my words SCRIPTURE, or Scriptural perspective WT view / quotes / info PERSONALITY concept EMPHASIS
Does the WT Misquote Scholars ?
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The WT wants you to believe that PARAKLETOS means "HELPER" (rather than "ADVOCATE")
because almost any-THING can be a "helper" but only a PERSON can be a true "ADVOCATE".

Compare the left column from the Awake magazine, with the column on the right.
While attempting to add "scholarship" to their viewpoint, the WT clearly takes the quotes from the TDNT out of context.
Awake! Mar 22/71, p.27 Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
(vol. V, pages 800, 803, 804, 812, 814)
How, then, are we to understand the references to the holy spirit as the Paraclete or Comforter, as if it were a personage? And why does the Bible use such personal pronouns as "he" and "himself" with reference to the "Spirit of truth"? (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 13, Dy, AV) Since all Scripture is truthful and inspired of God, there must be a reasonable explanation.-2 Tim. 3:16, 17.  
What Jesus promised was another pa·ra'kle·tos.

In extra-Biblical Greek literature

A. The Linguistic Problem

1. Use Outside the NT.

that term was applied to a person who served as "a legal adviser or helper or advocate in the relevant court." Thus the history of the term in the whole sphere of known Greek and Hellenistic usage outside the NT yields the clear picture of a legal adviser or helper or advocate in the relevant court. The passive form does not rule out the idea of the parakletos as an active speaker "on behalf of someone before someone."
But in the Bible 2. The Meaning in the NT.
the word "seems to have the broad and general sense of 'helper.' "

(Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by G. Friedrich, Vol. V, pp. 803, 804)

The use of the term parakletos in the NT, though restricted to the Johannine writings, does not make any consistent impression, nor does it fit smoothly into the history of the word as described [in] 800-803. In 1 Jn.2:1, where Jesus Christ is called the parakletos of sinning Christians before the Father, the meaning is obviously "ADVOCATE," and the image of a trial before God's court determines the meaning. In Jn. 16:7-11 (cf. 15:26) we again find the idea of a trial in which THE PARACLETE, THE SPIRIT, appears (16:7, 13-15; 15:26; 14:16 f., 26) belongs to a very different sphere, and here (cf. Jesus in 14:16) parakletos seems to have the broad and general sense of 'helper."
While some Bible versions translate the word as "Comforter," "Advocate" or "Counselor," many modern Bible translations render pa·ra'kle·tos as "HELPER." B. The Historico-Religious Background of the NT Concept....

C. The NT Concept.

1. Of the various ideas linked with the word parakletos in the NT the MOST CLEARLY ETCHED is that of ADVOCATE at the bar of God in heaven.

As regards the translation of parakletos in Jn., the history of the word and concept shows that in the course of religious history subsidiary senses were interwoven into the PRIMARY sense of "ADVOCATE," so that no single word can provide an accurate rendering.

If we are to avoid the alien Paraclete, favoured by many translators and exegetes both old and new (806, 23 ff.), "SUPPORTER" or "HELPER" is perhaps the best, though the BASIC CONCEPT and sustaining religious idea is that of "ADVOCATE."

After comparing the left column with the right column, please compare the left column with Hebrews 10:29.
Of how much more severe a punishment, do you think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God
and who has esteemed as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified,
and who has outraged
{i.e. INSULTED} THE SPIRIT of undeserved kindness with contempt?

According to the WT,
Jesus, "holy spirit", & the sun
are all helpers.

According to Scripture,
-- our Advocate, Helper, Supporter, Comforter, Counselor (1Jn.2:1),
& so is THE HOLY SPIRIT (Jn.14:15-17,26; 15:26,27; 16:7,8,12-15).


{Here is the complete article from the Awake magazine. The words in the larger font below, are the words quoted in the left column above.} ~ "Your Word Is Truth" ~ The Holy Spirit—A Person? ~ WHILE Jesus was on earth with his followers he taught them as well as provided them with his help and guidance. But what was to happen after his death? Would they have no spiritual help?

On the night before he was executed Christ made an assuring promise to them, saying: "I will ask the Father, and he shall give you another Paraclete [Greek, pa·ra'kle·tos], that he may abide with you for ever. The spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, nor knoweth him." (John 14:16, 17, Catholic Douay Version [Dy]) Persons who use the King James Version (AV) may be more familiar with the term "Comforter," which that version uses instead of "Paraclete." In either case, many persons conclude that Jesus was promising that a divine person would help his followers, that the holy spirit or "Holy Ghost" is a person.

But does what the Bible says about the "Paraclete" or "Comforter" really prove that the holy spirit is a living person?

Both the Hebrew and Greek words for "spirit" are the same words that are translated "wind." Like the wind, the holy spirit cannot be seen; still it is an active force that can produce effects. Its being referred to as the "Spirit of God" or the "Spirit of the LORD" is evidence that it is an instrumentality that belongs to God.—Gen. 1:2; Judg. 15:14; AV, Dy.

Evidence of the impersonal nature of the holy spirit is found in the way it is mentioned in the Bible in association with other impersonal things, such as water and fire. As John the Baptist baptized with water, so Jesus would baptize with holy spirit and fire. (Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8; Acts 1:5) You can baptize a person with water or fire by immersing him in such, but you cannot baptize a person with another person. Hence, the holy spirit must be impersonal, as are fire and water. Also, the Bible speaks of persons as being "filled with" holy spirit, and of the spirit’s being "poured forth," which obviously rule out its being a divine person, a part of a triune Godhead.—Eph. 5:18; Luke 1:67; Acts 2:33; Dy.

How, then, are we to understand the references to the holy spirit as the Paraclete or Comforter, as if it were a personage? And why does the Bible use such personal pronouns as "he" and "himself" with reference to the "Spirit of truth"? (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 13, Dy, AV) Since all Scripture is truthful and inspired of God, there must be a reasonable explanation.—2 Tim. 3:16, 17.

What Jesus promised was another pa·ra'kle·tos. In extra-Biblical Greek literature that term was applied to a person who served as "a legal adviser or helper or advocate in the relevant court." But in the Bible the word "seems to have the broad and general sense of ‘helper."’ (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by G. Friedrich, Vol. V, pp. 803, 804) While some Bible versions translate the word as "Comforter," "Advocate" or "Counselor," many modern Bible translations render pa·ra'kle·tos as "helper."

Even though pa·ra'kle·tos was a word applied to a person who performed a certain function, this does not necessarily establish that the holy spirit is also a person. Its use in the book of John may be viewed simply as a personification. At Matthew 11:19 Jesus personified "wisdom" and depicted it as having "works" or "children." Yet "wisdom" is not a person with an individual existence. Also, Romans 5:14, 21 personalizes "death" and "sin" as reigning kings. But they are not living personages. Evidently Jesus did the same in regard to the spirit; he personalized something that was actually not a person.

Why, though, if the spirit is not a person, does the Bible refer to the "helper" or "Paraclete" as "he" instead of "it"? Pa·ra'kle·tos is Scripturally treated as the masculine form of the word. A feminine form is pa·ra'kle·tri·a. In speaking or writing Greek, if one uses either of these words, the pronouns applied to it must match in gender—"he" and "him" with pa·ra'kle·tos and "she" and "her" with a feminine form. It might be compared to the English words "emperor" and "empress." With "emperor" you use "he" and with "empress" you use "she," but with neither does "it" apply. Thus when John presents Jesus’ words about the "helper," he is simply following proper Greek grammar by employing personal pronouns such as "he" instead of the impersonal "it."

However, it is noteworthy that in the same context John uses the Greek word pneu'ma (spirit), which is neuter, having neither a masculine nor a feminine gender. In accord with Greek grammar, John employs the corresponding neuter pronoun au·to' (it), as at John 14:17. Many Bible translations hide this fact by substituting personal pronouns. (Dy, AV) Nevertheless, the 1970 Roman Catholic Bible translation called "The New American Bible" admits in a footnote on John 14:17: "The Greek word for ‘Spirit’ is neuter, and while [in this translation] we use personal pronouns in English (‘he,’ ‘his,’ ‘him’), most Greek MSS [manuscripts] employ ‘it.’"

Used as a noun pa·ra'kle·tos and matching personal pronouns can be employed in reference to something that is not a living person. This might be illustrated with how the word could be applied to the sun, the Greek word for "sun" being he'li·os. Anyone will admit that the sun is not a person; it does not think or live. Like the wind, (a'ne·mos) the sun is inanimate.

Nonetheless, the sun might be personified as a "helper," just as the holy spirit was personified as being. Jesus said that Jehovah makes "his sun rise upon wicked people and good." (Matt. 5:45) The sun does good, producing good effects. For instance, the sun helps the earth to produce vegetation. Also, scientists believe that the sun’s shining on a person’s skin helps him to produce Vitamin D, called the "sunshine vitamin." Thus, if a man was experiencing bone changes resulting from a lack of Vitamin D, a doctor might advise the patient to get more sunshine. The doctor could refer to the sun (he'li·os) as his "helper" (pa·ra'kle·tos) in bringing the man to good health. But the sun is still not a person. Neither is the holy spirit (pneu'ma, neuter), which serves as a "helper" too.

Consequently, what is recorded in John chapters 14 through 16 about the pa·ra'kle·tos (Paraclete, Comforter or helper) harmonizes with what the rest of the Bible says about the holy spirit. Jehovah through Jesus Christ used the holy spirit to help Christians in the first century C.E. By means of it as a "helper" they gained increased understanding of God’s purposes and prophetic Word. (Acts 2:33; 1 Cor. 2:10-16; Heb. 9:8-10) Men miraculously aided by the spirit spoke in foreign languages, explained God’s will and prophesied. (John 14:26; Acts 2:4; 21:4, 11; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; 14:1-4, 26) Thus, even though it is not a person, the holy spirit was used by God to help the Christians, to teach, to guide and to upbuild them.


Is "The Holy Spirit" a FORCE, or a Sentient BEING -- or BOTH ?

The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society's view on "The Holy Spirit"
deviates dramatically from the over-whelming majority of Bible-believing Christians, scholars, & researchers.
WT dictionaries contain the following very brazen & shocking statement that summarizes their view
& executes THE SPIRIT THE HOLY ONE !!!.

" The Scriptures themselves unite to show that
but is God's active FORCE

by which he accomplishes his purpose and executes his will

Insight p.1019, & Aid p.1543 ~ INSIGHT On The Scriptures (1988) is the updated version of AID To Bible Understanding (1971)

WOW !!! ~ IF The Holy Spirit is just a force, then I (& any truth-seeker)
would be compelled by intellectual honesty & integrity, to abandon belief in the Trinity & become a JW !!!
An honest, careful, thorough comparison of WT opinion with Scriptural evidence, shows there is no need to accept WT conclusions.

I don't view my work as a THEOLOGICAL DEBATE. There's no prize for the winner.
This research is to help JWs think about their eternal destiny -- it's about you & God, not about me.
If WT teaching is wrong, you are picking a fight with the most AWESOME BEING in the universe!
The Holy Spirit has emotion (intellect & will) & can be INSULTED & OUTRAGED !!!
Heb.10:26-31 warns:
For if we practice sin willfully {or stubbornly, or mindlessly, or blindly, or foolishly} after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left, 27 but [there is] a certain fearful expectation of judgment & [there is] a fiery jealousy that is going to consume those in opposition. 28 Any man that has disregarded the law of Moses dies without compassion, upon the testimony of two or three. 29 Of how much more severe a punishment, do YOU think, will the man be counted worthy who has trampled upon the Son of God & who has esteemed as of ordinary value the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, & who has OUTRAGED THE SPIRIT of undeserved kindness with contempt? 30 For we know him that said: "Vengeance is mine; I will recompense"; & again: "Jehovah will judge his people." 31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of [the] living God.
According to WT opinion:
  • only God the Father is Jehovah
  • The (Paraclete) Holy Spirit = God's Active Force
  • Jesus is a sub-God (a.k.a Michael the archangel).
  • According to Scripture:
  • Jesus is our Paraclete (Lawyer / Advocate) ~ 1Jn.2:1
  • The Holy Spirit is also our Paraclete ~ Jn.14:16,26; 15:26; 16:27

  • (Greek allos = another of the same kind -- not different-kind-heteros).

  • God The Father -- as the Active Force PARACLETE -- is same as Jesus, & must be demoted to the archangel level.

  • Or, God The (Paraclete) Son must be elevated to equality with God The Father.
  • And God The Spirit -- as same as Jesus PARACLETE -- must be promoted to equal Personhood & Godhood !!!
  • In other words, The Trinity is alive & well.
    Like the atheist who doesn't believe in God, JWs are in for a shock when they meet THE SPIRIT THE HOLY Paraclete-Lawyer-Advocate.

    Because of deliberate, consistent, repeated, systematic emphasis, programming & reinforcement
    (a.k.a. re-education, conditioning, mind control, thought reform, brain washing),
    JWs automatically equate & substitute the Bible expression
    "The Holy Spirit" with the WT's phrase "Active Force",
    ven though
    the "Active Force" phrase is a MISTRANSLATION & found only ONCE in their own Bible!!! See the NWT at Gen.1:2.

    Click here for more detail, & the WT's 28 Meanings / Senses / Interpretation-opinions for "ruach" & "pneuma" ( spirit ).

    SCRIPTURE distinguishes between:
  • The Awesome PERSON & the awesome POWER of The Holy Spirit (throughout Scripture)

  • The GIVER & the GIFT -- in Acts 2:4 for example:
    "...they all became filled with HOLY SPIRIT & started to speak with different tongues,
    just as
    was GRANTING them to make utterance".
    So obviously "pneuma" is not POWER-only or PERSON-only.
    The truth is that HE is an Awesome PERSON
    AND demonstrates HIS Awesome POWER.


    WT Basis for "FORCE" Concept

    My Response


    Scripture Basis for "PERSON" Concept

    A Absent Greek Definite Article 'the' Fact, BUT... A1 Comparison Chart: - DEMON pneuma (spirit)
    A2 Demon-Pneuma-Spirits are Sentient Beings
    A3 ABSENT Greek 'the' = Awesome POWER
    A4 PRESENT Greek 'the' = Awesome PERSON
    B Pneuma = Neuter Gender noun Fact, BUT... B1 Greek Nouns & Pronouns prove Awesome Person
    C holy spirit Associated with Impersonal Things Fact, BUT... C1 EMOTION = Personality
    C2 INTELLECT = Personality
    C3 WILL = Personality
    D The Holy Spirit has NO Personal Voice F A L S E D1 SPEAKS DIRECTLY & via Humans & Scripture
    E The Holy Spirit has NO Personal Name Unknown,
    but so what?
    E1 Names / Titles of The Holy Spirit
    E2 Testimony of Jesus (GOD-THE-WORD)
    F A 'Person' only because of Personification WT's FAULTY
    conclusion CONTRADICTS
    a host of
    "inconvenient" Scriptures
    F1 Testimony of the Whole NT
    F2 Comparison Chart: - PARACLETE (Advocate)
    F3 Awesome Scriptural Warnings
    F4 Greek Facts / Scholarship
    F5 Does the WT Misquote Scholars ?
    F6 Convincing Evidence (& "Michael")
    Click here for Kingdom Interlinear ~ Definite Article chart to see the various spellings of the neuter gender "the".

    Click here to Search a Greek Interlinear NT
    (Good info in "Tips".)
    Under "Online Bible Search" enter "spirit" beside "Search For ".
    Under "Version(s) " scroll down to "Greek Texts" & click on the next entry.
    Go back to "Search For:" box & click "Search:".

    You will be able to see (in the Greek text) when the definite article "the" is Absent (A3) or Present (A4) before or after "pneuma".
    For verses with TWO definite articles see Acts 1:16; 5:3,32; 7:51; 13:2; 20:23,28; 21:11; Heb.3:7; 9:8.
    (For more verses with double articles, click A1 above & see box 5 in all 3 columns.)

    Click here to Search a Greek NT. ~ Enter "pneuma" beside "Search" & click "GO" (top right).
    Click here for MULTIPLE Greek (& other) Bible CHOICES.

    Chart of interesting LINKS & other RESEARCH

    © 1999 - 2009 ~ All rights reserved. But non-commercial use is OK with me ~

    Email me if you feel I've made any errors, or misrepresented Watchtower theology in any way.
    I will make corrections immediately.
    P.S. There are no unanswered emails, so be assured that what I've written is fair, accurate, truthful, correct (& seemingly irrefutable).