~~~Parable of a Standing Leaf~~~
As a strong breeze blows, leaves are being blown all around. All of a sudden, you can see one leaf that seems to stand alone, as if being held and steadied by an unseen hand. Some of the other leaves blow to either side of the leaf as they continue on their journey, others blow against it, and some hit it head-on as if attempting to dislodge it from its stand. Yet the leaf continued its strong stance.
Some of the leaves came up to it and said, "Come! Join us! We know the way! We know where we're going."
"Do you?" asked the leaf.
"Yes, we do! Don't you?"
"Well," said the leaf, "I know this is where I AM to BE... now... in this moment."
The other leaves snickered, thinking this reply was ridiculous, and then asked, "Are you coming with us?"
"Hmmmmmm, no, I think I'll just observe. Thank you for the invitation anyway."
Several other groups asked the leaf to join them, but the invitation was always declined. The leaf held steadfast. In her observations, she began to notice that some groups did seem a bit more organized on their path than others were. Some went by in a whirling mass, almost as if they were in a race to see who could get there first, (wherever 'there' is). They continued to be scattered to and fro. These groups intrigued the leaf, as she began to notice them stepping all over each other in their run to the finish. They carried many tattered fragments from their struggles and battles with one another, as each one of them wanted to lead the others. Some in these groups ended up in a mass of piles against the underbrush, torn to shreds and worn out from their battle and struggles in their attempts to be the leader.
After many invitations for the leaf to join other's groups, and through many declines, the rumors of gossip began to flow from one group to another. The leaf can easily overhear their conversations, as their voices are being carried in the wind.
"Maybe she's too dense...too heavy to fly...She's had such a strong hold on the earth for so long that she's stuck in the mud and can't release her attachment to it...There MUST be something wrong with her...Maybe she's blind and can't SEE what we offer...Oh, well, to each his own."
Unswayed, the leaf continues to stand strong. She knows she is a part of a group that has no need to draw attention to its presence. She learns by looking at the world around her and listening to the beautiful harmonious melody in the sacred Silence. She observes the birds, the swaying trees, the blowing grass as it moves as though the Creator is running a comb through it. She stood, watched and learned. Every moment brings new teachings, new perspectives. Watching a bird fly from a branch of a nearby tree, she thought to herself, "Ah, yes, it IS the downstroke that makes the ascent...an action/effort taken on behalf of the bird himself."
She spoke with many in the insect kingdoms and began to learn of their innate abilities and how their communities are organized through joint effort.
She observes what takes place in the darkness of night and realized this too is necessary. The moon has certain effects on many things...plants and their roots, and brings moisture to their leaves. It also brings out certain animals who are nocturnal in nature....such as the owl with his great wisdom. The leaf loves observing the owl and is amazed at his courage to bellow out into the darkness, making his presence known. She noticed that the owl held no fear of the veil of the night, because it has the ability to see THROUGH the darkness.
She listens to the delicate whispers of the stars as they begin to make their appearance each evening. As the darkness sets in, they become ever more brilliant...to the physical sight, as well as in their wisdom. They speak to her of others who travel through their portals in many dimensional realms. She learned that the stars don't leave with the dawning of Day, but blend WITH the Light of the Dawn. They tell her things like:
"The Stars of the Morning,
Watch the Dawn come from Night,
Awaiting the Sun/Son rise,
So as to Blend with Its Light."
She has watched the Cloud Nation, as they gather for Fellowship and hold Tribal Council. She has seen them increase in strength as they come together, building in energy and thus bringing thunder, lightening and cleansing rain as they beat their rolling drums and dance to the rhythm.
She spoke with the rocks that sat near her. They hold the wisdom of the ages, as they have seen so many, many things take place over the eons of time. She looks to the standing trees all around her and soon learns of the richness of their wisdom, as they stand as living bridges, connecting the stones to the stars. She learned of their cycles and the beauty and opportunity of growth that each cycle holds. She sees their seeds of wisdom being passed through the seeds of their young. She began to see how the various branches of a tree can be symbolic of various religions, dogmas, and teachings...yet they all share the same trunk, the same root system, and the same Life Essence flows through it ALL. When any certain teaching no longer serves a purpose, the flow of that Life Essence simply stops giving Life to that particular branch, and it simply falls away...sometimes to be followed by a new shoot, new teachings.
Soon, she began to see the Oneness of all things. She saw how each corresponds with another. Her thoughts began to organize all she has learned thus far..."It's all interrelated, it's all connected. Each one of us is a vital part of the Whole. Without the Sun, or the Rain, or the Elements in the soil of the Earth, or without the Air, well, without any one of these, there would be no growth. Each and every aspect of the Creator effects the others....."
"Then, what of something like an echo? Or even the echo of our own thoughts and actions? What part of the echo does not return? What part of it is absorbed into all that surrounds it? How much of it continues on and on, never to end?"
The leaf continues to stand and contemplate. She observes and learns by being aware of all that surrounds her. This awareness teaches her of many worlds within worlds and has shown her how each one relies on the others. In the distance, she sees other leaves who also stand, seemingly alone. They make eye contact and bow their heads in recognition and acknowledgement. Soon, there's another.....and another.....until the area all around her is becoming filled with many standing leaves.
A Gathering has begun....the Council Fires are lit and the Elders are in their midst. They stand, hand in hand and heart to heart, as they observe, listen and learn. Each teaching brings new questions and new perspectives.
A gentle breeze comes and lifts them all into new planes of the Halls of Learning...a spiraling ascent has begun.
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