Archibald George Weston's Family

Archibald George WESTON was born 4 November 1890, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, s/o Walter Weston and Jane DAVIDSON. Archibald died 25 Dec 1981, in Balcarres, Saskatchewan.

Archibald's grandfather was William Weston, born 23 Jun 1821 in London, Middlesex, England, s/o James Weston, painter and glazier, and Elizabeth. On 8 Jun 1845 William married Elizabeth Ann Squibb, d/o Daniel Squibb, in London. In late May 1857, William and Ann, with 4 children, sailed for Canada, settling in Toronto, where a daughter, Alice was born. The family then moved to Madoc, Ontario, where Walter was born in 1861. The family moved again to Oswego, New York, USA, where twins George and Joseph were born.

At this time the American Civil War was raging, and an older son, Charles Daniel, lied about his age and joined the army. Fearing for the safety of their other sons, William and Ann returned to Ontario, where they remained. Following his stint in the Union army, Charlie Daniel became a sharpshooter in a wild west show.

Charlie Daniel was not the only colourful Weston character. According to family tradition, William's brother Henry, and Alfred, a son of William and Ann, were 2 of the many people who went to Africa to look for Dr. Livingstone.

I have been unable to get beyond James Weston, born ca. 1790, England, place unknown, but there are rumours of a connection to Kent. Family names include: Weston, Squibb, Welch, Glendenning, Lucas, Bodley, Boddy, Livingstone, Ingram and Clayton.


Descendants of James Weston

Descendants of Daniel Squibb

Weston Origins

Weston Geographical Locations


Weston Strays in England and Australia

Birth Registrations, England, 1837, 3rd Quarter

Weston Wills and Probates, England


Norman Weston's Page

Descendants of Humphrey Weston

Samuel and William Weston, canal builders

Weston Strays in Ontario

Welch Strays in Ontario


Upper left, the Canadian flag; upper right, the Ontario flag.


I would appreciate hearing from you if you are researching any of the same surnames.

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