~~~Winds of Change~~~
The sacred seed of awakening Inner Consciousness lies within us all. As the current of the Divine Breath flows inward, another cycle is coming to a close and the seed yet awaits recognition, nurturance and growth in the masses of humanity.
While contemplating on this 'inbreath' current, I became aware of what can lie 'hidden' in the moment. I then noticed a hawk and began to observe its flight as it soared majestically across the vast sea of the blue sky. I began to be aware of the teaching it was sharing with me, as it began its upward spiraling flight.
He flew with a constant awareness of an unseen force, as the wind graced his outstretched wings, lifting him to new heights. He moved with the winds of the Divine current, moving gracefully, swiftly and with great ease. He instinctively knew how to adjust his wings so as to 'catch' the changing currents, thereby moving ever higher...continuing his intended journey as he spiraled ever closer to the radiant Sun. He had the freedom and the ability to change his path at any time...yet he chose not to.
This reminded me of how so many people struggle and resist change and attempt to fight against the natural flow of unseen forces. When we attempt to move against the current of that natural flow, we struggle, fight, and hardly get anywhere at all, (watch a bird trying to fly against the wind). We can attempt to resist the currents of the 'winds of change', yet we waste a great deal of energy in the struggle of that resistence.
Why do so many choose to resist the winds of change, as they dash, head-on, against a force stronger than their known-self? Because of fear of the unknown?
We have so often heard, "Go with the flow." Yet, by doing so, we are carried ever further away from what is consciously known, comfortable and secure. Now, we must ask ourselves, is it really secure? Or is it only a blinder...a boundary of limited beliefs that burn restlessly as untruth within ourselves?
To go with the flow and allow the current to carry us to new levels, we are in a position of seeing from a new perspective and can see more of the bigger picture. Obstacles that had previously seemed enormous, suddenly have become much smaller in size and meaning. We view our world from the angle and level of our perspective.
We all have the ability to glide as the hawk... spreading our wings and spanning the tide between the shores of the vast sea of Inner Consciousness. As we ride the waves of the Divine current, the sacred Breath carries us, in a spiraling motion, to new heights of awareness...moving us ever closer to the Infinite Source of the Son.
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~Since July 14, 1997---Thank you Come again!!!~
Page created and maintained by me:Karen