The Royal Carpet


GREETING CARDS - send a personalized greeting card
ART - art, painters, comics, drawing
COLLEGE - scholarships and aid, applying tips
MUSIC - music from around the world, lyrics
BIOLOGY - fields of biology, useful links
SCIENCE - math, physics, chemistry, etc.
RELIGION - information on all religions
FRIENDS - allies of the Royal Carpet, TAMSters
INDIA - the majesty of the subcontinent
LITERATURE - Shakespeare to modern lit
MEDIA - tv, radio, paper, magazines, movies
NATURE - wildlife, ways to save the earth
QUOTES - advice and famous sayings
LINKS (Add yours!) - automatically add your link
SIGN GUESTBOOK - leave your mark here!
VIEW GUESTBOOK - see what others have written
WEBRINGS - web ring connections to other sites
AWARDS - awards this site has earned

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The Remedy Page
Email us
Here you can choose from a variety of our own greeting designs and send a postcard to say you visited the Royal Carpet! Or send a card for any occasion.

Click Here to Send a Personalized Royal Carpet E-mail Greeting Card
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To send a personalized poem, story, song, or any writing to anyone you want, visit Perfect Words

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updated 9/6/00