 words} Deuteronomy 21:17 => Jacob was Deceitful Even After Twenty Years (20 November) (Daily BC, NOV20) {373 words} Deuteronomy 22:5 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 25-30) {2,339 words} Deuteronomy 22:20-21 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 17-24) {4,368 words} Deuteronomy 22:22 => Ezra Preached Against Mixed Marriages (23 May) (Daily BC, MAY23) {368 words} Deuteronomy 22:22 => Most Important Notes from NBST 797 (Lessons 9-16) {4,363 words} Deuteronomy 22:25 => Amnon Raped His Sister (20 March) (Daily BC, MAR20) {383 words} Deuteronomy 22:22-27 => Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Deuteronomy 23:1 => Ante-Nicene Literature II {925 words} Deuteronomy 23:12-14 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Deuteronomy 24:1 => Ezra Preached Against Mixed Marriages (23 May) (Daily BC, MAY23) {368 words} Deuteronomy 24:1-4 => Divorce and Remarriage (Matthew_C5, chapter 5h) {518 words} Deuteronomy 24:1-4 => Divorce and Riches (Matthew, Chapter 19) {2,376 words} Deuteronomy 24:1-4 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 17-24) {4,368 words} Deuteronomy 24:1-4 => Sermon on the Mount Begins, The (Matthew, Chapter 5) {3,590 words} Deuteronomy 25:4 => Appreciating the Ox, Being Honest, and Being Attentive (14 November) (Daily, NOV14) {404 words} Deuteronomy 25:4 => Costs Of Increase, The {678 words} Deuteronomy 25:5-10 => Parable, Paying Taxes, and Kingdom Truths, A (Matthew, Chapter 22) {3,276 words} Deuteronomy 26:16 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 27:14 => Rebekah Participated in the Deceitful Plot (27 November) (Daily BC, NOV27) {405 words} Deuteronomy 28:1-68 => God as Father, Lawgiver, and Judge in the New and Old Testaments (27 January) (Daily, JAN27) {369 words} Deuteronomy 28:1-68 => God The Father In The New And Old Testaments {494 words} Deuteronomy 29:29 => Three-Fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation, The (26 January) (Daily, JAN26) {358 words} Deuteronomy 30:2 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 30:6 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 30:10 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Deuteronomy 31:7 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part I) (IWILL, Lesson 5) {1,754 words} Deuteronomy 31:7 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Deuteronomy 31:9 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} Deuteronomy 31:24-26 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILLill, Lesson 3) {797 words} Deuteronomy 33:27 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words}


    Joshua => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} Joshua => Our Kind Of People? {601 words} Joshua => Three-fold Character Of God's Self-Revelation, The {547 words} Joshua 1:14-15 => Administered Cooperatively {552 words} Joshua 1:14-15 => Working Together for the Lord (29 March) (Daily, MAR29) {375 words} Joshua 2:1 => Being Justified By WORKS !!! (2:23-26) (James_C2, chapter 2h) {1,973 words} Joshua 2:1-24 => Rahab Protected Some Jewish Spies (10 October) (Daily BC, OCT10) {394 words} Joshua 4:12-13 => Gad was the Seventh Son of Jacob (01 April) (Daily BC, APR01) {379 words} Joshua 4:24 => One of God’s Names is El Qanno, the Jealous God (04 December) (Daily, DEC04) {347 words} Joshua 5:1 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Joshua 5:1 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Joshua 5:6 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Joshua 5:13-15 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 25-30) {2,593 words} Joshua 6 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Joshua 6:1-27 => Joshua led the Battle Against Jericho (11 December) (Daily BC, DEC11) {401 words} Joshua 6:17 => Jesus Instructs the Twelve (Matthew, Chapter 10) {2,096 words} Joshua 6:17 => Rahab Protected Some Jewish Spies (10 October) (Daily BC, OCT10) {394 words} Joshua 6:17-19 => Achan Brought Down the Whole Camp (29 October) (Daily BC, OCT29) {360 words} Joshua 6:23 => Huldah was a Faithful Prophetess (14 March) (Daily BC, MAR14) {371 words} Joshua 6:23-24 => Being Justified By WORKS !!! (2:23-26) (James_C2, chapter 2h) {1,973 words} Joshua 7:1-26 => Achan Brought Down the Whole Camp (29 October) (Daily BC, OCT29) {360 words} Joshua 7:2-4 => Choose Wisdom And Hard Work {683 words} Joshua 7:2-4 => Choose Wisdom, Work Hard, and Maintain Hope (10 October) (Daily, OCT10) {373 words} Joshua 7:6 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Joshua 9:1-27 => Joshua Prayed and Asked for the Sun to Stand Still (06 May) (Daily BC, MAY06) {393 words} Joshua 10:1-15 => Joshua Prayed and Asked for the Sun to Stand Still (06 May) (Daily BC, MAY06) {393 words} Joshua 13:1-5 => David Took on a Giant Named Goliath (04 January) (Daily BC, JAN04) {394 words} Joshua 13:8-13 => Maacah was a Thorn to Israel (03 April) (Daily BC, APR03) {365 words} Joshua 14:6-15 => Caleb was Given Hebron (18 November) (Daily BC, NOV18) {393 words} Joshua 14:7-14 => Stay Focused On God's Promises {670 words} Joshua 15:13-17 => Caleb was Given Hebron (18 November) (Daily BC, NOV18) {393 words} Joshua 19:17-23 => Issachar was the Ninth Son of Jacob (13 April) (Daily BC, APR13) {370 words} Joshua 20:1-9 => Joshua Established the Cities of Refuge (13 December) (Daily BC, DEC13) {375 words} Joshua 22:5 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Joshua 23:14 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} Joshua 24:1-31 => Joshua Set a Good Example (05 February) (Daily BC, FEB05) {365 words} Joshua 24:2 => Terah set a Bad Example for his Family (06 November) (Daily BC, NOV06) {373 words} Joshua 24:14 => Allusion of Worldly Desires, The (03 October) (Daily, OCT03) {400 words} Joshua 24:14 => Loving Truth And Seeking Riches {667 words} Joshua 24:14-27 => One of God’s Names is El Qanno, the Jealous God (04 December) (Daily, DEC04) {347 words} Joshua 24:19 => El Qanno - THE JEALOUS GOD (About God, Chapter 4i) (247 Words) Joshua 24:19 => Five Of The Names For God {862 words} Joshua 24:19 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - Some of the Names of God (IWILL, Lesson 15) {951 words}


    Judges => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Judges => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} Judges => Peter's Denial {564 words} Judges => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} Judges 1 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 2:11-16 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 2:11-16 => Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Judges 3:12-20 => Deborah Did What No Man Would (15 January) (Daily BC, JAN15) {413 words} Judges 3:12-20 => Ruth was a Faithful Daughter-in-Law (10 February) (Daily BC, FEB10) {405 words} Judges 4:1-10 => Zebulun was the Tenth Son of Jacob (18 April) (Daily BC, APR18) {395 words} Judges 4:1-15 => Naphtali was the Sixth Son of Jacob (30 March) (Daily BC, MAR30) {366 words} Judges 4:1-24 => Deborah Did What No Man Would (15 January) (Daily BC, JAN15) {413 words} Judges 4:8-23 => Jael was the Most Blessed of Tent Dwelling Women (01 July) (Daily BC, JUL01) {404 words} Judges 5:1-31 => Jael was the Most Blessed of Tent Dwelling Women (01 July) (Daily BC, JUL01) {404 words} Judges 5:9-15 => Issachar was the Ninth Son of Jacob (13 April) (Daily BC, APR13) {370 words} Judges 5:18 => Naphtali was the Sixth Son of Jacob (30 March) (Daily BC, MAR30) {366 words} Judges 6:11-24 => Gideon was Especially Picked for Battle (02 July) (Daily BC, JUL02) {419 words} Judges 6:15 => Variants in Translations {968 words} Judges 6:24-25 => Adultery and Purity (Matthew_C5, chapter 5g) {2,137 words} Judges 6:24-25 => Variants in Translations {968 words} Judges 6:25 => Knowing About Transliterations Can Be Helpful (26 December) (Daily, DEC26) {360 words} Judges 6:25 => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} Judges 6:25 => Some General Rules for Understanding the Bible (22 October) (Daily, OCT22) {332 words} Judges 6:32 => Variants in Translations {968 words} Judges 7:1-25 => Gideon did the Impossible (07 March) (Daily BC, MAR07) {404 words} Judges 7:23-25 => Asher was the Eighth Son of Jacob (06 April) (Daily BC, APR06) {357 words} Judges 9:54 => Rejecting Suicide (18 January) (Daily, JAN18) {356 words} Judges 9:54 => Rejecting Suicide {533 words} Judges 11:1-40 => Jephthah led Israel for Six Years (08 April) (Daily BC, APR08) {400 words} Judges 12:1-7 => Jephthah led Israel for Six Years (08 April) (Daily BC, APR08) {400 words} Judges 12:8-10 => Ibzan led Israel for Seven Years (19 April) (Daily BC, APR19) {389 words} Judges 12:11 => Zebulun was the Tenth Son of Jacob (18 April) (Daily BC, APR18) {395 words} Judges 13:1-25 => Samson Broke his Nazarite Vows (26 January) (Daily BC, JAN26) {380 words} Judges 13:1-25 => Samson was a Nazirite (25 April) (Daily BC, APR25) {429 words} Judges 16:1-31 => Everyone can Learn from Peter's Denial (16 March) (Daily, MAR16) {384 words} Judges 16:1-31 => Samson Broke his Nazarite Vows (26 January) (Daily BC, JAN26) {380 words} Judges 17:6 => Book Endings {628 words} Judges 17:6 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 17:6 => Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Judges 18:1 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 18:1 => Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Judges 18:1-31 => Dan was not Included in the Book of Revelation (01 June) (Daily BC, JUN01) {374 words} Judges 18:1-31 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 17-24) {3,771 words} Judges 18:11-31 => Dan was the Fifth Son of Jacob (29 March) (Daily BC, MAR29) {373 words} Judges 19:1 => Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Judges 19:1 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 19:1-30 => Benjamin was the Twelfth Son of Jacob (28 April) (Daily BC, APR28) {388 words} Judges 20:1-48 => Benjamin was the Twelfth Son of Jacob (28 April) (Daily BC, APR28) {388 words} Judges 20:28 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 21:25 => Book Endings {628 words} Judges 21:25 => Jael was the Most Blessed of Tent Dwelling Women (01 July) (Daily BC, JUL01) {404 words} Judges 21:25 => Modes of Narration {651 words} Judges 21:25 => Putting God First Avoids Trouble and Difficulty (04 June) (Daily, JUN04) {394 words} Judges 21:25 => Samson was a Nazirite (25 April) (Daily BC, APR25) {429 words}


    Ruth => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Ruth 1:1-22 => Naomi was Faithful to the Lord (14 February) (Daily BC, FEB14) {380 words} Ruth 1:1-22 => Ruth was a Faithful Daughter-in-Law (10 February) (Daily BC, FEB10) {405 words} Ruth 1:16 => Boaz was a Kind, Thoughtful Man (05 April) (Daily BC, APR05) {407 words} Ruth 1:16-22 => Remaining Faithful During Difficult Times (24 May) (Daily, MAY24) {407 words} Ruth 1:20-22 => Building A Support Network {556 words} Ruth 2:8-23 => Boaz was a Kind, Thoughtful Man (05 April) (Daily BC, APR05) {407 words} Ruth 2:11-16 => Building A Support Network {556 words} Ruth 2:11-16 => Remaining Faithful During Difficult Times (24 May) (Daily, MAY24) {407 words} Ruth 3:7-18 => Boaz was a Kind, Thoughtful Man (05 April) (Daily BC, APR05) {407 words} Ruth 4:1-22 => Boaz was a Kind, Thoughtful Man (05 April) (Daily BC, APR05) {407 words} Ruth 4:9-16 => Building A Support Network {556 words} Ruth 4:9-16 => Remaining Faithful During Difficult Times (24 May) (Daily, MAY24) {407 words} Ruth 4:13-22 => Ruth was a Faithful Daughter-in-Law (10 February) (Daily BC, FEB10) {405 words}


    Samuel => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} I Samuel => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Samuel => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} I Samuel 1:1-20 => Hannah Received a Son Destined for Greatness (04 September) (Daily BC, SEP04) {358 words} I Samuel 1:5-28 => Choose Wisdom And Hard Work {683 words} I Samuel 1:7-28 => Samuel was Obedient to God's Call (27 June) (Daily BC, JUN27) {430 words} I Samuel 2:7 => Our Life Is But For A Moment (James_C1, chapter 1d) {669 words} I Samuel 2:12-36 => Hophni and Phinehas Died on the Same Day (23 June) (Daily BC, JUN23) {404 words} I Samuel 2:27-36 => Abiathar the Priest Deserved to Die (16 December) (Daily BC, DEC16) {376 words} I Samuel 3:1-21 => Samuel was Obedient to God's Call (27 June) (Daily BC, JUN27) {430 words} I Samuel 3:1-21 => Samuel’s Sons were Rejected by Israel (07 January) (Daily BC, JAN07) {401 words} I Samuel 3:10 => Faithfully Using One’s Spiritual Gifts (11 May) (Daily, MAY11) {385 words} I Samuel 3:19-21 => Hannah Received a Son Destined for Greatness (04 September) (Daily BC, SEP04) {358 words} I Samuel 4:1-22 => Ichabod was a Cursed Name (12 April) (Daily BC, APR12) {382 words} I Samuel 4:11 => Hophni and Phinehas Died on the Same Day (23 June) (Daily BC, JUN23) {404 words} I Samuel 4:21 => Saul’s Name was Changed (18 May) (Daily BC, MAY18) {373 words} I Samuel 7:1-4 => Ahab Married Into Idolatry (01 May) (Daily BC, MAY01) {372 words} I Samuel 8:1-22 => Samuel’s Sons were Rejected by Israel (07 January) (Daily BC, JAN07) {401 words} I Samuel 8:5-19 => Solomon and Ahab Fulfilled a Prophecy of Samuel (17 December) (Daily BC, DEC17) {418 words} I Samuel 9:1-2 => Benjamin was the Twelfth Son of Jacob (28 April) (Daily BC, APR28) {388 words} I Samuel 10:5-8 => Saul Made a Very Bad Decision (08 January) (Daily BC, JAN08) {398 words} I Samuel 12:14-15 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} I Samuel 13:1-14 => Saul Made a Very Bad Decision (08 January) (Daily BC, JAN08) {398 words} I Samuel 13:1-15 => Saul Really Liked David (30 May) (Daily BC, MAY30) {371 words} I Samuel 13:9 => Moses Had the Right Kind of Heart (13 January) (Daily BC, JAN13) {375 words} I Samuel 13:22 => Doeg the Edomite was Responsible for Many Deaths (25 October) (Daily BC, OCT25) {402 words} I Samuel 15 => Book Endings {628 words} I Samuel 15:1-31 => Saul Really Liked David (30 May) (Daily BC, MAY30) {371 words} I Samuel 15:1-34 => Saul Made a Very Bad Decision (08 January) (Daily BC, JAN08) {398 words} I Samuel 15:1-35 => Saul Sought Advice From the Ungodly (14 January) (Daily BC, JAN14) {429 words} I Samuel 15:22 => Finding Health And Strength {666 words} I Samuel 15:22 => Jesus' Genealogy and Birth to Mary (Matthew, Chapter 1) {1,786 words} I Samuel 15:22 => Jonah was Swallowed by a Great Fish (15 May) (Daily BC, MAY15) {410 words} I Samuel 15:22 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 9-16) {3,228 words} I Samuel 15:24-35 => God Does Not Change But People Do (05 August) (Daily, AUG05) {375 words} I Samuel 16:1-13 => David was Chosen by God and Anointed by Samuel (20 June) (Daily BC, JUN20) {419 words} I Samuel 16:1-13 => Samuel was even Fooled by the Lord (21 August) (Daily BC, AUG21) {389 words} I Samuel 16:1-23 => Saul Really Liked David (30 May) (Daily BC, MAY30) {371 words} I Samuel 16:10-13 => Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} I Samuel 16:13 => Abner Switched to David's Side (31 August) (Daily BC, AUG31) {369 words} I Samuel 16:29 => Biblical Theology {641 words} I Samuel 16:35 => Biblical Theology {641 words} I Samuel 16:26 => Biblical Theology {641 words} I Samuel 17:1-51 => David Took on a Giant Named Goliath (04 January) (Daily BC, JAN04) {394 words} I Samuel 18:20-30 => Michal was David's First Wife (07 September) (Daily BC, SEP07) {412 words} I Samuel 19:1-24 => Saul Tried to Kill David (04 October) (Daily BC, OCT04) {395 words} I Samuel 20:1-42 => Friends Are Friends Forever (01 February) (Daily, FEB01) {393 words} I Samuel 20:1-42 => Jonathan was a Good Friend (06 February) (Daily BC, FEB06) {402 words} I Samuel 20:4-42 => Friends Are Friends Forever {626 words} I Samuel 21:1-9 => Disciples Pick Grain and the Pharisees Accuse Jesus (Matthew, Chapter 12) {3,101 words} I Samuel 22:6-23 => Doeg the Edomite was Responsible for Many Deaths (25 October) (Daily BC, OCT25) {402 words} I Samuel 24:1-12 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} I Samuel 24:1-13 => David Passed up the Opportunity to Kill Saul (03 December) (Daily BC, DEC03) {435 words} I Samuel 25:9-44 => Nabal was an Evil Man (04 April) (Daily BC, APR04) {399 words} I Samuel 25:14-17 => Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} I Samuel 25:40-44 => David had Multiple Wives (11 April) (Daily BC, APR11) {395 words} I Samuel 27:1-12 => David Reached a Low Point with Saul (08 August) (Daily BC, AUG08) {408 words} I Samuel 28:4-20 => Saul Sought Advice From the Ungodly (14 January) (Daily BC, JAN14) {429 words} I Samuel 28:15-16 => Loving Truth And Seeking Riches {667 words} I Samuel 31:1-6 => Rejecting Suicide (18 January) (Daily, JAN18) {356 words} I Samuel 31:1-6 => Rejecting Suicide {533 words} I Samuel 31:3-6 => Magi Seek Jesus and Jesus in Egypt and Nazareth, The (Matthew, Chapter 2) {2,080 words}


    II Samuel => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} II Samuel => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} II Samuel 2:1-32 => Abner Died Like a Fool (16 March) (Daily BC, MAR16) {378 words} II Samuel 2:8-17 => Ishbosheth Tried to be the King after Saul Died (10 September) (Daily BC, SEP10) {384 words} II Samuel 2:8-32 => Abner Switched to David's Side (31 August) (Daily BC, AUG31) {369 words} II Samuel 2:12-32 => Joab was a Vicious Person (23 March) (Daily BC, MAR23) {401 words} II Samuel 2:12-32 => Joab was Repayed for his Evil Ways (26 August) (Daily BC, AUG26) {415 words} II Samuel 3:1-39 => Abner Died Like a Fool (16 March) (Daily BC, MAR16) {378 words} II Samuel 3:2-3 => Critique of II Samuel 13:1-14 From a Family Systems Perspective {892 words} II Samuel 3:3 => Maacah was a Thorn to Israel (03 April) (Daily BC, APR03) {365 words} II Samuel 3:7-34 => Abner Switched to David's Side (31 August) (Daily BC, AUG31) {369 words} II Samuel 3:27 => Joshua Established the Cities of Refuge (13 December) (Daily BC, DEC13) {375 words} II Samuel 3:27-30 => Joab was a Vicious Person (23 March) (Daily BC, MAR23) {401 words} II Samuel 3:27-30 => Joab was Repayed for his Evil Ways (26 August) (Daily BC, AUG26) {415 words} II Samuel 4:4 => Mephibosheth had a Home with the King (30 July) (Daily BC, JUL30) {444 words} II Samuel 4:5-8 => Ishbosheth Tried to be the King after Saul Died (10 September) (Daily BC, SEP10) {384 words} II Samuels 5:2 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 6) {522 words} II Samuel 5:2 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} II Samuel 5:2 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} II Samuel 5:4 => Abner Switched to David's Side (31 August) (Daily BC, AUG31) {369 words} II Samuel 5:4 => David was Chosen by God and Anointed by Samuel (20 June) (Daily BC, JUN20) {419 words} II Samuel 5:4 => Solomon was Hastily Made the King (08 December) (Daily BC, DEC08) {389 words} II Samuel 5:4-5 => Ishbosheth Tried to be the King after Saul Died (10 September) (Daily BC, SEP10) {384 words} II Samuel 5:14 => Virgin Birth of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7a) {3,006 words} II Samuel 6:16-23 => Michal was David's First Wife (07 September) (Daily BC, SEP07) {412 words} II Samuel 7:12-16 => David's Throne is Eternal (14 July) (Daily BC, JUL14) {381 words} II Samuel 7:12-17 => Millennium Government and Worship, The {624 words} II Samuel 7:12-17 => What the Millennium will be Like (06 March) (Daily, MAR06) {363 words} II Samuel 7:12-22 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} II Samuel 7:14 => Prophesy II {864 words} II Samuel 7:16 => Nature and Purpose of the Millennium, The {458 words} II Samuel 9:1-13 => Mephibosheth had a Home with the King (30 July) (Daily BC, JUL30) {444 words} II Samuel 9:7 => Variants in Translations {968 words} II Samuel 10:1-19 => Hanun did not Appreciate the King's Kindness (27 July) (Daily BC, JUL27) {402 words} II Samuel 11:1-5 => David Made a Very Bad Decision (11 January) (Daily BC, JAN11) {406 words} II Samuel 11:1-5 => David Made Some Bad Decisions as a Parent (26 February) (Daily BC, FEB26) {423 words} II Samuel 11:1-13 => Critiquing Bible Passages {502 words} II Samuel 11:1-17 => Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} II Samuel 11:1-21 => Everyone can Learn from Peter's Denial (16 March) (Daily, MAR16) {384 words} II Samuel 11:1-26 => Ahab Stole a Vineyard (05 May) (05 May) (Daily BC, MAY05) {403 words} II Samuel 11:1-26 => David had Multiple Wives (11 April) (Daily BC, APR11) {395 words} II Samuels 11:1-27 => David Experienced True Repentance (26 June) (Daily BC, JUN26) {396 words} II Samuel 11:1-27 => David's Throne is Eternal (14 July) (Daily BC, JUL14) {381 words} II Samuel 11:1-27 => Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} II Samuel 11:4 => Variants in Translations {968 words} II Samuel 12:1-14 => Ahab Stole a Vineyard (05 May) (05 May) (Daily BC, MAY05) {403 words} II Samuel 12:1-15 => David was a Man After God’s Own Heart (05 March) (Daily BC, MAR05) {399 words} II Samuel 12:1-10 => Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} II Samuel 12:7 => David Experienced True Repentance (26 June) (Daily BC, JUN26) {396 words} II Samuel 12:14 => Solomon was Born to David and Bathsheba (01 August) (Daily BC, AUG01) {382 words} II Samuel 12:24-25 => Solomon was Born to David and Bathsheba (01 August) (Daily BC, AUG01) {382 words} II Samuel 12:31 => Every Word of God is Flawless (02 December) (Daily, DEC02) {386 words} II Samuel 12:31 => Textual Criticism {1,151 words} II Samuel 13:1-2 => Confronting Sexual Abuse {618 words} II Samuel 13:1-5 => Jonadab was not a Very Good Friend (21 September) (Daily BC, SEP21) {429 words} II Samuel 13:1-14 => Critique of II Samuel 13:1-14 From a Family Systems Perspective {892 words} II Samuel 13:1-17 => Amnon Raped His Sister (20 March) (Daily BC, MAR20) {383 words} II Samuel 13:1-22 => Confronting Sexual Abuse (11 January) (Daily, JAN11) {358 words} II Samuel 13:1-31 => Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} II Samuel 13:6-14 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} II Samuel 13:6-15 => Confronting Sexual Abuse {618 words} II Samuel 13:6-34 => Trusting the Lord No Matter What (29 October) (Daily, OCT29) {392 words} II Samuel 13:19-22 => Confronting Sexual Abuse {618 words} II Samuel 13:21 => David Made Some Bad Decisions as a Parent (26 February) (Daily BC, FEB26) {423 words} II Samuel 13:21 => Critique of II Samuel 13:1-14 From a Family Systems Perspective {892 words} II Samuel 13:23-38 => Absalom Fled to the King of Geshur (19 August) (Daily BC, AUG19) {417 words} II Samuel 13:32-33 => Jonadab was not a Very Good Friend (21 September) (Daily BC, SEP21) {429 words} II Samuel 13:34 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} II Samuel 15:10-18 => Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} II Samuel 15:14 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} II Samuel 15:14 => Trusting the Lord No Matter What (29 October) (Daily, OCT29) {392 words} II Samuel 15:24-29 => Abiathar the Priest Deserved to Die (16 December) (Daily BC, DEC16) {376 words} II Samuel 16:5-14 => Mephibosheth had a Home with the King (30 July) (Daily BC, JUL30) {444 words} II Samuel 16:5-14 => Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} II Samuel 16:8 => Choosing To Live Right {660 words} II Samuel 16:8 => Doing Right and Working Hard (27 June) (Daily, JUN27) {386 words} II Samuel 17:23 => Rejecting Suicide (18 January) (Daily, JAN18) {356 words} II Samuel 17:23 => Rejecting Suicide {533 words} II Samuel 18:9-17 => Joab was a Vicious Person (23 March) (Daily BC, MAR23) {401 words} II Samuel 18:33 => Absalom Betrayed His Father (21 February) (Daily BC, FEB21) {405 words} II Samuel 19:18-23 => Shimei Cursed the King and Lived (15 July) (Daily BC, JUL15) {384 words} II Samuel 22:3 => Instruction, Tongue, And Diligence {650 words} II Samuel 22:27 => Pearls Of Wisdom, Part V {573 words} II Samuel 22:31 => Acquiring Wisdom (James_C1, chapter 1c) {1,585 words} II Samuel 24 => Rejoicing In The Midst Of Temptation (James_C1, chapter 1b) {1,567 words}


    Kings => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} I Kings => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Kings 1:1-53 => Adonijah was Executed Because of his Request (11 August) (Daily BC, AUG11) {383 words} I Kings 1:11-40 => Solomon was Hastily Made the King (08 December) (Daily BC, DEC08) {389 words} I Kings 1:7 => Abiathar the Priest Deserved to Die (16 December) (Daily BC, DEC16) {376 words} I Kings 2:1-46 => Rapture, The (IWILL, Lesson 43) {1,085 words} I Kings 2:4 => Bible Truth 25: Hebrews 4:12 {459 words} I Kings 2:12-25 => Adonijah was Executed Because of his Request (11 August) (Daily BC, AUG11) {383 words} I Kings 2:26-27 => Abiathar the Priest Deserved to Die (16 December) (Daily BC, DEC16) {376 words} I Kings 2:28-34 => Joab was Repayed for his Evil Ways (26 August) (Daily BC, AUG26) {415 words} I Kings 3:1-15 => Solomon Asked God for Wisdom (24 October) (Daily BC, OCT24) {389 words} I Kings 3:5-15 => Elisha Healed the Bad Water (27 August) (Daily BC, AUG27) {396 words} I Kings 3:16-28 => Solomon Settled a Dispute Over a Child (14 August) (Daily BC, AUG14) {401 words} I Kings 4:21-28 => Solomon and Ahab Fulfilled a Prophecy of Samuel (17 December) (Daily BC, DEC17) {418 words} I Kings 4:31-32 => Learning To Be All We Can Be {594 words} I Kings 4:31-32 => Studying the Book of Proverbs Will Make One Wise (06 December) (Daily, DEC06) {371 words} I Kings 6:1-38 => Solomon Built the First Temple (26 December) (Daily BC, DEC26) {380 words} I Kings 7:13-51 => Huram was Faithful to do his Assigned Tasks (09 June) (Daily BC, JUN09) {391 words} I Kings 8:9 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} I Kings 8:22-24 => How to Pray Publicly (30 November) (Daily, NOV30) {359 words} I Kings 8:22-24 => Me? Lead In Prayer {639 words} I Kings 9:4-5 => Pearls Of Wisdom, Part I {691 words} I Kings 9:26 => Confirmation Through Archaeology (Creation, chapter 24) {1,867 words} I Kings 9:26 => Evidence of Archaeological Data, The (Logic, chapter 4c) {1,530 words} I Kings 9:26-28 => Value of Archaeology to the Bible, The (08 April) (Daily, APR08) {359 words} I Kings 10:14-29 => Belshazzar saw the Handwriting on the Wall (06 August) (Daily BC, AUG06) {399 words} I Kings 10:23-24 => Solomon was Born to David and Bathsheba (01 August) (Daily BC, AUG01) {382 words} I Kings 10:23-29 => Solomon Was the Wisest Man of his Times (26 May) (Daily BC, MAY26) {371 words} I Kings 11:1-3 => How to Avoid Adultery (07 March) (Daily, MAR07) {361 words} I Kings 11:1-3 => How To Avoid Adultery {639 words} I Kings 11:1-13 => Rehoboam Made a Foolish Decision (13 June) (Daily BC, JUN13) {390 words} I Kings 11:1-13 => Solomon Ignored his own Advice (15 February) (Daily BC, FEB15) {395 words} I Kings 11:1-13 => Solomon Was the Wisest Man of his Times (26 May) (Daily BC, MAY26) {371 words} I Kings 11:26-40 => Rehoboam Made a Foolish Decision (13 June) (Daily BC, JUN13) {390 words} I Kings 12:1-19 => Rehoboam Made a Foolish Decision (13 June) (Daily BC, JUN13) {390 words} I Kings 12:4b-5 => Pearls Of Wisdom, Part IV {685 words} I Kings 12:12-14 => Pearls Of Wisdom, Part IV {685 words} I Kings 12:26-33 => Jeroboam led the People in the Wrong Direction (30 June) (Daily BC, JUN30) {404 words} I Kings 14:1-20 => Jeroboam Could not Fool God's Man (26 November) (Daily BC, NOV26) {388 words} I Kings 15:8-24 => Asa Even Deposed his Grandmother, Maacah (10 April) (Daily BC, APR10) {411 words} I Kings 15:11 => Jehoshaphat Walked in the Ways of the Lord (01 September) (Daily BC, SEP01) {439 words} I Kings 16:18 => Rejecting Suicide (18 January) (Daily, JAN18) {356 words} I Kings 16:18 => Rejecting Suicide {533 words} I Kings 16:28-33 => Ahab Married Into Idolatry (01 May) (Daily BC, MAY01) {372 words} I Kings 16:28-33 => Elijah Said No Rain for a While (10 May) (Daily BC, MAY10) {421 words} I Kings 16:29-34 => Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} I Kings 16:29-34 => Jezebel Killed God’s Prophets (22 May) (Daily BC, MAY22) {401 words} I Kings 16:31 => Jezebel Painted her Face for her Death (14 October) (Daily BC, OCT14) {393 words} I Kings 17:1 => Elijah Said No Rain for a While (10 May) (Daily BC, MAY10) {421 words} I Kings 17:1 => Elijah Took on a King and Some False Prophets (01 March) (Daily BC, MAR01) {413 words} I Kings 17:1 => Jesus Rebuked the People of Nazareth (26 September) (Daily BC, SEP26) {405 words} I Kings 17:1 => Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} I Kings 17:1 => Jezebel Killed God’s Prophets (22 May) (Daily BC, MAY22) {401 words} I Kings 17:1 => Obadiah was a Devout Believer (16 June) (Daily BC, JUN16) {405 words} I Kings 17:1-6 => Elijah was Fed by Ravens (13 March) (Daily BC, MAR13) {402 words} I Kings 17:7-16 => Widow at Zarephath had Plenty of Food, The (14 September) (Daily BC, SEP14) {392 words} I Kings 18 => Elohim - The God To Be Feared And Reverenced (About God, Chapter 4b) (167 Words) I Kings 18 => Elohim Shows The Trinity (08 May) (Daily, MAY08) {388 words} I Kings 18 => Mid-Term Study Questions (APOL 500) {2,220 words} I Kings 18 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - Some of the Names of God (IWILL, Lesson 15) {951 words} I Kings 18:1-4 => Obadiah was a Devout Believer (16 June) (Daily BC, JUN16) {405 words} I Kings 18:1-16 => Obadiah Intervened Between Ahab and Elijah (28 June) (Daily BC, JUN28) {417 words} I Kings 18:1-40 => Elijah Took on a King and Some False Prophets (01 March) (Daily BC, MAR01) {413 words} I Kings 18:1-40 => Elisha Got a Double Portion (02 March) (Daily BC, MAR02) {436 words} I Kings 18:2-4 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part I) (IWILL, Lesson 5) {1,754 words} I Kings 18:2-4 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Kings 18:2-4 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} I Kings 18:4 => Jezebel Killed God’s Prophets (22 May) (Daily BC, MAY22) {401 words} I Kings 18:4 => Jezebel Painted her Face for her Death (14 October) (Daily BC, OCT14) {393 words} I Kings 18:16-46 => Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} I Kings 18:19 => Religious Activities of Israel's Neighbors, The {863 words} I Kings 18:22 => John the Baptist and Elijah were not the Same Being (Reincarn, Section A) {644 words} I Kings 18:24 => Most Important Notes from PHIL 240 (Lessons 1-8) {2,868 words} I Kings 18:26-29 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} I Kings 19:1-18 => Elijah Heard the Gentle Voice (18 September) (Daily BC, SEP18) {414 words} I Kings 19:1-21 => Elisha Got a Double Portion (02 March) (Daily BC, MAR02) {436 words} I Kings 19:9-18 => Listening to God with Spiritual Ears (26 November) (Daily, NOV26) {422 words} I Kings 19:12 => Esther and Mordecai Were Destined for Greatness (04 February) (Daily BC, FEB04) {398 words} I Kings 19:19 => Elijah Divided the Jordan River (26 October) (Daily BC, OCT26) {400 words} I Kings 21:1-16 => Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} I Kings 21:1-16 => Solomon and Ahab Fulfilled a Prophecy of Samuel (17 December) (Daily BC, DEC17) {418 words} I Kings 21:1-29 => Ahab Stole a Vineyard (05 May) (05 May) (Daily BC, MAY05) {403 words} I Kings 21:5-15 => Jezebel Painted her Face for her Death (14 October) (Daily BC, OCT14) {393 words} I Kings 22:1-23 => Jehoshaphat Wanted to Know the Truth (06 March) (Daily BC, MAR06) {393 words} I Kings 22:14-40 => Ahab Stole a Vineyard (05 May) (05 May) (Daily BC, MAY05) {403 words} I Kings 22:51-53 => Ahaziah was an Ungodly King (05 November) (Daily BC, NOV05) {389 words} I Kings 22:41-50 => Jehoshaphat Walked in the Ways of the Lord (01 September) (Daily BC, SEP01) {439 words}


    II Kings => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} II Kings => Modes of Narration {651 words} II Kings 1 => Presumed Evils of Elijah and John the Baptist, The (Reincarn, Section F) {453 words} II Kings 1:1-16 => Elijah Called Down Fire From Heaven (19 November) (Daily BC, NOV19) {417 words} II Kings 1:8 => Presumed Evils of Elijah and John the Baptist, The (Reincarn, Section F) {453 words} II Kings 1:10 => Presumed Evils of Elijah and John the Baptist, The (Reincarn, Section F) {453 words} II Kings 2:1-8 => Elijah Divided the Jordan River (26 October) (Daily BC, OCT26) {400 words} II Kings 2:1-11 => Methuselah Lived a Long Time (14 May) (Daily BC, MAY14) {413 words} II Kings 2:1-12 => Judas, Jesus, More Trials, and Crucifixion (Matthew, Chapter 27) {6,059 words} II Kings 2:1-15 => Elisha Got a Double Portion (02 March) (Daily BC, MAR02) {436 words} II Kings 2:9-10 => Elisha Retrieved an Axhead (20 July) (Daily BC, JUL20) {401 words} II Kings 2:9-12 => Elijah was Taken in a Whirlwind (05 August) (Daily BC, AUG05) {396 words} II Kings 2:9-12 => Elisha Healed the Bad Water (27 August) (Daily BC, AUG27) {396 words} II Kings 2:11 => Transfiguration, Healing, and Taxes, The (Matthew, Chapter 17) {2,428 words} II Kings 2:19-22 => Elisha Healed the Bad Water (27 August) (Daily BC, AUG27) {396 words} II Kings 3:11 => Jehoshaphat Wanted to Know the Truth (06 March) (Daily BC, MAR06) {393 words} II Kings 3:27 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 17-24) {4,236 words} II Kings 5:1-14 => Jesus Rebuked the People of Nazareth (26 September) (Daily BC, SEP26) {405 words} II Kings 5:1-14 => Speak Helpful Words {668 words} II Kings 5:1-14 => To Be Saved Just Do What God Says (11 October) (Daily, OCT11) {424 words} II Kings 5:1-18 => Naaman Was a Great Man with a Big Problem (17 January) (Daily BC, JAN17) {388 words} II Kings 5:9-26 => Gehazi was Greedy for Gain (06 June) (Daily BC, JUN06) {368 words} II Kings 5:15-19 => Elisha Freely Received and Freely Gave (22 June) (Daily BC, JUN22) {394 words} II Kings 6:1-7 => Elisha Retrieved an Axhead (20 July) (Daily BC, JUL20) {401 words} II Kings 6:8-23 => Elisha Struck the Arameans with Blindness (29 September) (Daily BC, SEP29) {384 words} II Kings 6:24-33 => Four Lepers Ended a Severe Famine in Samaria (16 September) (Daily BC, SEP16) {414 words} II Kings 7:1-20 => Four Lepers Ended a Severe Famine in Samaria (16 September) (Daily BC, SEP16) {414 words} II Kings 9:30-37 => Jezebel Painted her Face for her Death (14 October) (Daily BC, OCT14) {393 words} II Kings 9:32-35 => Jezebel Died a Horrible Death (13 October) (Daily BC, OCT13) {403 words} II Kings 11:12 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} II Kings 12:1-20 => Be Wise and Trust Jesus with your Life (25 July) (Daily, JUL25) {377 words} II Kings 13:14-25 => Jehoash Defeated the Aramites Three Times (23 August) (Daily BC, AUG23) {396 words} II Kings 14:25 => Book of Jonah, The {705 words} II Kings 15:32-35 => Micah Preached Against Those That Do Wrong (07 July) (Daily BC, JUL07) {393 words} II Kings 16 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 16:1-4 => Micah Preached Against Those That Do Wrong (07 July) (Daily BC, JUL07) {393 words} II Kings 16:1-20 => Biblical Narrative was Often Used to tell Bible Stories (20 August) (Daily, AUG20) {383 words} II Kings 16:5 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 16:7-11 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 18:1-7 => Micah Preached Against Those That Do Wrong (07 July) (Daily BC, JUL07) {393 words} II Kings 18:1-8 => Hezekiah Trusted in the Lord (10 June) (Daily BC, JUN10) {413 words} II Kings 18:1-37 => Biblical Narrative was Often Used to tell Bible Stories (20 August) (Daily, AUG20) {383 words} II Kings 18:3-7 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 18:13-37 => Hezekiah Trusted the Lord during his Biggest Conflict (05 December) (Daily BC, DEC05) {382 words} II Kings 19:1-37 => Biblical Narrative was Often Used to tell Bible Stories (20 August) (Daily, AUG20) {383 words} II Kings 19:6 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 19:35-36 => Hezekiah Showed Too Much (20 October) (Daily BC, OCT20) {378 words} II Kings 20:1-6 => Counseling The Terminally Ill {3,503 words} II Kings 20:1-11 => Hezekiah was Given Fifteen More Years (25 June) (Daily BC, JUN25) {400 words} II Kings 20:12-21 => Hezekiah Showed Too Much (20 October) (Daily BC, OCT20) {378 words} II Kings 21:1-18 => Manasseh Repented of all his Evil Ways (19 June) (Daily BC, JUN19) {402 words} II Kings 21:1-18 => Manasseh was a Very Evil King (09 October) (Daily BC, OCT09) {418 words} II Kings 21:16 => Jesus' Genealogy and Birth to Mary (Matthew, Chapter 1) {1,786 words} II Kings 22:1-20 => Josiah was a Child King (28 February) (Daily BC, FEB28) {406 words} II Kings 22:8 => Hilkiah Found the Book of the Law (18 June) (Daily BC, JUN18) {413 words} II Kings 22:8 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} II Kings 22:13 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} II Kings 22:14-20 => Huldah was a Faithful Prophetess (14 March) (Daily BC, MAR14) {371 words} II Kings 22:18-19 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} II Kings 22:23 => Source Criticism {1,006 words} II Kings 23:25 => Mode of Commentary, The {838 words} II Kings 24:8 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 1-8) {4,618 words} II Kings 25:1-7 => Zedekiah was Tortured by his Enemies (04 May) (Daily BC, MAY04) {391 words}


    I Chronicles => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Chronicles 3:15-19 => Virgin Birth of Jesus, The (Logic, chapter 7a) {3,006 words} I Chronicles 5:1-2 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 17-24) {3,771 words} I Chronicles 12:38-40 => Issachar was the Ninth Son of Jacob (13 April) (Daily BC, APR13) {370 words} I Chronicles 16:28-29 => Seek Knowledge, Righteousness and Virtue (15 August) (Daily, AUG15) {360 words} I Chronicles 16:29 => Knowledge, Righteousness, And Virtue {634 words} I Chronicles 16:41-42 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} I Chronicles 17:1-15 => Solomon Built the First Temple (26 December) (Daily BC, DEC26) {380 words} I Chronicles 20:3 => Every Word of God is Flawless (02 December) (Daily, DEC02) {386 words} I Chronicles 20:3 => Textual Criticism {1,151 words} I Chronicles 22:5-10 => Solomon was Hastily Made the King (08 December) (Daily BC, DEC08) {389 words} I Chronicles 25:1-6 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} I Chronicles 27:24 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Chronicles 27:24 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} I Chronicles 29:29 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} I Chronicles 29:29 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words}


    II Chronicles 5:12 => Teaching Assignment On Psalm 62:1-2, The {2,280 words} II Chronicles 29:1-36 => Hezekiah Showed Too Much (20 October) (Daily BC, OCT20) {378 words} II Chronicles 31:20-21 => Costs Of Increase, The {678 words} II Chronicles 32 => Rejoicing In The Midst Of Temptation (James_C1, chapter 1b) {1,567 words} II Chronicles 32:24-32 => God Watches Over His People (23 April) (Daily, APR23) {380 words} II Chronicles 33:1-17 => Manasseh Repented of all his Evil Ways (19 June) (Daily BC, JUN19) {402 words} II Chronicles 33:1-20 => Manasseh was a Very Evil King (09 October) (Daily BC, OCT09) {418 words} II Chronicles 34:8-33 => Hilkiah Found the Book of the Law (18 June) (Daily BC, JUN18) {413 words} II Chronicles 36:9 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 1-8) {4,618 words} II Chronicles 36:15-23 => Cyrus let God's People Go (02 August) (Daily BC, AUG02) {395 word}


    Ezra => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Ezra => Reviews of Two Journal Articles {1,703 words} Ezra 1:1-11 => Cyrus let God's People Go (02 August) (Daily BC, AUG02) {395 word} Ezra 4:1-5 => Zerubbabel Would not let Outsiders Help (22 August) (Daily BC, AUG22) {386 words} Ezra 5:1 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 6) {522 words} Ezra 5:1 => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Ezra 5:1 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Ezra 5:1 => Zechariah saw a Flying Scroll (02 December) (Daily BC, DEC02) {410 words} Ezra 10:1-3 => Most Important Notes from THEO 250 (Lessons 17-24) {4,368 words} Ezra 10:10-44 => Ezra Preached Against Mixed Marriages (23 May) (Daily BC, MAY23) {368 words}


    Nehemiah => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Nehemiah 1:1-11 => Learning the Right Way to Serve the Lord (01 November) (Daily, NOV01) {382 words} Nehemiah 1:4-11 => Nehemiah had a Real Burden (25 February) (Daily BC, FEB25) {385 words} Nehemiah 1:5-6 => Understand The Job {488 words} Nehemiah 1:11 => Have Faith in God for the Big Things, Too (08 November) (Daily, NOV08) {393 words} Nehemiah 1:11 => Nehemiah Had Faith in the Big Things (21 October) (Daily BC, OCT21) {391 words} Nehemiah 1:11 => Understand The Job {488 words} Nehemiah 2:1-2 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 1-8) {3,652 words} Nehemiah 2:1-8 => Understand The Job {488 words} Nehemiah 2:1-16 => Learning the Right Way to Serve the Lord (01 November) (Daily, NOV01) {382 words} Nehemiah 2:1-20 => Have Faith in God for the Big Things, Too (08 November) (Daily, NOV08) {393 words} Nehemiah 2:1-20 => Nehemiah Had Faith in the Big Things (21 October) (Daily BC, OCT21) {391 words} Nehemiah 2:12 => Start Well {652 words} Nehemiah 2:12 => Understand The Job {488 words} Nehemiah 2:15-16 => Understand The Job {488 words} Nehemiah 2:15-20 => Start Well {652 words} Nehemiah 3:1-2 => Start Well {652 words} Nehemiah 3:1-32 => Have Faith in God for the Big Things, Too (08 November) (Daily, NOV08) {393 words} Nehemiah 3:1-32 => Nehemiah Had Faith in the Big Things (21 October) (Daily BC, OCT21) {391 words} Nehemiah 3:22-23 => Start Well {652 words} Nehemiah 4:1-3 => Overcome Opposition {539 words} Nehemiah 4:1-23 => Fight the Good Fight for the Lord (15 November) (Daily, NOV15) {393 words} Nehemiah 4:1-23 => Nehemiah Fought a Good Fight for the Lord (18 December) (Daily BC, DEC18) {394 words} Nehemiah 4:6-12 => Overcome Opposition {539 words} Nehemiah 4:14 => Overcome Opposition {539 words} Nehemiah 4:19-20 => Overcome Opposition {539 words} Nehemiah 5:1-13 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (29 May) (Daily BC, MAY29) {392 words} Nehemiah 5:1-13 => Nehemiah was a Problem Solver (22 November) (Daily, NOV22) {381 words} Nehemiah 5:1-13 => Resolve Internal Problems {637 words} Nehemiah 6:15-16 => Celebrate A Job Well Done {529 words} Nehemiah 6:15-16 => Celebrating a Job Well Done (29 November) (Daily, NOV29) {336 words} Nehemiah 6:15-16 => Nehemiah Celebrated a Job Well Done (24 September) (Daily BC, SEP24) {340 words} Nehemiah 8:8 => Maintaining the Old Testament - (Part II) (IWILL, Lesson 3) {797 words} Nehemiah 9:6-15 => Seven Aspects Of The Doctrine Of Creation, The (09 February) (Daily, FEB09) {365 words} Nehemiah 9:7 => One of God's Names is "El Olam," the Eternal God (04 August) (Daily, AUG04) {399 words} Nehemiah 12:27-31 => Celebrate A Job Well Done {529 words} Nehemiah 12:27-47 => Celebrating a Job Well Done (29 November) (Daily, NOV29) {336 words} Nehemiah 12:27-47 => Nehemiah Celebrated a Job Well Done (24 September) (Daily BC, SEP24) {340 words} Nehemiah 12:38 => Celebrate A Job Well Done {529 words} Nehemiah 12:40-41 => Celebrate A Job Well Done {529 words} Nehemiah 12:43-47 => Celebrate A Job Well Done {529 words} Nehemiah 13:26 => Variants in Translations {968 words}


    Esther => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Esther 1:1-22 => Esther and Mordecai Were Destined for Greatness (04 February) (Daily BC, FEB04) {398 words} Esther 1:9-22 => Vashti was a Feminist (07 May) (Daily BC, MAY07) {373 words} Esther 2:1-18 => Esther and Mordecai Were Destined for Greatness (04 February) (Daily BC, FEB04) {398 words} Esther 2:1-18 => Esther Became the Queen (02 September) (Daily BC, SEP02) {369 words} Esther 2:5-23 => Mordecai was Faithful to the King (29 February) (Daily BC, FEB29) {393 words} Esther 2:7-11 => Fulfilling Your Responsibilities {494 words} Esther 2:7-11 => Having the Right Kind of Godly Family (10 May) (Daily, MAY10) {358 words} Esther 3:1-2 => Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Esther 3:1-6 => Mordecai was Faithful to the King (29 February) (Daily BC, FEB29) {393 words} Esther 4:7 => Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Esther 4:14 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 425 (Lessons 1-8) {3,781 words} Esther 5:14 => Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Esther 7:1-10 => Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Esther 7:1-10 => Joseph Saved his People (03 March) (Daily BC, MAR03) {423 words} Esther 7:10 => Mordecai was Faithful to the King (29 February) (Daily BC, FEB29) {393 words} Esther 8:1-8 => Haman Could Not Fight God (25 January) (Daily BC, JAN25) {383 words} Esther 9:23-25 => Magi Seek Jesus and Jesus in Egypt and Nazareth, The (Matthew, Chapter 2) {2,080 words}


    Job => Book Review of "A Survey of the Old Testament", A {1,438 words} Job => Canon Process, The (Creation, chapter 23) {2,914 words} Job => Word Study of the Word "Mercy" {1,762 words} Job 1:1-6 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 450 (Lessons 17-24) {3,771 words} Job 1:1-22 => Even Job Struggled with Difficulty (20 October) (Daily, OCT20) {417 words} Job 1:1-22 => Job Never Knew What Hit Him (05 June) (Daily BC, JUN05) {409 words} Job 1:6 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Job 1:6 => "Son of God" As A Proof Of The Deity Of Christ (29 January) (Daily, JAN29) {373 words} Job 1:6 => "Son of God" As A Proof Of The Deity Of Christ {429 words} Job 1:12 => God's Governing Activity (10 February) (Daily, FEB10) {382 words} Job 1:12 => God's Governing Activity {368 words} Job 1:21 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Job 2:1 => Most Important Notes from BIBL 410 {2,746 words} Job 2:1-13 => Even Job Struggled with Difficulty (20 October) (Daily, OCT20) {417 words} Job 2:1-13 => Job Never Knew What Hit Him (05 June) (Daily BC, JUN05) {409 words} Job 2:6 => God's Governing Activity (10 February) (Daily, FEB10) {382 words} Job 2:6 => God's Governing Activity {368 words} Job 3:23 => El Shaddai - The Lord God Almighty (About God, Chapter 4c) (296 Words) Job 3:23 => Five Of The Names For God {862 words} Job 4:8 => Zechariah Wrote About Repentance (07 August) (Daily BC, AUG07) {357 words} Job 5:13 => Believing the Old Testament - (Part I) (IWILL, Lesson 5) {1,754 words} Job 5:13 => Canon Process, The (Logic, chapter 4b) {2,632 words} Job 5:17 => Knowledge, Righteousness, And Virtue {634 words} Job 5:17 => Seek Knowledge, Righteousness and Virtue (15 August) (Daily, AUG15) {360 words} Job 8:1-22 => Bildad Falsely Proclaimed Job to be Evil (30 September) (Daily BC, SEP30) {379 words} Job 9 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:1-35 => Even Job Struggled with Difficulty (20 October) (Daily, OCT20) {417 words} Job 9:1-35 => Job Was Not Totally Patient (10 January) (Daily BC, JAN10) {408 words} Job 9:3 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:16 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:20 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:27 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:28 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 9:33 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 12:7-9 => Bible And Its Consistency With The Proofs For God's Existence, The {707 words} Job 15:1-35 => Eliphaz Declared Job to be Wicked and Sinful (22 November) (Daily BC, NOV22) {405 words} Job 19:1-29 => Job Believed in God Even When Times were Tough (19 September) (Daily BC, SEP19) {396 words} Job 19:21 => One of God’s Names is El Qanno, the Jealous God (04 December) (Daily, DEC04) {347 words} Job 19:25 => Choose The First Resurrection and Live (26 March) (Daily, MAR26) {381 words} Job 19:25 => Resurrection and The Judgments, The (609 words} Job 21:7-26 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words} Job 22:23-26 => One of God's Names is the Almighty (12 June) (Daily, JUN12) {377 words} Job 26:7 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Job 32:8 => One of God's Names is the Almighty (12 June) (Daily, JUN12) {377 words} Job 33:4 => One of God's Names is the Almighty (12 June) (Daily, JUN12) {377 words} Job 33:4 => What the Bible Teaches Us About God - He is the Creator (IWILL, Lesson 13) {935 words} Job 36:27-29 => Most Important Notes from APOL 290 (Lessons 17-24) {4,353 words} Job 37:1-24 => God Has Revealed Himself in His Word (13 February) (Daily, FEB13) {380 words} Job 38:1 => Experiential Aspect of Poetry, The {1,001 words}


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